A Hit and A Miss: The Monday Listicle Game

This week on Monday Listicles we are following the prompt from Anna at The Mommy Padawan.  She charged us with creating a list of “10 things you really like about yourself, things you are good at, or your super powers!”

We actually feel pretty good about ourselves. This defies all reason if you check out our old school pictures, but what can we say, we were late bloomers. So, hopped up on our own hubris, we decided to ask our kids what they thought was good about us.


When I asked my kids what they liked about me, the resulting conversation felt like a rollicking three ring circus.  So my list got a little out of control. I’m going to give each of my kids five things, because when you get this much sunshine blown your way, it feels like Mother’s Day.

Jellybean (11)

1. You buy us Cheez-its three boxes at a time.

Me – But what do you like about ME, beyond what I buy for you? You know, the inner me?

Jellybean – You have intestines.

That’s my girl!

2. Your fashion sense isn’t embarrassing.


3. You do doctor stuff like healing my wounds.

4. You make great Tater Tot casserole and you stay fit.

Those two things seem kinda contradictory, don’t they?

5. You made me.

And my heart sings.

Coco (13)

1. You’re able to persevere through anything.


2. You don’t get all uncomfortably up in my life.

3. You can parasail, rock climb, canoe, kayak, and hike.

Like a boss.

4. You are very creative with your blog.

That’s it. I need no other praise.

5. But what do you like about yourself, Mom?

Well, well.

Me – I like that I can pretty much do anything I put my mind to.

Jellybean and Coco – Yeah, we can see that.

Wow. Validation is mine, reflected back to me by my daughters’ words.


Wow. Reading Ellen’s kids’ reflections on their mom is sweet and inspiring and dear. My first thought after I asked my crew what they liked about me and heard their responses: “Huh, now I know why some animals eat their offspring.”

Sometimes Momma Bear just has to take matters into her own, er, paws!

To be fair, we were traveling in the car when I asked them, but here is the list unedited (and my crew didn’t make it anywhere close to 10!).

Me: So, what is something I do really well?

Crickets. Nada. Nothing. Then this. . .

1. Ace (14): You make great chocolate chip cookies.

Um, okay, he’s fourteen. All he thinks about is food.

2. Charlie (11): You are a great baker. You make great chocolate chip cookies.

Ok, slacker, your brother just said. . .

3. Deacon (8): Hmm, let me think. . . you make great chocolate chip cookies.

Really, boys? Where’s the love?

Now, I have heard that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I didn’t know this applied to little men as well.

But I do make a damn, fine cookie if I say so myself.

Girl child made me feel slightly better . . .

4. Biddie (13, and my new favorite child): You are a creative writer, a good friend to everyone, you stay fit, and have a good fashion sense. Oh, and you make really good chocolate chip cookies.

Well, she is definitely fishing for something, but I’ll take it.

But the piece de resistance!!  My sweet baby who still cuddles me and tells me that I am his girlfriend and the most beautiful woman alive, what does he have to say??

5. Eddie (4): You are really good at yelling at Daddy.

(I feel like I need a disclaimer here: WE WERE ON A CAR TRIP! I was driving, and Steve was being a front-seat driver.)

Seriously? Are you kidding me?? The whole car thought that was a total hoot and raucous laughter ensued.

Charlie chimed in: “No do-overs! You have to put that on the blog.”

So there you go. Ellen’s kids sound like they want to nominate her for Mother of the Year, and MY kids sound like they want me in their own little sweatshop churning out the baked goods or appearing as a guest on Maury.

It just goes to prove what I have always known: My superpower is finding the humor in anything!!

So just to recap. . .

How Ellen’s Kids See Her: ROCK STAR

My kids tell me I look like Michael Jackson

How Erin’s Kids See Her: COOKIE JAR

My Kids tell me I look like Betty Crocker

Thank you to Stasha once again for her Monday Listicles. Without her, we might not have these beautiful family moments to treasure. But, in all seriousness, she has created a lovely community of writers who start their week off “write” with a list. Great writers, great blogs—what are you waiting for?? Get over there! Erin and Ellen



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50 thoughts on “A Hit and A Miss: The Monday Listicle Game

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      I was seriously like, “Come on, lil dude! You have got to be kidding me!” My other kids were not having it. They said I had to go with his first response. good grief! Glad to know that I am not the only one! It broke me a little to read how sweet Ellen’s girls were after our train wreck. Erin

