Tag Archives: Pinterest

10 Ways Fall Will Foil You

Fall is a glorious respite between the heat and intensity of summer and the cold and bustle of winter. For those of us spellbound by the mind control allure of Pinterest and its goading to craft vintage paper leaf wreaths or fashion pumpkins out of mason jar lids (a real craft, y’all!), fall represents a simple beauty not found in the busier and flashier holiday season to come.

10 Ways Fall Will Foil You -- Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Pinterest source

Fall is seemingly perfect in its jewel tones and crispness. The sunburn of summer is a fading memory and the frostbite of winter is far away, but the truth, dear friends, is there is darkness lurking under every golden maple leaf. Sure Fall lures you in with its golden sunshine and its crafty crafts, but don’t let your guard down because fall will foil you!

Yeah, we have some gripes with autumn being the "perfect" season. #humor --10 Ways Fall Will Foil You -- Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


1. Pumpkins— What fault can be found with pumpkins? Whether lit as a jack-o’-lantern or left  as is, the humble pumpkin screams as the poster child of bounty and harvest . . . until they get you screaming for another reason.

Sure they look wonderful decorating your front stoop, but these beauties are inevitably forgotten in the monster mash that is Halloween. Frost and mold take their toll until Ellen is yet again scooping the squishy remains of her pumpkins off the front porch with a snow shovel. It’s like a welcome wagon for fruit flies! Yaaaayyy.

I look all shiny and pretty now, but just wait until I am spilling my rotten innards.

2. Football –We used to love the occasional college football game and Ellen even enjoys the NFL, but now we both have high schoolers and EVERY Friday night is a football game.

Our derrieres are frozen to the bleachers, our eyes are glazed over from the mediocre action, and our tummies are either growling from hunger or gurgling with rebellion over the crappy snack bar fare. Thanks, Fall, for turning an occasional diversion into a mandatory march. Go team!

3. Orchards—Nothing says Fall like a trip to your local orchard to get fresh apples, BUT, Danger, Will Robinson! You’re lured in with the promise of fresh air and good old-fashioned family fun. You get invigorated by the thought of a fabulous family photo perfect for a Facebook humblebrag . . . until you realize you’re being hunted like antelope on safari by a pack of yellow jackets. You know you can just buy apples at the store, right?

4. Apple Cider Donuts— Once again we have the damn orchards to blame for this one.You cannot escape the powerful grip of this confection because we’re pretty sure the farmers pipe the delicious aroma of frying donuts to all four corners of the farm. You’re pretty much yelling “Give me ALL the donuts!” by the time you hit the checkout line. But this yumminess really hits you on the bottom line, or rather, the backside. Good thing big booties seem to be the in thing.

5. Pumpkin Latte— Fall is for pumpkin-ing the everything. Ellen loves a good HOT pumpkin latte, but she limits herself to just one or two each year. It was with more than a little trepidation that she accepted the ICED pumpkin latte when they bungled her order, but she thought “Why not? How bad could it be?”


It should ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NEVER BE SERVED COLD. EPIC FAIL. Thanks for screwing up Ellen’s reward to herself for passing on the apple cider donuts.

6. Spiders— It’s THEIR season and we are all just living through it. Enough Said. <shiver>

7. Bipolar Temps— Fall is the ficklest of friends. Sometimes Fall will bring you temps that will make you think you woke up in July. And then again, Fall might bring you a visit from Jack Frost.

It makes deciding what to wear on a daily basis one of the trickier things you might have to navigate. Thank goodness for layers! Start the day in polar fleece, end it in a tank top.

8. Footwear— Is it okay to wear boots because it’s October, even if it’s still 80 degrees? Are flip-flops okay paired with a cardigan? Note to the chick wearing flip-flops with socks in the Starbucks line: THAT is not the best of both worlds.

9. Freakin’ Leaves—  ‘Tis the season for Mother Nature to throw a tantrum in your yard like a magazine-shredding toddler. If Fall didn’t break you with the yo-yoing temps, the flesh-hungry yellow jackets, or the donuts threatening to balloon your booty, the LEAVES will seal the deal.  And someone needs to come up with a better solution than the trusty old Rake-and-Bag because we don’t have time for the Motrin-and-Ice that follows.

10. Corn Mazes— Bottom line: You’re coughing up hard-earned cash for the opportunity to get lost. And you WILL get lost. Forty-five minutes later, you’re crashing through the border, hot, muddy, and agitated . . . only to  be scolded by the teenaged employee because you did not use the exit that was “clearly marked” on the map from hell. Fordeville Diaries knows EXACTLY what we’re talking about.

Thank goodness there’s an apple cider donut ready and waiting for you and your Donner party.

Feel like we’ve been Debbie Downers? Check out our recipes that use that modern marvel: canned pumpkin. Total autumnal upside.

Hope you are enjoying your autumn!

Erin and Ellen



You can follow us on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Check out our books, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”


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The Carnival is Just Like Summer School. Really.

Have you gotten to that point in the summer where, if your kids are anything like ours, you can actually see the knowledge oozing out of their ears like a Popsicle melting on a parking lot seven inches away from the concession stand?

Was this the summer you weren’t going to let that happen?

Did you have every intention of making multiplication flash cards, but haven’t mustered the enthusiasm to buy the index cards or to install the app or to use the calculator on your phone?

