Tag Archives: wish list

What This Girl Wants

santa hat

The clock is officially ticking on Christmas, and I gotta tell you: I’m skeered.  It doesn’t take a math whiz to figure out that between my time in the car squiring children to their various activities, teaching, cooking, cleaning, laundry-ing, and blogging, there are not many minutes left for shopping. There is also not much time left for helping other people with THEIR shopping. You KNOW what I mean. I am not just organizing gifts for this crew.


But these crews as well.

cousin xmas

Procreators ‘R Us! I give you Exhibits A, B, and C.

And when we add the adults, well, then things really get ugly.

Dymowski Christmas

dwyer family

What’s a girl to wish for besides a bottomless wallet, a half-off sale in every department store, and a time machine to use for the next month or two? Well, a little something like THIS is sure to fit the bill . . .

CheckedTwice is a free online gift registry for families and friends to create and collaborate on holiday and special occasion wishlists – making gift-giving simple, organized, and fun.

CheckedTwice makes it easy to add gift ideas from anywhere, create and manage lists for younger children, share gift giving across family, friends, and other groups, and more. And no spoilers here – CheckedTwice won’t reveal what’s been purchased from your registry, so the joy and surprise of gift-giving stays intact!

When less time is spent shopping and the gifts are guaranteed to please, there’s more time to celebrate the season with friends and family. It’s like ordering up the ultimate Holiday Fairy Godmother without having to worry about pumpkins, wands, or any of that bippidy-boo nonsense.

And you can have some of this magic for yourself.

checked twice

One lucky winner will receive $500 to help you get started on your holiday shopping!

CheckedTwice is giving away $500 to help you get started on your holiday shopping!

Giveaway ends November 18th at 8 pm ET, open to residents of US and Canada, ages 18+.

Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck!

Happy Gifting!

-Erin and Ellen

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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