Tag Archives: school violence

Parenting Through the Threat of School Violence

So anybody who has been a parent more than fifteen seconds knows our little secret . . . parenting is really hard sometimes. Today’s modern landscape of social media combined with the threat of school violence makes it even more so.

How do you parent through school violence? Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


The conversation is pretty serious this week as we discuss Erin’s attempt to parent through an actual threat of school violence. The conversation is an important one not just for the two of us, but for all of us as parents in this brave new world.

Please listen to our two differing views on the topic, then please feel free to join the conversation here or on our Facebook page.

In the interest of full disclosure: everyone is fine and nobody was harmed, but it is an incident that plays out often in our country, so we thought it was worthy of a soundbite.

Just click the podcast at the bottom of the post! Thanks again for listening!

-Erin and Ellen


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