Tag Archives: Baby

The Last Firsts and Other Reasons It’s Awesome to Be the Baby of the Bunch

Siblings provide the dynamite in family dynamics. All that jockeying for position means that somebody has to come out on top. In our experience, that numero uno position can change daily or even hourly, but we will concede that some spots definitely carry with them an inherent advantage. Here are some reasons it’s awesome to be the baby of the bunch, especially a super-sized one like Erin’s.

Awesome to be the baby


1. The Last Firsts

Every moment is precious. Your parents may have seen “this” time and time and time again, so nothing is new here. But older is wiser. These moments are fleeting and they give the moment its proper due. This usually means that Mom and Dad are moved enough to douse an occasion, like First Communion, with a heavy dose of sentimentality, but not necessarily so moved as to spring for some proper attire or to schedule a haircut.


Why it's awesome to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

This would never happen to a first born.

2. Parents are more chill.

Having been there there and done that a time or five means that they seriously can barely muster a look let alone a sweat for the small stuff, so you get off a lot easier than your trail blazing siblings. They allow your hair to grow past your ears, don’t lose it when you leave your luggage behind, and have been known to let you scavenge for your own dinner. Need more proof? See EXHIBIT A. The good news for you is that they probably will barely notice that you haven’t brushed your teeth in three days. Leave it your siblings and close friends to bring that to your attention.


3. You appreciate the simple joys of life.

More kids means less cash. Your parents’ jet-setting days went away about the same time they invested in that second fridge to keep your brothers fed. This means one thing: YOU get excited when you get to go to a hotel pool.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


4. You have a built-in fan base.

You travel with your entourage. Sure, they may turn on you once in a while but they always come back and love on you or at least include you in their goofy antics.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


5. You get to be part of all the big moments long before you ever have to go through them.

Homecoming, Prom, Graduation, check. And that’s all before third grade.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


6. Being along for the ride means you get to do really cool stuff.

If your parents actually kept a baby book for you, it would be chock full of adventures a kid thrice your age would be lucky to have. Ever see a two year old on the Appalachian Trail or a three year old on a mountain summit or a four year old tubing at 65 miles per hour? Chances are that lucky kid was a younger sibling not just soaking up the fun but getting a chance to try bold, brave adventures long before other kids their age.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


7. You are never alone in this world—literally or figuratively.

Whether you are facing fierce monsters, fighting neighborhood bullies, or traveling through troubled waters, you can rest assured your people will carry you through whatever scares, threatens, or worries you.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


8. You are never more than five minutes from fun.

The fun never stops. Yep, you party like a Rockefeller or a Whovian. In any case, you are primed and ready for fun in any shape your people are laying down.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


9. You have a lot more freedom.

You aren’t just catching adventures early. You are exposed to movies, media, and culture much earlier than those that came before you. One of the reasons is that your tired but wise parents realize that some of those hard lines they drew for the others were nonsense. But in many other cases, they just came to acknowledge the hard truth that there is just no way to control the rich learning environment that older siblings provide. Wise parents hope that putting in the hard time with the older ones has a trickle down effect and wish/hope/light-candles-weekly-in-church/pray that the family lab produces a masterpiece and not a Frankensibling.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


10. You always have a hand to hold.

Feeling lonely? Bored? Anxious? Just reach out. You’ve got people and they are right there.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


11. Flexibility is your middle name and super power.

You can get your homework done in bleachers, you can eat dinner in the back of the minivan, and you can catch some ZZZs on a blanket in a closet. People may call you lots of things, but rigid will never be one of them.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


12. You keep us real.

The tweens and teens may think they are too cool for strawberry patches and cartoons, but the sheer nature of your existence removes any guile and lets us all indulge the little kids we all secretly wanna be. They might never tweet or instagram about those cheesy kid movies you watch together but secretly they don’t mind them at all.

Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


13. The last shall be first.

Front and center of all the family fun, the baby is in many ways the most powerful creature in the family universe. On bad days, you may feel like you are always running to catch up, but focus on all these really good things about being the family caboose. The truth is that you slow us down in the best possible ways. You make us kinder, gentler, more considerate people because we have to think about your needs. You get all of the best and worst we have to offer and are using all that ammo/info/love to help you grow into somebody really special.

But we’ll try to stop calling you the baby. Them’s fighting words.


Why it's great to be the baby of the bunch---Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms 


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Check out our books, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”


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Sure That Baby Gift Is Cute, But Can You Bleach It?

Oh, baby showers, it’s really nothing personal, you just offer up such good material.