Did you purchase the ingredients for that Thunderstorm in a Cup experiment you saw on Pinterest, but they are still clanking around in your trunk with the jumper cables?

Did you check out the entire Charles Dickens collection with every intention of constructing a kicky homage diorama with your kids, but the books are way past due and the librarians are starting to don brass knuckles when you enter the building?

Yeah, summer enrichment seems like a great idea in April when the air is warming and life feels fresh and new. But then the End of  School Year Gomorrah sucks the life out of you with the endless sports banquets AND field trips AND plays AND concerts AND awards assemblies so that even packing school lunches makes you want to strangle a bluebird.

Then summer hits with its breezy schedule and you think, “We all deserve a little break before buckling down,” and before you know it, the only exam your kids can pass is the swim test and you have the motivation of a sloth at a sleep convention to do anything about it.

But we have the solution! TAKE ‘EM TO THE CARNIVAL!

What? Don’t roll your eyes at us. Allow us to construct the excuse justification reasoning, so that by the end you’ll be calling your accountant to write off the whole adventure as an education expense.

Six Ways the Carnival is Just Like a Day at School

1. Health Class

Why just learn about how the colon works when you can see it in action? Experiment with how quickly a $3.00 chili dog with three pumps of pseudo-cheese and extra relish can initiate a colon cleanse in a 40 year old woman. Which leads us to . . .

2. Gym Class

The Race to the Porta Potty Dash where we ALL win if she makes it in time. Watch her hurdle small children and hold in sharts with absolutely no grace whatsoever.

3. History Class

It’s tons better than any textbook. It’s living history really. Where else can you hear a theatrical re-telling of “Tales of  Severed Fingers and the Ferris Wheels That Caused Them” by a safety inspector who was alive during the Civil War?

4. Biology Class

Two words: Ball. Pit. So much surface area for so many germs. Each child can get a different disease: ebola, and chiggers, and warts, oh my! Experience is so much better than any book learnin’. Med school here we come!

5. Language Arts

There are OODLES of opportunities for grammar lessons . . . and that’s just in the line to get ride tickets. Explain how the eff bomb is a noun, verb, and an adjective. Oh, and the reading opportunities are so varied and fun! There are signs everywhere–goodies such as “No urinating on the electrical cords” and “May cause death or mutilation.”

That brings us to everyone’s favorite . . .

6. Math Class

Your child will be able to ace the SATs before they hit puberty with problems like these:

If an unlimited ride bracelet costs a bajillion dollars and 20 tickets costs a bajillion dollars divided by 2 (take into account every ride takes an odd number of tickets, but they are only sold in even sets), how big is the second mortgage you must take out on your home to prevent your child leaving the carnival in tears because they were denied one last chance to spew chunks of their neon blue snow cone on the Tilt-A-Whirl?

See? SEE!? You a believer now? You’re welcome. Now go call your accountant about that tax break and tell them the Sensible Moms sent you.

-Ellen and Erin


You can follow us on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Check out our books, please, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”

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Catcrap Crazy Pintershizz on Pinterest

What is it about cats that makes them synonymous with crazy? Is it their aloofness or their murderous tendencies? Is it merely because of the alliteration? The term “Crazy Cat Lady” rolls off the tongue while “Crazy Dog Woman” or “Crazy Gerbil Guy” aren’t even things. Well, the gerbil guy may be a thing, but we’re too afraid to Google it.

We’ve had our own run-ins with cat craziness. Heck, Erin can’t even keep the cats in her house straight. She had an imposter living with her for a while. Wait, does that qualify her as a Crazy Cat Lady or just crazy?

Either way, that story is not as crazy as some of the cat inspired items you can find on our pal Pinterest. That mess is just catcrap crazy pintershizz.

Catcrap Crazy Pintershizz on Pinterest

1. Let’s start with the cat crap.

We know people live in small spaces and want to hide the litter box, but this is how we see this one playing out . . .

Imagine a Norman Rockwell perfect holiday. Everyone has feasted and now the family has settled down to play Scrabble, but wait, there is a dispute over the word “scurrilities.” You, the host, jauntily proclaim, ” I cry foul! Spellcheck doesn’t even recognize it . . . FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, AUNT LINDA, THERE IS NO DICTIONARY IN THAT CABINET! PUT ON YOUR GLASSES!”



2. You need a sharp pencil to keep score.

After almost grabbing a handful of litter box party favors, imagine the hoot Aunt Linda will get when you send her to sharpen her pencil in this gem.

Source: fab.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest



3. Tastefulness is key when decorating.

No one likes potty humor? Tell that to the whoopie cushion industry, but we can’t guarantee Aunt Linda will understand.



4. Continuing with the “Steal Your Soul” sub-theme.

Any ol’ (crazy) person can decorate in a cat theme, but it is the true genius who weaves a subtle sub-theme, drawing you in with its complexity. What would go better with the above demonic cat toilet seat than a Stepford Cat toilet brush holder? Buy a spare for Aunt Linda. She’ll enjoy the company when she visits the loo in the dark hours of the night.


5. Taking it to the next level.

Anybody with money to burn can buy cat themed items, but those dedicated to their decorating make their own accessories. USING CAT HAIR. Imagine the chuckles “Allergic to Cats Aunt Linda” will enjoy when you tell her, “Sure I have Benadryl. It must be hard to see with your eyes swelling up like that, but it’s in the little box on the back of the toilet.” Wink, wink.

