The Olympians of Bloggers

We are the beach volleyball team of the blogosphere. The Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings of writers, if you will.

Okay, eyes up here. By the grace of Neptune we wish we were bragging about our abs resembling their epic washboards, but alas, our metaphor goes deeper than that. Almost as deep as you would have to spelunk to find our own mythological six packs.

No, we have a team approach, like script writers, to our writing. How to answer when asked if we record and transcribe our conversations? Um, no, hell no, and you’re welcome.

Topics for posts are buried in our conversations like treasures lost on a beach. We diligently mine for them like metal detector toting geriatric bounty hunters. For example, this was shouted during a recent conversation, “Wait! Remember an hour ago, when we were talking about how you bunched everyone’s panties by ferociously proclaiming your hate for Andy Griffith? That’s our next post!”

There’s the serve.

“Well, it’s your bright idea, how are we going to start it?”


“I’ll text you when I get a framework on the site.”

Ball hangs in air. For this piece you don’t need a suspension of disbelief, you need a suspension of gravity.

Droid› emanates from a phone at 6:00am heralding the message, “I started it and wrote in placeholder parts where I heard your voice. Tag you’re it.” But really it’s not a phone, it’s Ellen’s phone Droid-ing. Erin is Miss Rise-and-Shine-Grab-the-Worm-by-the-Tail-Work-at-the-Crack-of-Ass Morning Person.

So squeezing in writing around life, Ellen writes in her parts and bounces it back. At 11:30pm.

Dig, ball hangs in air again, gravity be damned. By 9pm, Erin winds down like a doped athlete who’s lost her dealer.

Ellen knows a 6:00am “Droid” is coming…

“Loved it. Polished it. Can you picture it up because I have three separate soccer camps to shuttle to today?”


We Dub This One “Accurate”


“It has pictures, it is proofed, and it is scheduled to publish for next week.”

Spike and score!

Okay, we seriously pulled the visors over your eyes on that one. We generally finish posts about 30 minutes before our self-imposed publishing deadlines; just part of our rhythm of cooperation.

If you’re keeping score, that’s about 60 hours of bouncing back and forth, editing, and haggling over dialogue like seagulls squawking over sandwich crusts.

Practice has made the process more fluid, but it wasn’t always so. Let’s turn to the highlight reel.

“Did you really take out my perfectly good simile and compare me to George freakin’ Burns?”

“So you drop in commas like a unicorn farting glitter, but sentence fragments are okay?”

“You put the word “niggled” in MY mouth!?!”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with it, just make it better.”

We practice, we improve, we write. Toss our medal out for the bounty hunters to find because we really just want some love from the crowd…and some yoga pants. We need to cover our assets because it’s getting sandy all up in here.



Ellen and Erin



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52 thoughts on “The Olympians of Bloggers

  1. Carrie

    I always wondered how it worked so well! I think my sister and I would kill eachother if we ever blogged together. I kinda assumed that maybe you were twins and thus thought a lot alike.

    Clearly cooperation was taught to you at a young age lol. I love your blogging style. it’s really unique!
    Carrie recently posted..I am enjoying my new spaceMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Amazingly, we are not sisters. Erin is from a big family, though, and she tolerates my only-childness.

      We also have a pact now to just say what we think, with kindness mind you, and get on with it. When you have to write together, wishy-washy deferential simpering takes up too much time. I think our first combined post took 2 weeks to write. 🙂


  2. Christian at Point Counter-Point Point Point

    Interesting. Your guy’s process is a bit different than ours. For the sake of efficiency and time we always have several “in progress” at once. On average I would say it takes us about a month to write one, which makes it very difficult to discuss current events unless we know what those current events are going to be in the future. But unfortunately we aren’t psychics. Yet.

    There should be a blog conference just for duo-bloggers. It could be called BlogThem or something.
    Christian at Point Counter-Point Point Point recently posted..Best Job Ever!My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      See, we would like, no love, to be that far ahead. We even plan for it, but we get distracted by shiny new topics and off we go. We have one post that is our little orphan. We’ve been kicking it around since April. It may see the light on Thursday, Fingers crossed.

      As far as the conference name goes, how about “Chips and Salsa in Ellen’s Backyard?” We would only include other duos who were psychic. You gotta have standards. And I can only make so much salsa. Ellen

  3. Larks

    Cool peek into your writing process! It’s fun to read posts like this – informative but not overly serious. The beach volleyball analogy totally works! Nice job!

