Get Your Christmas Party On! How to Eat, Drink, and Be Merry in 10 Pictures

 ‘Tis the Season for imbibing, indulging, and ingesting all manner of fabulous food stuffs, but our favorite thing about holiday food is sharing it with family and friends. More specifically, The Sisterhood. The Sisterhood can throw some fantastic parties which means we break out the fancy clothes (read: no yoga pants allowed), ditch the kiddos, and pull out the industrial-strength hair products. If we are pulling out the blow-dryer, we mean business. So, without further ado, we bring you. . .

10 Things Holiday Party Food

1. On Dancer, on Prancer, on Brewsky, and Guinness!

One of the best things about a party is the drinks. And one of the best things about Erin perusing Pinterest is that she’s actually interested in getting her craft on. How do you think this self-professed non-crafter did with the Reindeer Beer?


2. Cheers!

Maybe beer isn’t your thing.  Truly, you need all the gastric vacancy possible so you can stuff your pie hole with all of the yumminess yet to come. Well, a great host, maybe someone like this man . . .

. . . will make you a pomegranate martini . . . in a margarita glass.

3. Hors d’oeuvres!

Appetizers are our favorites. In fact, we love them so much, we’ll forget to take pictures until after we’ve eaten our final crudité. We are certain that the martinis . . . and Guinness . . . and wine had nothing to do with the oversight.

Imagine perfectly seared tuna, scrumptious stuffed mushrooms, and a Tavern-on-the-Green-worthy beauty of a cheese board because all we can show you is the aftermath. Maybe a swarm of locusts blew through when we weren’t looking.

4. Crab cakes and tenderloin and roasted veggies! Oh my!


5. The food does not get into your belly on its own, People!

You saw what happened to the appetizers! You CANNOT assume there will be seconds. Hostess extraordinaire, Mary, to the rescue. We didn’t have to limit ourselves to a plate of food. We got a tray-full!


6. Everyone needs an Erin at their party.

There is no charm school on this green earth that can teach this. You either have it or you don’t.


7.  Cleanse your visual palette with dessert.

We do apologize that you can’t un-see Erin’s “see-food,” but how about this little darling of a dessert to bring your appetite back?


8. Fortify your cheer.

After all those carbs, a buzz can really start to lag. Time to move onto a Raspberry Vodka Seltzer.


9. Perform a spot inspection on the drink master.

Yeah, that’s right. Ellen’s drink was mixed on the top of the trashcan out of a stainless steel water bottle. Know what she did about it? Taunted everybody that she got the last one as she sucked that refreshing goodness down. She may or may not have broken out of that charm school we were mentioning. We’ll never tell.


10. Bonus Recipe: The Other Chocolate Cookie.

What do you get when you bake one trillion cakes for your daughter’s birthday? Besides the accolades of your adoring family, you get a completely decimated baker’s pantry. This can be a huge problem when you have to make chocolate cookies NOW and you have no time to run to the store. While Ellen is still a devoted fan of the beloved Tollhouse cookie (And so is Erin! This recipe inspires her kids to say this about her) sometimes you have to work with what you got. Bisquick to the rescue!

Bisquick simplifies the ingredient list and it makes a dough that is made for speed. It has a drier texture than Tollhouse cookie dough so it is super easy to work with and get onto the pans.  And these cookies barely spread so you can place them about one to one and a half inches apart, allowing you to bake more cookies at a time. These cookies are also a dream to get off of the pan. They easily come up with a spatula with nary a cookie lost to breakage. And the final perk? It transports so well! This is a sturdier cookie while still not being a hard.

As you can tell, we put food in its proper place in The Sisterhood, besides just our bellies, and we know how to wash it down too. Here’s a little “salut” from our peeps to yours this holiday season—an Irish Christmas blessing:

Nollaig faoi shéan is faoi shonas duit.
A prosperous and happy Christmas to you.

Full disclosure: Erin may have learned this blessing, NOT from her Irish father, but from the 24 bottles of Guinness she hot-glued antlers on.

 We’re available for your festivities, too. Just contact us at 443-555-HAWT.




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58 thoughts on “Get Your Christmas Party On! How to Eat, Drink, and Be Merry in 10 Pictures

  1. Michelle

    Ohmigosh a few years ago we concocted that same drink and called it the “Horny Elf” (but in front of our kids call it the “Happy Elf”….same thing, right?).
    I wanna come to your parties! I’ll even let you mix my drink on the trashcan…
    Michelle recently posted..This isn’t really a post.My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Oh I hear you on the 10 lbs. Erin had put a funny ecard at the beginning of the post about the 10 lb thing and I made her take it down because I couldn’t stand thinking about it. Really. She was very generous about it. Ellen

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      And you have just confirmed what I always suspected, you are too classy for us. 🙂 In all seriousness, that sounds divine.

      Some people drank with antlers, some sans antlers. I wish I had gotten a good picture. Ellen

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Wouldn’t a blogger’s party just be the best? I guess that’s what they call BlogHer. Do the reindeer beer. They are really cute, and if I can make them, anybody can. Erin


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