Source: etsy.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest


(If you need more laughs today, please click on this pin to see the Etsy store for this!)


6. Maybe you should issue a warning.

If you had this doormat, maybe everyone wouldn’t be buggin’ and saying Aunt Linda’s trip to the ER was all your fault. Were you really to blame that she forgot her EpiPen?

we decorate with cats


7. Take your show on the road.

Maybe the problem is you’ve been hiding your light under a bushel basket. Let the world know you love cats and tell the haters to stop their wheezin’. (We are talking to you Aunt Linda.) Regardless, this accessory pumps up the “Meow Factor” of any outfit.


Source: pbase.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest


8. Hold the phone!

Why carry around a facsimile when you can have a purse that is (almost) the real thing! Relax, it’s fake. Stop Googling Sarah McLAughlin phone number! Bonus: it won’t contribute to Aunt Linda’s anaphylaxis at all and she can stop muttering she’s writing you out of the will.


9. When subtle isn’t enough.

May we suggest the Crazy Cat Lady uniform? Wouldn’t this be a great gift to cheer Aunt Linda up in the hospital? It’s better than flowers because you really have to be careful about people’s allergies. Apparently.


10. We feel like that outfit is missing something.

Fill in your own jokes, but don’t write them in the comments. Our kids read this blog. And Aunt Linda’s sense of humor seems to be on the fritz.


Finally, Aunt Linda’s Revenge . . .

This is the only gift she’ll be giving you next year.

Dead cat


-Ellen and Erin

*No Aunt Lindas were actually harmed in the facetiousness of this post.


Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.

Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.


Follow us on Pinterest! We really do adore it. We just kid because we love.


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She is Not Your Yardstick

There is no shortage of judgment on the internet.

Erin:  It’s like End of Days.

Ellen: You’ve watched the fights . . .

Erin: Munching along on your popcorn.

Ellen: Brawls are a dime a dozen between Work-at-Home Mothers Who Macramé Diapers and Stay-at-Home Moms Who Milk Their Own Soybeans.

Erin: And there is no shortage of rants about all of the judgment. We even got a little uppity ourselves with all of the Judgy McJudge-A-Lots when we published “Mommy Wars: You Are Not Cherishing Correctly.”

Ellen: But this is not going to be one of those rants.

Erin: This is going to be more of an urging for everyone to just be happy to swim in her own lane, as it were.

Ellen: A pleading to stop making yourself crazy by comparing yourself to another woman. You don’t deserve to be judged, but SHE doesn’t deserve to be your yardstick.

She Is Not Your Yardstick

Erin: We get that Malibu Mommy and her Barbie dream baby carrier can make you feel a little frumpier than your usual Tuesday.

Ellen: We really do. I can picture the scene. You’re sitting there in your Baby Olympians of the Future class when Ms. Malibu walks in with her freshly washed ponytail swinging and nary a bodily fluid crusting on her yoga pants.

Erin: Basically, she’s just rocking the level of cleanliness that passes for normal in the general population, but is akin to putting on airs in the land of New Motherhood.

Ellen: But your hackles rise. “Who does she think she is trotting in all fresh faced to make ME feel bad about myself? I was up all night with a screaming infant. I’m lucky to have pants on, let alone worry about them being clean.”

Erin: But is she really your problem? Maybe Ms. Malibu doesn’t deserve the hounds of hate unleashed upon her, no matter how much she looks like a walking Pinterest board.

Ellen: Maybe she doesn’t deserve to be your yardstick because the truth is we are all just wobbling. We’re all just doing our best to stay upright, to keep moving, and to be happy.

Erin: What you’re seeing of that woman’s life is just the tip of the iceberg. You can’t judge for good or ill by the cute little handbag.

Ellen: Judging someone for looking good is just as bad as giving them the stink eye for handing out non-organic fruit roll-ups. Appearances of having your act together don’t always mean you actually have it together.

Erin:  I know this. When my fourth son was a year old, he was outfitted with glasses for his very poor eyesight. Then his eyesight kept deteriorating for no apparent reason. We were worried, the doctors were confounded, and scary words and tests were filling up my formerly open schedule. My life with four small children and a husband working full time, attending school part-time, and traveling every other week was quickly spiraling out of control.

My life was a wreck and I was headed towards the ledge. I couldn’t take even one sweet inquiry into how things were going without losing it, so I decided to deflect all attention. If I looked like I was okay, maybe people would stop asking. I used a gift card to get the best haircut I had ever had as a new mom, bought some new, CLEAN Gap t-shirts, and headed out to parks, libraries, and playgrounds looking if not like a supermodel, at least like a reasonably competent and together Mom. He’s fine now, but it was a rocky time for sure.

Ellen: The point is that most moms are out there doing the job: making meals, wiping noses, checking homework, and holding the family together.

Erin: And we all have things that make that hard. Whether it’s a present hurt that wounds us or a past that wears us down, we all have a finite number of straws until the proverbial broken back. We all are just wobbling, although there are times we look steady.

