10 Reasons Being A Kid with A Mom Who Blogs Rocks

It’s Monday Listicles time. This week is kid edition. The assignment was to list ten reasons why being a child is great. Or why it is not. It was up to us, so we talked to our kids.

We know our kids are some of the luckiest, most blessed kids on the planet. Pretty much everything about being a kid in one of our families rocks. When we asked them about their childhoods, most of them declined to comment (they were too busy running around enjoying this gorgeous spring weather), but we did hear some mutterings and complaints about the “stupid blog.” So, we’re going with that.  Erin and Ellen


       10 Reasons Being A Kid with A Mom Who Blogs Rocks


someecards.com - My mother used to bake cookies with me...but now she blogs and I pretty much raise myself.


Two (Direct quote from Jellybean)

someecards.com - So, Mom. Is this how this blogging thing is going to go? You just stealing my genius?



someecards.com - Nows that she blogs, my mom talks to me in Twitter slang.



someecards.com - I'm not sure my mother remembers my real name anymore, so I've learned to respond to my blog alias.



someecards.com - My mom used to actually make arts and crafts with me. Now she just pins them to her Pinterest



someecards.com - Love having to wait for my mom to edit her blog one more time before I can use the computer for my book report.



someecards.com - My mom use to make me pancakes, but now I get all of the cold cereal I can forage for because she is busy making someecards.



someecards.com - Once upon a time, my mother read bedtime stories to me. Now she just reads her blogger friends' status updates.



someecards.com - I haven't had a hot meal since my mom started artfully plating and photographing every dinner for Pinterest.



someecards.com - I miss the days before the blog. You know. When I could talk to my mom without her writing down everything I say.


Head on over to Monday Listicles and read some other great blogs. Or better yet, write your own list and link it up.

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44 thoughts on “10 Reasons Being A Kid with A Mom Who Blogs Rocks

  1. Stacey

    Oh, this is too funny!! I am always stealing my kids’ genius for blog posts – what else what I write about?! I did manage to make sugar cookies with my 2 year old this am (before he got bored and went to play cars). That must earn me some serious blog time later, right?? 😉

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Glad you like it. We wrote it while Ellen was driving to pick up her brood, and I was making dinner, correcting homework, and guiding a project. Didn’t quite know how to make that into an eecard, but this is how we roll. ; ) Erin

  2. Kathy Radigan

    I just loved this!! I am always saying to the kids, “do you mind if I use this?” The worst though was when my oldest accused me of giving up on the annual taking of the Christmas card picture after 20 different tries: You have never given up before, you are just doing this so you have something to write about. I always knew that kid was brilliant! So glad I found you on Twitter, now happily following you and look forward to reading more!
    Kathy Radigan recently posted..Not My FamilyMy Profile

  3. anna

    these are hilarious! once my kid said in front of everyone at a birthday party when i told her not to eat the giant, beautifully decorated cookie in the goodie bag (y’know for her health, since she had just had cake) “are you going to take a photo for your blog first?”

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Thanks! My kids actually had fun helping me make the someecards. Although the 13 y/o and I did have a stare down over the computer on Sunday because she needed to finish her physics project. Consequently, I was finishing the post at midnight. 🙂 Ellen

  4. Stacey

    Hahahaha! Seriously, best post ever!! It’s kind of sad that I have had to tell a kid to wait a couple of minutes to use the computer for homework because I am “working” on something! Such a great list!


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