  4. stephanie

    As others have said, I wondered how it worked for you. I enjoy the back and forth, your humor, your friendship. I have 5 sisters and when I read the comments that say you’re just like sisters I can’t help but disagree, in my mind. I’m good friends with some of my sisters, and we have a great time when we hang out. But I could never perform a duet of any kind with any of them. But I could with a few of my friends, one in particular.
    stephanie recently posted..Ambrosia of the GodsMy Profile

      1. stephanie

        I only meant to imply that often bonds of friendship are tighter than family bonds. I hope my comment wasn’t misconstrued. Or maybe you “look” like sisters, physically. In any case, your posts are wonderful because of your bond. 🙂
        stephanie recently posted..Ambrosia of the GodsMy Profile

        1. The Sisterhood Post author

          Oh no! Not misconstrued at all. Erin turns to her sister all of the time for advice and to review our writing. She is an English PhD and we respect her opinion mightily. I laugh because when Erin turns to her for opinions, she often unknowingly backs me up. Erin always has the good grace to tell me. And that right there is probably why we can work together. 🙂

          I loved your original comment. I was just expressing that Erin’s sister has commented that we look alike in our banner photo. 🙂 Ellen

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      If we are together, and especially if we are beach or poolside, we have been known to use paper, too. Our problem is the shuffling back and forth. Erin has lost an “Ideas” notebook and I have lost an accordion file. But we have issues electronically, too. We don’t discriminate. 🙂 Ellen

  5. Mary @ A Teachable Mom

    Here’s some love from the crowd: Perfection! I loved this post and am in awe of your process. Your partnership is inspirational and appears to be more fun than I’ve had lately! I’m thinking a vlog of your process would make a great post too. I love reading your work and this one is especially brilliant. Wow.
    Mary @ A Teachable Mom recently posted..Sheer LuckMy Profile

  6. Liz @ShiftlessMommie

    “a unicorn farting glitter” is now what I will think of every time I read a superfluous comma.

    Despite your witty and educational explanation, I am still in awe that you are able to work so well together. I can’t think of anyone I could write a blog with where we wouldn’t eventually devolve into name-calling and slander.
    Liz @ShiftlessMommie recently posted..Dual MotivationMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      My 11 year old asked to look at the blog tonight. She wanted to catch up. (Hence why we refrain from hardcore swearing. Don’t need that showing up in a book report. The sentence fragments are bad enough.) I thought she was going to bust a gut over “a unicorn farting glitter.” She has a whole new respect for me now. Ellen

  7. Michelle Longo

    I always read your posts and think how wonderful it would be to do what you do. But I guarantee it would be over for me within 1 post. I loved this glimpse into your style(s) and your process. It sounds like over all you have a great deal of fun together and your obvious friendship is a beautiful thing.
    Michelle Longo recently posted..I’ll Get to It.My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Believe me, we thought it might be over before it started when we tried to write that first post together. 🙂 The secret is that we figured out we can just come out and tell one another when we don’t like something. No drama. No undertones. It’s a rare thing. Ellen

  8. Christie O. Tate

    Let me just say, that I love you guys. I love this post and the fellowship and the laughter and the talent you guys pack into your posts is AMAZING. I am envious. This post was timely, humorous and perfectly illustrated. You rock.
    Christie O. Tate recently posted..Three BouquetsMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      It is nice because there is always someone to pick up the slack. We always sign what we tweet or comment because we decided in the beginning that we didn’t want to homogenize our voices. Ellen

  9. 50Peach

    Bwwwahahahaha!!!! Genius, ladies. The analogy, the pics, the story. So much fun to see how you two operate (without killing each other). My favorite was the gem at the end: “So you drop in commas like a unicorn farting glitter, but sentence fragments are okay?” Oh, the snark.

    DROOOIIIID. ::: runs away :::
    50Peach recently posted..JoyrideMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Oh Deborah, if I didn’t love you so. I would have deleted this comment because Erin is now vindicated in her love of the word “niggled.” Keep reading because I feel it being worked in soon. 🙂

      The funny thing about our partnership? We’re not quite sure how it works. Erin can be an awful team player/follower and I have always hated working in groups. We are both gifted with self-awareness, though, and that goes a long way. Ellen

  10. Ado

    Okay I will come right out and admit it: I’m jealous of your friendship. Peevish, and jealous.
    There, I said it.
    What a team you are! (-:
    Ado recently posted..NewsflashMy Profile

  11. Pingback: We Get Along Like Cats and Dogs | Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

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