Sure That Baby GIft is Cute But Can You Bleach It

Erin:  First, we need to reiterate that we love babies, mothers-to-be, our families, our friends, and all uterus and non-uterus-bearing women.

Ellen: I think storks will be outraged because you forgot them in that disclaimer.

Erin: Whatever. Let the Audubon Society get in line because we are back to skewering baby showers.

Ellen: I really did enjoy our cathartic rant over baby shower games. I hate those games . . . except for the ones we made up.

Erin:  “How Dilated is She?” has a touch of evil genius to it although you’re the only party guest I know who could win it.

Ellen: What’s the point of creating a game if you can’t win it? But just to be clear, we were joking. We know people freeze plastic babies in ice cubes, but it’s going way too far to pull out exam gloves at a shower.

Erin: Good advice, but I have bigger fish to fry than games. I say it is high time to give some traditional baby gifts the boot, too. I can no longer sit idly by–eating my quiche and sipping my punch served from a bowl with rubber duckies in it–and let the notion continue that these gifts are good ideas. I will be silent no more!

Ellen: Like you have ever been silent. Is this what you had in mind?

I'll watch over your baby.

Favorite lovey or topic of future counseling?

Erin: Holy Cheez-Its, Woman! No! Burn it! WHY would you suggest that? I was thinking on a more subtle level.

Ellen:  Maybe Dexter’s mom didn’t have enough sense to reject that gift, but you’re right, a gift doesn’t have to be terrifying to be bad. You know the gifts, the ones that seem all great, but once you’re in the thick of newborn parenting you realize they’re totally useless AND they’re a waste of a huge chunk of change?

Erin: Yes, those gifts take up nursery real estate and waste cash that could have padded the babysitting fund . . .

Ellen: Or the earplugs and caffeine fund. So you were thinking more along these lines?

Why is the myth of infant bedding still believed?

Why is the myth of infant bedding still believed?

Erin: Yes! Exactly! The only thing these lovely bedding packages have of any worth is the crib sheet and that gets bleached to white no matter what color it started out in life. The rest ends up balled up in a closet because it’s too nice to be used as barf rags. What a waste!

Ellen: Well wasting closet space is the only place for it because, don’t forget, it is also a suffocation hazard.

Erin: This set should also come with a helmet because the canopy would make an awesome escape route when your baby suddenly learns to climb during nap time–the nap time where you finally get the nerve to take a shower AND shave your legs.

Ellen: You know what the true travesty is? It’s usually the grandmas who are buying this shizzle. They should totally know better.

Erin:  To be fair, it DOES look pretty in the catalog. Which brings me to another cute gift that should never be purchased. . .

Ellen: Wait a minute. I know we have been down on baby showers, but why are you hatin’ on cute? Remember I made this for my sister-in-law’s shower.

Diaper Cake Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Erin: Your diaper cake is adorable, but it is also practical. Those are DIAPERS. Babies need a crapload of those.

Ellen: You’re so punny. But the practicality goes even deeper than you know. Those diapers are wrapped around a bottle of red vino. A little gift for momma for when the breastfeeding is over.

Erin: See! Everything about that gift is absolutely useful. I’m talking about this kind of cute.

Really? Do you really think it was a good use of those 2 hours to stuff me in this sweater?

Really? It took my mom 2 hours to wrangle my melon through this neck hole. See my face? I’m a baby and even I know this sweater is redonkulous.

Erin: A $200 cashmere, yes cashmere, sweater for a baby screams “My parents are clueless. Please save me.”

Ellen: It should also shout “Disposable!”  because when the inevitable spit-up. . .

Erin: and explosive poop. . .

Ellen:  happen, even a hazmat team is never getting it cleaned. Never! Who has the time or the cash for that?

Erin: Exactly! That money would better be spent on a fleet of indestructible, bleachable, versatile onesies.

Ellen: Ones you can chuck without feeling like a mortgage payment was lit on fire.

Ellen: Alright, I have another gift. It wastes money and it’s not even cute: The Wipe Warmer.

wipe warmer

Want to upcycle yours? Toulouse and Tonic has some hilarious ideas.

Erin: This present hits all the right buttons with the over-eager, ready-t0-dominate-the-game-of-motherhood-types. No lukewarm or chilly wipes will touch the fanny of their precious offspring. This gift sends a message that every detail of parenting is important. The fact of the matter is that you will be changing that baby on the sofa or the rug or your grandma’s antique tea cart, putting you miles away from that lovely plugged in wipe warmer. Good thing too because all that sucker does is dries them out.