Ellen: I’m having a heck of a wobble as I make it through this year of firsts without my mother. Catch me on a good day and I look like Suzie-Has-Her-Shizz-Together. Sometimes, remembering to shower is an accomplishment. I can be judged on both sides of the coin. Yay me.

Erin: So the next time we want to tear Ms. Perky Buns a new one, maybe we should pause for a second. She may be using exercise to stave off depression or she may live in fear because her father died of a heart attack at the age of forty-two.

Ellen: Or maybe she is just allowed to be fit without you having a reaction to it. Unless the “she” is Maria Kang, because yeah, she IS trying to make you feel bad.

Erin: But in general, we need to acknowledge that all moms are doing what they can for their kids and let go of the anger, resentment, and judgment. Sure, you might think Miss Mani-Pedi might benefit from a taking down once in a while, but she didn’t ask to be your yardstick. Maybe you should ask her how she finds the time. She might just offer to babysit your kids while you get your own pampering.

Ellen: So toss those yardsticks away because really, you’re judging yourself when you get wrapped up in all of the comparisons. Treat yourself with the kindness you deserve and direct your wrath towards something worthy, like those damn over-the-top bento box lunches.

Erin: She kids. Maybe.

This is food. People spend hours making this to have their kids throw it on the floor. Pinterest Source

This is food. We think.
Pinterest Source


-Ellen and Erin


You can follow us on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Check out our books, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”

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Christmas Pintershizz: The Final Countdown

Sing it with us! “It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . .”  Hmmm, let’s not. How about we up the reality on this bad boy season and all download The Final Countdown?

Pintershizz Christmas Edition

Ellen: Is it crazy that I’m stewing in jealousy because my Jewish friends checked off their holidays in one epic swoop this year: Thanksgivukah? Sure it was a swirling dervish of exhausting festiveness at the time, but now they are done: D-O-N-E done.

Erin: Your spirit must be crushed to be envious of two holidays smashed together. Pushed up against the Shutterfly deadline again?

Ellen: Is it that obvious? I thought squeaking in under their free shipping cutoff was going to be the end of me . . . AGAIN.

Erin: We always poo poo pissin’ contests, BUT I have you beat. I am fighting the machine of the ACTUAL Shutterfly deadline. Like no-money-in-the-world-can-get-you-your-book if you miss this deadline.

Ellen: And the last day to order on most other sites is drawing near.  I always feel carefree about shopping when the internet is my safety net . . .

Erin: Until BAM! That safety net is ripped away like Santa scratching your name off of the Nice List.

Ellen: Amazon Prime  has lessened my stress considerably, but really, I think it may have exacerbated my procrastinating tendencies. You can’t wrap what you don’t have. I’m predicting my traditional Christmas Eve date with Scotch Tape and Pinot Noir in the unfinished side of my basement will be a “go” again this year.

Erin: I hate to burst your miniscule bubble of holiday cheer, but in a couple of days even Amazon Prime won’t be able to save you because there is no “Bend the Time Space Continuum” shipping option. You’ll have to resort to going into actual stores if you don’t pull yourself together.

Ellen: I feel myself shutting down. So what better way to cope than to avoid my Christmas list altogether and just make fun of stuff on Pinterest?

Erin: I’ll jump on your Procrastination Train! Its Caboose of Denial looks comfy. The stewards to stroke my hair and make shushing noises is a nice touch. Besides, I’m counting on elves this year to save me.


Ten Things Pintershit That Better Not Be Under Our Trees

Erin’s List

1. Godfather Gone Wrong

I love the classic movie “The Godfather”, but this pillowcase is taking fandom a bit too far and a little over the top. Fake gore on your pillow just seems so wrong. Plus it would be hard to explain to the six year old.

Horse head

2. Handbag From Hades

I like a great bag as much as the next girl, but this one is only appropriate for your next party down by the River Styx. I feel like I would need to pack some extra biscuits in it for Cerberus, but it hardly seems big enough for the reed pipe I’d need to lull him to sleep. Save this little beauty for another day or another girl who doesn’t know her mythology like I do. Or for someone you don’t like.

hades handbag

3. Sucker!

My 13 year old’s classmate brought these to school for a birthday treat. Look closely. That’s right—there are scorpions, real scorpions– imbedded in these bad boys. Supposedly, some of the kids LOVED them. I don’t care if they are prepackaged and gluten-free, I can’t get over that scorpions are venomous creatures. I just shuddered. I repeat, “DO NOT buy this for me.” Unless you want an Erin-sized hole in your front door as I run screaming for my life.


4. Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

This gives new meaning to the phrase “My dogs are tired.” Why would you make shoes like this?

dog shoe

Ellen: I don’t know, but your octogenarian catchphrases delight me every. single. time. They’re the bee’s knees.

Erin: There is no shame in being well read . . . and I can crash a bridge game like a boss.

Ellen: I have to agree, that is a skill that could come in mighty handy, as handy as hip pockets on a hog.

Erin: Now you’re just mocking me.

5. Sweater With a Side of Surgical Mask

There’s almost nothing I love more than turtlenecks and sweaters during the cold winter months; so I would normally welcome a gift like this. There is just something clinical about the weird way you’re supposed to wear it over your face. It says, “I take my fashion with a side of Ebola virus.” This would make Christmas dinner at the family homestead awkward, especially since I would have to consume my entire meal through a straw. Ham and potato smoothie, yuuummmmm.


