May Bloggers Dance: Cruising

Erin: We are such fans of Stasha’s Monday Listicles because they always seem to coincide with things going on in our lives. Or maybe it’s just that between the two of us, we always have so much stuff going on that we can pretty much twist any topic to fit.

Ellen: This week’s topic was presented by Stacey from Mothering Moments in support of her wonderful new link up called ‘An Hour In A Day’.  We were asked to make a list of ten things that happen in an hour of our lives.

Erin: I started to list what happened in an hour of my day and I just couldn’t go on. Didn’t have the stomach for it. Didn’t want to see it in writing.

Ellen: So I took this puppy over because ALL OF THE HOURS of my past week have been consumed by making the #BloggersDance Party video for Kerry @HouseTalkN.

Erin: She is being soooooo melodramatic. It was only 30 hours.

Ellen: So without further ado,


1. Consult teenage daughter on how to make a movie in Movie Maker. Teenage daughter points out that I have yet to download any of my video clips. Good point.

2. Plug phone into the computer to download videos. Two of them will not download. Swear repeatedly as repeated attempts fail.

3. Resort to emailing the clips to myself off of my phone. Wait 1 hour because I have sporadic 3G coverage at my house. Yep, you read that correctly, that is one hour burned right there folks.

4 Spend hour waiting for email from myself by listening to scads of copyright free music. It ain’t all good or pretty, people.

5. Call Erin about sending her video clip to me.

6. Finally start making video. Realize that 3:54 minutes is an enormity of time to fill. Start to panic.

7. Call Erin for her video clip, AGAIN. Conversation starts with, “I don’t understand..” Realize I may just have to cut bait and move on.

8. Call friend to email me a compromising picture of Erin. Mary emails me the photo in five minutes. Mary moves to the top of my “Favorite Friend” list.

9. Cannot save video because I have maxed the memory on my computer. Spend three hours managing memory on my computer. Consume a glass of wine. Or two.

10. Long story immensely ( and blessedly) shortened: the video was produced and saved, uploaded to You Tube, and presented here for your viewing pleasure! Please let us know that the effort was worth it. Lie if you have to. We’re totally okay with that.

House Talkn

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62 thoughts on “May Bloggers Dance: Cruising

  1. Stacey

    What a frustrating process! And that sounds exactly like how it would go for me. It just figures that you didn’t have enough room on the computer for it! Way cute video!!

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      We have a history of tech woes, but we are learning to power through! 🙂

      So glad to have found your site through Stasha! Your concept for your link up is such a great idea! Ellen

  2. Stasha

    Totally love it. Husband watched over my shoulder and requested to see from the beginning. Well worth 30 hours of work. So y’all went to this vacation to shoot a video? On location production-how posh!
    Stasha recently posted..Monday ListiclesMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Thank you, Stasha! My youngest daughter, who did not support the filming of this thing at all, fell off of her chair laughing when she saw the finished product.

      Sadly, Erin was not on this vacation, hence the issues with getting her in the video. Thank you Mary and MS Paint! Ellen

  3. hollow tree ventures

    LOVE your video – you’re both such spectacular dancers! I wanted to participate (read: was scared to death), but I was sooo afraid of a computer debacle like yours, and if I know me (which I do) my computer would’ve gone through the window. 🙂
    hollow tree ventures recently posted..An Hour In A DayMy Profile

  4. Werdyab

    Loved it! If only your moves were on the Titanic, that ship would still be sailing the Seven Seas!

    Tell Erin that I can relate. I had all kinds of technical difficulties with mine, too. (In fact, there a “Making of” video if you want to check out the hot mess for yourself). I asked my husband to help me, and let’s just say that I almost had to site “blogger dance challenge” in the divorce decree. 😉

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Oh I saw your “Making of” video. You gave me back a tiny piece of my sanity. For that, I will always be indebted to you.

      I like how we crossed “Titanic” paths. 😉 Ellen

  5. Jen

    So from this video, I am going to make the assumption that the ‘chicken dance’ is your go to dance.

    I like it.


    Wooo Hooo!!! #BloggersDance

  6. Mary

    I think a dance night is in our future. With Ellen doing the Chicken Dance and Erin the stick dance – I don’t know if I dare to get on the dance floor with the two of you – Your moves will bring the house down – lol!!

  7. Runnermom-jen

    Hahahahahahaha!!! Thank you for the laugh!! I love the stick figure dancing-how can anyone follow that? 😉
    P.S. Technical difficulties are the worst!!! I hate wasting time on figuring things like that out.
    Runnermom-jen recently posted..One Hour a DayMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      The weird thing is, they didn’t even really see me. The scene where she is pointing? She is looking right through me and almost walked into me. People are so oblivious that I really wasn’t making a spectacle of myself. Ellen

  8. paul

    You made me spit my coffee all over my computer desk. It’ll take an hour to clean it. Hilarious, the Chicken Dance and pole dancing, never did I think I would see the two together. You two crack me up. Great job.
    paul recently posted..A Cinderfella StoryMy Profile

  9. Susi

    Sounds like a process. And I was going to try my hand at vlogging. Eeek. Thank goodness for teenage daughters… Unfortunately, I can’t see the video… it says missing plugin. 🙁
    Susi recently posted..The first hourMy Profile

  10. Jennifer

    Ellen! You are a Chicken Goddess! Even rocking the bikini! And a pole dancer to boot. I bow down to you.

    Erin, The cowgirl hat rocks. But I agree, stick figures are so 1980.

    Jennifer recently posted..Ah, Nature!My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Thank you for mentioning the elephant in the room! Me dancing in my bathing suit. I was so desperate for footage that I used it. You saw my tech woes. By the time I had my tech problems worked out, I did not give enough of a crap to film anything else. My teen daughter thought it was okay so I was like “Meh.” Ellen

      And Erin was lucky I only did stick figures 😉

  11. Kim@Mamamzungu

    You guys are the absolute best!! Pairing the chicken dance with techno music? Inspired!

    I’ve made one video in my life (snippets of our homeymoon) and it sucked at least 30 hours of my life, which I will never get back. Damn you Movie Maker!!!
    Kim@Mamamzungu recently posted..An Hour In My Day – BloggingMy Profile

  12. Ado

    Sure, “Erin could not upload her video.” Uh-huh!
    This was fantastic!!!! I love your ducky-dance – and I can tell it’s very brave of you because it’s not your normal “thing” to dance in public. You deserve a medal! FAB!
    Ado recently posted..The Psychopath Test For MomsMy Profile

  13. Kimberly S. (Sperk*)

    I am just getting to looking at the #BloggersDance videos and, oh, what a treat! Glad you were able to figure out the technical stuff to get it posted. What program did you use to create Erin’s dance? Fun stuff, makes me love you even more! 😉
    Kimberly S. (Sperk*) recently posted..However: PTSDMy Profile

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