Ellen:  You know what, Pollyanna? I’m going to take your crown of sunshine and positivity and throw out a shower gift that is always right: books.

Erin: Perfect! There are always so many hours in the night that need to be filled while you’re feeding . . . and feeding again. And you can only watch so much crappy TV in between the feedings before you start to go a little crazy.

Ellen: Don’t forget the sleepless nights when you’re pregnant too.

Erin: Especially towards the end.

Ellen: I had never experienced insomnia in my life until my third trimester. Between sleeping with what felt liked a honey badger burrowing under my ribs, the heartburn eating through my chest, and the constant peeing, I felt like I slept 15 minutes at most. I wish I had these books to pass the time.

At Least My Belly Hides My Cankles

by Paige Kellerman


We’re not completely suggesting you toss out your “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” but you have to realize it lacks one important thing: HUMOR. “Cankles” gives pregnant women and all moms really, the satire they need. Let’s face it, being pregnant is ridiculous. From the morning sickness, to the epic peeing, to always being the designated driver, Paige lampoons them all in the most hilarious way possible. We are partial to her roast of the sexy Halloween costume.

THIS should be your next baby shower gift because the back of the book sums it up nicely: “This book is a must-read for any mother, or anyone who has a mother to whom they probably need to apologize.”

You can purchase it here:
At Least My Belly Hides My Cankles: Mostly-True Tales of An Impending Miracle

 Ketchup is a Vegetable: And Other Lies Mothers Tell Themselves

by Robin O’Bryant

You can buy it here.

This New York Times Bestseller is the perfect blend of charm, humor, and nod-your-head-along truth. In our society where mothers are constantly encouraged to strive for perfection, Robin makes it clear that ‘Imperfectly Good’ is a high compliment. She will make you laugh until you cry when she talks about her family’s improbable visit from the FBI,her Big Berthas,and her faux cuss words. Her awkward naked moments are worth the price of admission into her world. This book is a nugget of comedy gold with a sweet center of tenderness.

You can purchase it here:

Ketchup Is A Vegetable: And Other Lies Moms Tell Themselves

Erin: You may not be able to bleach these either, but they make a fantastic gift. . .

Ellen: For the new Momma and all the Mommas throwing back the punch and cupcakes.

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If Moms Formed Rock Bands

Kim from Let Me Start By Saying wrote an epic post How Being a Parent is Like Being a Rock Star. It plays so true. Check out this little sampling.

7. Groupies follow you to the bathroom.

But this got us to thinking, if we are rock stars, and oh hellz yeah we are, we need a band, right? But motherhood is ever changing, so the band that would be right for us today might not be right for us tomorrow. So without further ado . . .


If Moms Formed Rock Bands

1. Magnificent People Makers

So maybe we can agree Adam Levine is hardcore, but he’s not carry a baby in his uterus for nine months then rocket it out of of his body hardcore. That’s what we’re talking about. Shakira represent!

2. Crushed Colic Cowgirls

We would rather ride bucking broncos being chased by bulls with Thor threatening to strike us with his hammer than live through one more second of colic.

3. Weaning Breast Milk Blossoms

Plain White T’s are so 2000s;  drippy over-sized t’s are where it’s at. Ladies, let’s show our excitement for this trend! Don’t let us down!

4. Smashing Peas

Concerts would be epic. Can you imagine a mosh pit filled with pureed legumes?

5. Toddler Safety Patrol

Have you heard our hit song No-Stitches-No-Broken-Glass-No-Pennies-In-Outlets-No-Shaved-Cats-Ever-On-Our-Watch?

6. Playdate Punks

Sometimes this band rocks and sometimes it just makes your ears bleed.

7. The PTA Presidents

This band thrives on drama, back stabbing and passive aggression. We only want to see the new green apple Skittles in our bowl. Understand?

8. The Voices of Reason and The Hormonal Screaming Banshees

This band needs a lot of wine with a side of Jameson. Earplugs would also help-the voices of reason and the banshees could fight over them.

9. Biting Nails

We’re going to have to lay down some awesome tracks to get us through dating, driving, and college applications.

10. Conflicted Empty Nesters

Just hold us. We’re going to need some serious groupie love to get us through. And once again beverages. Of the pinot noir and whiskey variety. It appears the more things change the more they stay the same.

-Ellen & Erin


Thank you Stasha for inspiring us with the Monday Listicle topic  – Real or Imagined Band Names. Check out what everyone else rocked out with.



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