Ellen’s List

6. Wonky Wookie

I like Stars Wars as much as the next person, but this is a little much. Dressing like Chewbacca would just make me feel like I forgot to wax.  Don’t tell me it’s for Halloween because I already have a bevy of Hallo-Awkward-Ween choices lined up for next year.

But on second thought, if I wore this, could I get away with just wookie roaring at everyone? Hmmmm . . . or rather Arrrarroowwrrerr.


By the way, special thanks to infolinks for taking my query — “How to write Chewbacca sounds?” — as seriously as I take my writing. I got THE right information for THE right decision, yo. Integrity.

7. Christmas No

Don’t think that just because this sweater embraces more of a yuletide theme that it is appropriate. Just to be clear, this does not give me the warm and fuzzies. It gives me visions of Labradors peeing on my feet. You, know, because  I would be a tree.

christmas sweater

8. Heck No

Wellllllllllll, I think there is something obviously and freudian-ly amiss with a monstrous shark emerging from a crotch. But really, I don’t care to hate on Ariel or cause little wanna-be princesses angst; let alone inflict my daughters with that much mortification. Who, aside from a Victoria Secret model, can stand that much groin gawking during a simple day at the beach? Although . . . this would be hilarious on a Disney cruise, right? Mwahahahaha.

shark vs mermaid

9. The Gift That Keeps On Drowning

Now that I have a complex about sharks eating mermaids, I would just consider this gift a blatant and aggressive threat on my well-being. Can you actually imagine swimming, I mean, not drowning in this??

But it does provide a nice set-up for the gift of laughter. What do you call a muffin top squeezed up by a mermaid tail? A tuna roll! I’m here all week, folks.


10. Just Take A Baseball Bat To My Knee

My knee is always just one twitch away from needing an MRI. Disability can even stalk me while walking in a straight line on level ground. These shoes would just seal the deal in a slow and tortuous way. Who am I kidding? It would be fast and epic. Regardless, the spikes would make it hard for you to remove my shoe from your arse when I shoved it there for giving me such an awful gift.



However if you insist on giving me that shoe, you know, for my own fashion good, then you’d better gift it with this AT-AT Walker walker. This is a Star Wars gift I can get behind. But now you’re confused, you say? I just dissed Chewbacca and now I’m embracing this? It’s really very simple. You just have to be discerning . . .  and read my mind.

AT-AT Walker

Here’s wishing that all your shipping deadlines are soft, your cards get sent out before President’s Day, and no one dumps Pintershizz under your tree!


Ellen and Erin


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Yarn Pintershizz is the Bomb

You know what’s popular now? Knitting and crocheting. Know how we know? Well, the internet. Duh. When memes like this start popping up in your feed, it’s time to take notice or at least write another installment of Pintershizz.

Proper grammar is also sexy. "IT'S," Ryan, "IT'S."

Proper grammar is also sexy. “IT’S,” Ryan, “IT’S.”

Ellen: I fully acknowledge we could have gone in and made our own meme to correct the grammar, but “Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That.” See what I did there?

Erin: Funny. But the “its” is still making me twitchy.

Ellen: Well, move on, because this is more about making you itchy from bad knitting projects.

Erin: Please tell me this has nothing to do with the performance art lady knitting out of her vagina?

Ellen: Noooooooo! I am taking a MUCH higher road than that. This is just the fun wooly stuff that started popping up in our Pinterest feed. Like yarn bombing. Did you know that was a thing?

Yarn Bombing: Making Vandalism Cozy and Adorable.

Yarn Bombing: Making Vandalism Cozy and Adorable.

Erin: I do now, but that is pretty charming. Not really Pintershizz.

Ellen: THAT is technically a form of graffiti and vandalism and it’s illegal. It’s also very badass — one of the more prominent artists went under the “graffiti knitting name”, Deadly Knitshade.

Erin: That. is. awesome. Are people really getting arrested for this?

Ellen: I don’t think so. Can you imagine the court scene?

Prosecutor: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present this rapscallion who had the audacity to put this hat on this bus stop and thus bring a smile to every person’s face who happened to pass its way . . .

Judge: I hate to interrupt, but what idiot called the police instead of just picking up some hedge clippers?

Prosecutor: Good point.

Judge: Case dismissed.

Erin: By the way, how do you know all of this?

Ellen: Shut up, but Wikipedia. I know I’m a Wikipedia snob, but I thought it was probably okay for graffiti knitting.

Erin: Probably. We won’t make you turn in your library card, but you seem to be dropping some stitches, where is the Pintershizz?

Ellen: Did you just try to use a knitting term to illustrate that I’m getting off track??

Erin: Sweet kittens with mittens, I’m damned if I get on board with you and damned if I don’t. Just show us what you found on Pinterest.

Yarn Pintershizz Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


1. Throne Cozy

The Ultimate Cozy

Ellen: What better way to kick off Pintershizz than with a crocheted toilet?

Erin: I did just finish two bathroom remodels in my house . . . but no. There are waaaaaaaay too many people who stand up to pee–with questionable aim, I might add–in my household.

Ellen: Stop right there! I can feel the bacteria crawling through the computer screen. But speaking of science experiments, what about this gem?


2. Trapped Like a Rat

Yarn Rat Dissection

Bonus genuine dissection tray. Only mildly used.