  1. paul

    You two crack me up. Love both you lists, Ellen, I’m glad you have intestines, Erin, I want some cookies LOL
    What I really want to know is who is that poor girl with YUK written above her head in your class picture?
    paul recently posted..The Ultimate Blog HopMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Thanks, Paul!! We are both so glad that Ellen has intestines among her other organs. If I had a way to ship some cookies, you know I would. Now, Ellen can’t leave us hanging—who was that girl?? Erin

    2. The Sisterhood Post author

      Paul, you win! You were the only one to notice the “Yuk.” Don’t worry about that “poor girl,” she tortured me. I thought leaving it in kept the piece real. 🙂 Ellen

  2. Stasha

    Well you will always be my favorite double E’s! Your kids are way cool and super funny. Must run in the family. Now I feel in order to confirm these allegations you should send us all a sampling of chocolate chip cookies.
    And thank you for the shout out. I blushed.
    Stasha recently posted..Monday ListiclesMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      See, I’m not sure why Erin thought my list was so much more tender than hers. Her kids gave her props for her chocolate chip cookies, which are AMAZING. Jellybean gave me props for buying her Cheez-its. Hmmmm. Ellen

  3. Lucy

    Actually laughed out loud after reading Eddie’s comment! Did the kids know before hand that this was for the blog or have they just caught on to your ways? The up-side – now you know what to give your kids for birthdays each year – chocolate chip cookies. (How soon until that recipe appears on your blog?) Trying to decided whether to ask my crew…I’m guessing one answer would be finding their misplaced items.

  4. deborah l quinn

    These lists make me laugh – and make me nervous. I’m now tempted (and afraid) to ask my kids what I’m good at. I fear that yelling at daddy won’t be the last thing on the list, but the first. Or maybe second, after “yelling at us.” And that’s without being on a car trip. Maybe I’ll bake cookies first and THEN ask the question…
    deborah l quinn recently posted..Monday Listicles: A booklist mashupMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      It was pretty fun to ask. That’s the great thing about blogging, it has me doing things I would never have thought to do on my own.

      And if you bake them cookies first, I guarantee your super power will be baking. At least it won’t be buying Cheez-its. AND maybe “yelling at us” and “yelling at daddy” will move further down the list. 🙂 Ellen

  5. Farrah

    I love this!

    And believe it or not, it made me look forward to the day the boys are the same ages as your kiddos (no, really) and they can say things like this.

    Currently all I might get in reply is ‘Chuggington movie!’ ‘Apple juice!’ or ‘Doggie’ in reply to my questions.

  6. Jackie

    I do believe you too are onto something here. Perhaps The Sisterhood should create some link up asking our kids to give us their honest opinions of us, and like Charlie said, no do overs.
    I can only imagine what my four year old would say about me, especially as she just exited time out for the third time this morning!
    Love it you Rock Star Moms!
    Jackie recently posted..Not to be Modest….My Profile

  7. just keep swimming

    All three of my kids probably would have said I make the best chocolate chip cookies. I’ll fight you for the title.
    Your daughters sound sweet. I love that “Your fashion sense isn’t embarrassing.” That is a huge plus!
    Your lists were great!
    just keep swimming recently posted..Sleepy Preschooler ApologyMy Profile

  8. Diane

    Ellen: Cheez-its & Tater tot casserole??? Oh yah. Tween girls…complimentary tween girls I might add…you are obviously doing EVERYTHING right!!!

    Erin: Having 2 boys, the car conversation is pretty much how it would go for me too! Eddie’s comment…PRICELESS! BTW…I’m good at that too! ;P

  9. Pish Posh

    So many sweet kids! I love that they are supportive and love your blogs and both of you!

    Yelling at Daddy is an art.

    And I would love someone if they bought me that many cheezits too. I would probably marry you.

    Or something.
    Pish Posh recently posted..Z is for Zee EndMy Profile

  10. Kelley

    Awww! This was super sweet. I really loved it. I am inspired to do something like this around the dinner table. “Say 2 things you like about the person sitting to your right.” “Now, left”. “Now across from you.” I can imagine the eye rolls I’ll get on this one. Oh, well!

    (Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny this week!)
    Kelley recently posted..Does this VHS tape belong to you??My Profile

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