We Are Anti Bucket Lists

Ahhh, skip rocks, dip toes in a babbling brook, get eaten by mosquitoes–the joys of slow parenting.

It’s no secret that we are summer girls so the whole slow parenting idea going around the internet piqued our interest. In theory, this is how we do this season—without shoes or schedules. But once we got talking, we realized that, of course as with all things with labels, the truth is not that neatly tied with a bow, even one as pretty and appealing as slow parenting.

For one thing, there are some downsides. Some people think the slow parenting movement is all about privilege and it’s hard not to concede that point at least a little. We are after all talking about the choices we make when we have all the choices to make.

For all the other things, you are going to have to listen to our conversation. We promise to poke fun at Erin’s sense of nostalgia with a graduating senior, discuss our own worries about the dangers of too much nostalgia, and help you feel good about your decision to send your kid to summer camp (especially one as fun as the Sisterhood Summer camp) or not. We even talk about launching our own parenting philosophy to take over the internet.

We Are Anti Bucket Lists

In any case, we are having a great discussion about parenting, summer, and asking the question: What’s your philosophy? If you can fit us in between dips in the pool and some summer refreshments, get over here already.

-Erin and Ellen


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Check out our books, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”

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Just click here to hear our whole talk!

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