Erin: Now isn’t this something you would like? Seems like the perfect gift for that med student in your life.

Ellen: No! It’s not even anatomically correct! Where are the lungs? WHAT is that brown blob on the left? Is that green thing the heart? Everyone knows the gallbladder is green, but it most definitely is NOT in the center of the chest.

Erin: Wow. I think we just found your OCD trigger. At least the tray is authentic.

Ellen: I’ll be impressed only if it smells like formaldehyde and desperation. Moving on to less evil-scientist-type items . . .


3. Bad Yarn Decision Dude

Bad Yarn Decision Dude

Ellen: Now this one is just funny. Pretty sure it is from the 70s.

Erin: What a lovely decade that was: avocado green and harvest gold EVERYTHING, Vienna sausages on toothpicks as appetizers, and clothing like THIS.

Ellen: I can’t remember what that hat is called and it’s driving me nuts.

Erin: That’s a tam o’ shanter.

Ellen: HOW did you know that?

Erin: I have my niche. You’re full of knowledge everyone needs to know, but I know things no one ever wants to know . . .

Ellen: Don’t sell yourself short. You’re just like Google, except less profitable and user friendly.


4. Keeping Those Buns Warm

One French Fry Short of a Happy Meal

Ellen: I do NOT want to know what her secret sauce is.

Erin: If you ask me, she looks like she’s one french fry short of a Happy Meal. See? I’m hilarious.

Ellen: You have your moments. Keep the faith.


5. More Fashion WTH?

WTH SweaterEllen: What would this be for? Is it for those times you only want 50% of your limbs to be sexy and frostbitten??

Erin: Oooo. It’s like the woman who’s famous who had the leg sticking out of the dress.

Ellen: You mean Angelina Jolie? You came up with tam o’ shanter, but can’t remember Jolie? I’m getting you a People Magazine subscription for Christmas. You need to up your Google game.

Erin: I told you, I’m a niche.


6. Two Woolens Arses are Better Than One

Two Woolen ArsesEllen: This is for those people who think Snuggies aren’t ugly enough.

Erin: Yes, because what would make you feel better about being hideous than knowing you spent eleventy gazillion hours creating that ugliness?


 7. Earbud Time Suck

Earbud Time Suck

Erin: What’s so bad about these? They would actually be pretty useful in my family of seven. Someone is ALWAYS complaining that someone else is using their earbuds. Blah, blah, blah.

Ellen: It’s the TIME SUCK factor. In my family, someone is always losing their earbuds. I can’t imagine spending this much time on something that has such a short life span. By the way, you know you could just color the connectors with different colored Sharpies?

Erin: YOU know that would require a master chart that we would promptly lose, right? Ain’t nobody got time for that.


8. Here We Go A-Flaying

Here We Go a Flaying
Ellen: I feel like I disappointed you with the last one, so back to the weird. Doesn’t this look like someone has been skinned? Wasn’t it St. Bartholomew who was flayed?

Erin: I don’t know. It seems like there were a bunch of them.

Ellen: Okay, not to keep spinning the same wheel (yeah, I did it), but how do you know something like tam o’ shanter, but you’re not sure which saint lost his hide?  You’re a religion teacher.

Erin: Told you, I’m niche-y.


9. Because We Love Llamas

Llama With a Scarf
Ellen: I didn’t want to end being a complete knitting hater. If I had a llama, I would totally knit it a scarf. I don’t know why I love llamas so much–maybe it’s their long, sweeping eyelashes, their goofy expressions, or the way they spit like they just don’t care. There is nothing wrong with the textile arts, it’s just, I don’t have the time.

Erin: I wouldn’t mind learning to knit either. People have told me it’s great to do while sitting in car line or sitting on the sidelines . . . the only problem is, I already have things I’m catching up on during that “down-time.” My “down-time” is double-booked until three months past 2020.

And Sweetie, you can just buy a scarf at Target for nine bucks. The llama will never know.


-Ellen and Erin



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Oops, Ellen Pintershizzed Again: Beverage Edition 2.0

Pinterest, how we really do love thee! You make us laugh with funny little ecards like this:

Check out our board of funny "Snorts"

Check out our board of funny “Snorts

You send traffic to our blog from our pins like this:

And you inspire Ellen to complete projects like this:

Unfortunately, you also dupe Ellen into abusing her friends on New Year’s Eve with swill like this:

Erin: Oh sweet sprinkles, I had hoped I would never see the Kahlua Float Fail again. Champagne and ice cream?! Gack.

Ellen: All I can say is I was wooed by this lovely picture. And it would have at least presented better if you had some darn flutes instead of those tacky plastic cups.

champagne and ice cream

Erin: But I had nothing to do with you using caramel jimmies instead of chocolate. To be fair, that picture looks tempting and you usually are pretty good at picking out recipes.

Ellen: It ‘s kind of a super power of mine . . .

Erin: That, and modesty.

Ellen: ANYWAY, the root beer floats I made for the kids were yummy.

Erin: It’s hard to mess up a root beer float, although I guess you could have used mint ice cream or something . . . you know, if Pinterest told you to.

Ellen: Funny. I do have to admit, I was Pintershizzed. Lucky for you, I wasn’t afraid to splash it all over my friends.

