Tag Archives: snort

A Hit and A Miss: The Monday Listicle Game

This week on Monday Listicles we are following the prompt from Anna at The Mommy Padawan.  She charged us with creating a list of “10 things you really like about yourself, things you are good at, or your super powers!”

We actually feel pretty good about ourselves. This defies all reason if you check out our old school pictures, but what can we say, we were late bloomers. So, hopped up on our own hubris, we decided to ask our kids what they thought was good about us.


When I asked my kids what they liked about me, the resulting conversation felt like a rollicking three ring circus.  So my list got a little out of control. I’m going to give each of my kids five things, because when you get this much sunshine blown your way, it feels like Mother’s Day.

Jellybean (11)

1. You buy us Cheez-its three boxes at a time.

Me – But what do you like about ME, beyond what I buy for you? You know, the inner me?

Jellybean – You have intestines.

That’s my girl!

2. Your fashion sense isn’t embarrassing.


3. You do doctor stuff like healing my wounds.

4. You make great Tater Tot casserole and you stay fit.

Those two things seem kinda contradictory, don’t they?

5. You made me.

And my heart sings.

Coco (13)

1. You’re able to persevere through anything.


2. You don’t get all uncomfortably up in my life.

3. You can parasail, rock climb, canoe, kayak, and hike.

Like a boss.

4. You are very creative with your blog.

That’s it. I need no other praise.

5. But what do you like about yourself, Mom?

Well, well.

Me – I like that I can pretty much do anything I put my mind to.

Jellybean and Coco – Yeah, we can see that.

Wow. Validation is mine, reflected back to me by my daughters’ words.


Wow. Reading Ellen’s kids’ reflections on their mom is sweet and inspiring and dear. My first thought after I asked my crew what they liked about me and heard their responses: “Huh, now I know why some animals eat their offspring.”

Sometimes Momma Bear just has to take matters into her own, er, paws!

To be fair, we were traveling in the car when I asked them, but here is the list unedited (and my crew didn’t make it anywhere close to 10!).

Me: So, what is something I do really well?

Crickets. Nada. Nothing. Then this. . .

1. Ace (14): You make great chocolate chip cookies.

Um, okay, he’s fourteen. All he thinks about is food.

2. Charlie (11): You are a great baker. You make great chocolate chip cookies.

Ok, slacker, your brother just said. . .

3. Deacon (8): Hmm, let me think. . . you make great chocolate chip cookies.

Really, boys? Where’s the love?

Now, I have heard that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I didn’t know this applied to little men as well.

But I do make a damn, fine cookie if I say so myself.

Girl child made me feel slightly better . . .

4. Biddie (13, and my new favorite child): You are a creative writer, a good friend to everyone, you stay fit, and have a good fashion sense. Oh, and you make really good chocolate chip cookies.

Well, she is definitely fishing for something, but I’ll take it.

But the piece de resistance!!  My sweet baby who still cuddles me and tells me that I am his girlfriend and the most beautiful woman alive, what does he have to say??

5. Eddie (4): You are really good at yelling at Daddy.

(I feel like I need a disclaimer here: WE WERE ON A CAR TRIP! I was driving, and Steve was being a front-seat driver.)

Seriously? Are you kidding me?? The whole car thought that was a total hoot and raucous laughter ensued.

Charlie chimed in: “No do-overs! You have to put that on the blog.”

So there you go. Ellen’s kids sound like they want to nominate her for Mother of the Year, and MY kids sound like they want me in their own little sweatshop churning out the baked goods or appearing as a guest on Maury.

It just goes to prove what I have always known: My superpower is finding the humor in anything!!

So just to recap. . .

How Ellen’s Kids See Her: ROCK STAR

My kids tell me I look like Michael Jackson

How Erin’s Kids See Her: COOKIE JAR

My Kids tell me I look like Betty Crocker

Thank you to Stasha once again for her Monday Listicles. Without her, we might not have these beautiful family moments to treasure. But, in all seriousness, she has created a lovely community of writers who start their week off “write” with a list. Great writers, great blogs—what are you waiting for?? Get over there! Erin and Ellen



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The Stranger in My House

It is a beautiful spring day, and we are lazing on the couch in Erin’s sunroom blogging. Erin is absentmindedly stroking her cat.