Read the whole Pintershizz series here.

Read the whole Pintershizz series here.

Erin: But you did have a recent tirumph. Those Crockpot Pumpkin Spice Lattes you brought to my Halloween bash were great.

Ellen: They WERE good and doesn’t Mary look adorable serving them up?

Check out the recipe.

Check out the recipe.

Ellen: But didn’t you hear the complaints that I used, gasp, caffeinated coffee? Apparently most of us are so old that we can’t consume caffeine after 2 pm. I have no such problem, but maybe I just cultivate a superior level of exhaustion.

Erin: I’m not sure that is brag-worthy.

Ellen: Well, that is not the Pintershizz anyway. THIS is where I, and I alone, got Pintershizzed.


Gack. Bakind soda and vingar came to the rescue.

Erin: What is THAT?

Ellen: That is the bottom of my crockpot AFTER I had already scrubbed it out twice. And I’m talking the bottom of the cooking unit.   The warm and toasty latte that sloshed between the pottery crock and the metal heating part baked to a lacquer-like finish worthy of Chinese cabinetry. Apparently liquid doesn’t transport well in a crockpot.

Erin: That is an understatement.

Ellen: It took multiple cycles of baking soda and vinegar to get that nastiness clean. Hey, maybe I’ll get my revenge on Pinterest by pinning that disgusting picture.

Erin: I think you need to work on your revenge plots. How about we just tell people to follow us on Pinterest because we have a whole board of great libations?

Ellen: Fine. But I’m still pinning it.



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Ghetto Chic Swimming Pool Design

Ellen is working towards the completion of her new pool and it is consuming her life. On the upside of Nirvana, it is a beautiful thing because it’s already bringing rollicking good times like this . . .

Foot Washing Station DIY Tutorial - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, it is also one more thing to take care with the vacuuming, the scrubbing, and the mad scientist mixing of chemicals. It also causes extra messes– toys strewn across the lawn like plastic landmines and mountains of wet towels posing as mildew starter farms. Hmmm, suddenly Ellen’s yard is sounding more like a chlorinated Vietnam than a swimming wonderland. But that is not what is bringing her down because she signed up for all of that. And she REALLY likes geeking out playing mad chemist.

Here’s the problem. Apparently the Mid-Atlantic climate decided to get its Starbucks on and emulate the Pacific Northwest without sending us the proper notification. We have had the coldest, wettest spring. So the pool that was supposed to be dug in April, did not get excavated until June.  And the rain continues. That means the pool deck was completed in stages days apart.  At one point, the only things missing were broken glass and dirty syringes to complete the “Ghetto Chic” appeal.

Foot Washing Station DIY Tutorial - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Things have gotten safer because the concrete surround has been finished. No need to call child protective services or OSHA, but you could ring up NOAA and tell them to just shoot up a satellite or ray gun or something to make this rain stop.

The whole patio is still not done and since it rains every 15 seconds, Ellen is left with 30,000 gallons of watery delight surrounded by a mire pit of suckity muck.

Foot Washing Station DIY Tutorial - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

While Ellen probably should just embrace the situation and host mud wrestling matches to pay for the patio furniture, she just can’t because she is too busy vacuuming nasty red clay grit out of the pool and her house. She is by no means a neat freak, but this is construction grit and it has the potential to damage the pool and her hardwood floors. So she vacuums land and sea. Fun.

Glee and glamour are highly staged in this photo and not at all representative of Ellen's actual attitude towards vacuuming.

Glee and glamour are highly staged in this photo and  do not at all represent Ellen’s actual attitude towards vacuuming.

Erin is a friend with a heart of gold and more importantly, not one to let something as trivial as a La Brea-esque mud pit stand between her and aquatic fun. She was a synchronized swimmer for goodness sake (although we have yet to see the photographic evidence). What she is NOT is crafty. Here was her solution . . .

Foot Washing Station DIY Tutorial - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

So apparently the solution for dirtiness is grossness? Since people won’t stop getting in the pool now that the menacing Spikes of Tetanus are gone, Ellen got busy making a truly useful foot washing station.

For feet that look like this . . .

Foot Washing Station DIY Tutorial - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Use the fantastic foot washing station . . .

DIY Foot Washing Station Tutorial - Keep that mud out of the house this summer! Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

And voilà . . .

DIY Foot Washing Station Tutorial - Keep that mud out of the house this summer! Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

How did Ellen come up with this brilliance? She saw it on Pinterest of course. However the pin led to a dead end. Don’t you hate that Pintershit? Ellen is going to fix the interwebs and dirty feet by making her own directions. Pin that!

Sensible Moms Foot Washing Station

  • Move to Mayberry so you can find a tractor supply or feed store. The pan Ellen used was a Fortiflex Salt Block Pan. Livestock need salt and you need a pan to put it in. This $8 tray has a funneled bottom with drainage holes perfect for this application. Mayberry has its perks. Don’t fret if you’re a city slicker because we found it on the ever amazing Amazon for you, just click the link.  Or we guess you could go to a fancy pants Target and get a shallow pan or tray and just drill  holes in the bottom, but we’re telling you, the salt pan is sturdy. A cow can stand on it. Beat that Target.
  • Fill half way with pea gravel. This provides the cushion so you can actually stand on this marvelous contraption.
  • Finish off with a layer of river stones found in the floral supply section of craft stores or Walmart. You can also find them on Amazon. (Couldn’t find them in Target, just sayin’.) Theses stones feel good on your feet and warm up in the sun. If you think they are too fancy, just go with the pea gravel.
  • Make sure you put this on a grassy spot because the water runs through it and will make MORE mud. If you have kids under 6, you probably should just put it on a deck or driveway because they cannot dismount without getting more shizz on their feet.

DIY Foot Washing Station Tutorial - Keep that mud out of the house this summer! Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


Happy Water Fun!

This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

-Ellen and Erin



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Check out our books, please, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”

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Pintershizz Mother’s Day Anti Gift Guide

We have a love hate relationship with Mother’s Day. We are both blessed to have our mothers and we adore our kids, but May is just so overwhelming. With the dances and the plays and the banquets and the tournaments and the weddings and the graduations, we feel like we could meet ourselves coming and going.

This May is so hectic, we’re really too tired to even get on a good rant about it. Eh, we did it last year and it still applies. Our favorite part is that the creator of Mother’s Day was driven crazy by Mother’s Day. She died blind, poor, and childless. Go read all about it.

We were going to be more positive this year and write a list of fabulous Mother’s Day gifts, but the brilliant Karen Alpert of Baby Sideburns beat us to it with her hilarious post, Ten Things I Really Want for Mother’s Day. Just to seal the deal that you click on over to read it, here is number seven on her list. But you need to pinkie swear promise that you will come back because we plan on hitching this post to the hilarious train. We swear.

7. I want to pee and poop alone. I will prepare for the day by downing a tanker truck full of liquid and eating ridiculous amounts of fiber.

Thanks for coming back. We knew you loved us. And we won’t disappoint you because we decided to go the way of Pintershit for this one.

Pintershit Mother's Day Anti Gift Guide


1. Nothing “As Seen on TV”

Ellen: Whoa wait! Why is this first on the list? I got one of those Perfect Brownie Pans one year and I love it! I can make 18 perfectly sized, moist and chewy brownies, each with perfect edges  every single time!

Erin: Do you have a side job as a spokesmodel? I was thinking more along the lines of this beauty.  I picture myself with a dandelion puff of a rat’s nest after using this. Your head of matted hair would be spectacular. It would give new meaning to the saying, “My hair looks like a cyclone hit it.”



Ellen: Okay so this is kind of bad, but on the other hand they are kind of winning me over with the word “luscious.” But on the other other hand, it kind of looks like some deranged Barbie themed breastmilking device. But just for the record, “As Seen on TV” doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad. I’m also the proud owner of a Snuggie and Footie Pajamas – complete with a trap door. See?

Me and Macklemore are gonna pop some tags.

Me and Macklemore are gonna pop some tags.

Erin: This picture right here might be all the Mother’s Day gift I need.

Ellen:  You’re welcome. By the way, Kids, don’t listen to Miss Erin. I’d totally be into the Air Curler.


2. A No For Everyone but Ellen

Erin: Based on the footie pajamas, I’m assuming this would be a hit with you.

Ellen: Hellz yes. I pray I get this to scare the bejeezus out of you when we go camping together. THAT would be the best Mother’s Day gift ever for me.


3. Nothing Creepy

Ellen: Dude? What’s wrong with skeletons?

Erin: Damn, you must be easy to shop for. But c’mon, these chairs say, “Start digging in the back yard for bodies.”

Ellen: Maybe, but I wouldn’t want them because the vertebrae are all wrong.

Erin: Yeah. That’s the problem.



4. Nothing that is Really About Our Kids’ Interests

Erin: We support our kids, but we do have our own interests. Mother’s Day should be about us, not about us ONLY having identities through our children. For example, we try not to take the “sports mom” thing too far.

Ellen: These shoes are the definition of too far.



5. Nothing Alive

Erin: I would find the pressure to keep this gift alive soul crushing.

Ellen: Agreed. But it looks so comfortable and stylish. What could be bad about having a pot of dirt around your neck?

Source: fab.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest



6. Nothing Using Our Kitchens

Ellen: While the thought of breakfast in bed seems appealing, things would not turn out like this.


Erin: We’ve been at this mothering gig for quite a while, you can’t fool us.

Ellen: Our kitchens would so look like a typhoon hit a garbage dump.

Erin: And we would so have to clean it up. I can’t even think about the puddles of syrup. No freakin’ pancakes are worth this. Just let us get our own cereal. We’re good.



7. Nothing Creepy!

Erin: No words.

Ellen: Is it weird I’m almost as disturbed by her nappy hair as that hideous earring?

Erin: Maybe she got the Air Curler for Mother’s Day.

Source: imgur.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest




Ellen: For the love of God, burn it!

Erin: Bury it in the back yard!

Source: etsy.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest



Okay, on that note we’re done with the anti gift guide. So what do we want?

Ellen: I like my Mother’s Day simple and my gifts sweet. One of my favorites were these “Sweet Hearts” that my youngest made them for me.


Erin: They are adorable. I like my gifts simple and sweet too. Here’s my list: Kelly Moore camera bag, sports lens for my Nikon, and a remodeled bathroom.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Ellen and Erin


Pintershizz Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Read the whole Pintershizz series here.


Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Check out our books, please, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”

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