Erin says as she strokes his chest, “Wow, my cat’s fur is turning red. I thought he was all black.”

Ellen replies, “Cats just don’t turn red. Are you sure “he” is a male? Those are calico markings and calicos are almost universally female.”

Erin says, “Of course I have a male, I’m not stupid. More importantly, who knows this kind of sh*%? <pause> Dork.”

But Erin proceeds to reluctantly flip the cat over and poke around in its nether regions. Oh, yes, there was searching.

Erin exclaims, “There’s no penis! This is not my cat!”

Cat thinks, “WTF? Buy me dinner first.”

Ellen at this point is crying so hard that tears and snot are running down her face. Erin opens the door and shoos the grifter cat out faster than Maria Shriver gave the boot to the Terminator.

We can’t make this mess up. Erin has two “real” cats. She had previously taken one to the vet because he was losing his fur. The vet diagnosed anxiety. Do you think this could be the reason…



Anxiety!?! Yeah, I got anxiety! My backside is a balding mess! There's been a strange cat living in my house! And no one knew! Thank goodness for Ellen and her mad genetic knowledge!


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This week brought an interesting discovery in our household.

Deacon (8): “Dad, I found out I have motion sickness.”

Dad: (raised eyebrow)

Charlie (11): “Relax. It’s not terminal.”

–Shared by Erin

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10 Reasons Being A Kid with A Mom Who Blogs Rocks

It’s Monday Listicles time. This week is kid edition. The assignment was to list ten reasons why being a child is great. Or why it is not. It was up to us, so we talked to our kids.

We know our kids are some of the luckiest, most blessed kids on the planet. Pretty much everything about being a kid in one of our families rocks. When we asked them about their childhoods, most of them declined to comment (they were too busy running around enjoying this gorgeous spring weather), but we did hear some mutterings and complaints about the “stupid blog.” So, we’re going with that.  Erin and Ellen


       10 Reasons Being A Kid with A Mom Who Blogs Rocks


someecards.com - My mother used to bake cookies with me...but now she blogs and I pretty much raise myself.


Two (Direct quote from Jellybean)

someecards.com - So, Mom. Is this how this blogging thing is going to go? You just stealing my genius?



someecards.com - Nows that she blogs, my mom talks to me in Twitter slang.



someecards.com - I'm not sure my mother remembers my real name anymore, so I've learned to respond to my blog alias.



someecards.com - My mom used to actually make arts and crafts with me. Now she just pins them to her Pinterest



someecards.com - Love having to wait for my mom to edit her blog one more time before I can use the computer for my book report.



someecards.com - My mom use to make me pancakes, but now I get all of the cold cereal I can forage for because she is busy making someecards.



someecards.com - Once upon a time, my mother read bedtime stories to me. Now she just reads her blogger friends' status updates.



someecards.com - I haven't had a hot meal since my mom started artfully plating and photographing every dinner for Pinterest.



someecards.com - I miss the days before the blog. You know. When I could talk to my mom without her writing down everything I say.


Head on over to Monday Listicles and read some other great blogs. Or better yet, write your own list and link it up.

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My sons, Eddie and Deacon, go to the same school. The other day they passed each other on the playground.

“Hi, Eddie!” 8 year old Deacon yelled across the playground.

“Hey, Roomie!” 4 year old Eddie yelled back.

There was much rejoicing from the teachers on the playground who ALL rushed to tell me after school. Erin

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Stick with me, kid. We'll go places.


This is the 8 year old’s response to our incredulity when we discovered him applying Axe to every square inch of his little person.

“What on earth are you doing?”

“Well, Ace said that this stuff makes you grow hair and I want to be bear.”

Sounds like we might need to clarify a few things with the teen. Erin

If you have a teen boy or will have one, invest in this stuff. Heavily. You can thank me later.



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Why indeed? Does this seem like the simplest solution ever?? Who do we write to first? The President or the NFL Commissioner?  This could probably boost the economy, too. I’m just going to CC them on the same email.  -Ellen

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