Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret

Are you jumping for joy for Back to School? Find out "Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret" - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

We have a dirty little secret . . .

Come a little closer . . .

Closer . . .


Erin: Whoa, I just felt pitchforks clanking and hackles raising through the WiFi waves!

Ellen: Don’t kick us off of the island! We honor your fist bumping and heel clicking, really we do. Those of you whooping it up, may we quote that great philosopher, Garth of Wayne’s World fame, and say, “Party on!”

Erin: Yes. What it really boils down to is we are a little selfish. The stone cold truth is that summer is our time to just be. No lunches to pack, no carpools to drive, no sports teams to tolerate, and no calendars to check . . .

Ellen: And re-check and then check again and then still mess things up. Dammit.

Erin: It means that we have time with our kids . . .

Ellen: Who we adore so much it hurts.

Erin: But we also have time for us. Books that sit all year on that bedside table finally get read when the only thing on the agenda is dipping our toes in the pool or hanging out on the dock.

Ellen: Oh, aren’t you sounding so erudite. Um, a good chunk of our time was spent goofing around like this:

Our Dirty Little Back to School Secret - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Erin flipped the script and finally got her revenge on Ellen for her (more than occasional) crabbiness.


And swinging around like this:

Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms: Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret. Does it involve swinging? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.

Okay now. This is the only “swinging” that takes place in The Sisterhood. Geez.


And fangirling like this:

Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms - Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret: Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy!

One Direction 4EVER! What? Cougars love 1D too.


Erin:ย  It’s just that summer gives me time to really remember myself–not Queen-of-the-Crockpot Erin, not Homework-Task-Master-Erin, not Supreme Champion of Scheduling Erin, just Erin. Summer means time lost in pages of favorite books or spent paddling into sunsets on favorite waters or playing lazy long games. It’s exploring favorite trails and visiting special friends . . .

Ellen: Wait, whose summer are we talking about? When did you have all this time?

Erin: What!? I read. I paddled. I played.

Ellen: Yes, but the picture you’re painting makes me envision you sitting on a porch swing while a ceiling fan lazily turns above you, cooling you just enough. I picture you sipping lemonade as a single drop of condensation slides down the side of your crystal goblet. Oh, and there is a rainbow, definitely a rainbow. With a unicorn. And no bugs. Oh, and what else is absent from this picture? Let’s see. Oh, no kids asking you questions every 15 seconds.

Every time I have talked to you on the phone or been in your presence you have been shushing kids and saying, “JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!!”

Erin: Weeellllll, summer does also mean a houseful. Not all of the kids I’m shooing away are even mine. It’s like a clown car when I slide back the minivan doors at the community pool. The lifeguard must think I have ten kids.

Ellen: And nothing adds to a mom’s feelings of peace and tranquility like a visit to a community pool.

Erin: Okay, the chaos is still there, but at least I don’t have to get kids to two different schools, make sure everyone has their homework done, and keep my lesson plans on track. The buzzing around me does increase by about twenty-fold, but there is just more space in my head.

Ellen: Okay. THAT I can accept. You were starting to sound like a crazy person.

Erin: <sigh> Maybe it really is time to go back to school.

Ellen: Now I feel like I was too hard on you. We will really miss the fun times with our kids. There was a huge chunk that was pretty darn Instagram-worthy. Like this:

Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

And this:

Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

And this:

Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Ellen: We sure did a lot of jumping.

Erin: On that note, it really is time for us to “jump” back into school again too. Dirty little secret or no, the moment has come to exchange the boogie boards for the backpacks whether we like it or not.

Ellen: Well, I’m trading in my “jumping” for kicking and screaming. I don’t wanna start the routine again. Okay, maybe, I’ll just quietly kick and whine in my head. Being a good example for the kids and all of that nonsense.

Erin: We really have to go back to school. Right?

Ellen: <sigh> We really do.


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7 thoughts on “Our Dirty Little Back To School Secret

  1. Christine

    Oh how I dread their first day of school. I don’t like anything about it. People have suggested I homeschool I hate school so much. I’d be horrible at it. Every day would be a field trip, and most of those trips would have absolutely no educational value.
    We’ve been back for a week now. Enjoy your last days do freedom! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Christine recently posted..Having Fun Without the Big Kids, Garden Goodies, and Proof I Ain’t No Milli Vanilli, TToT Week 61My Profile

    1. Gina

      I’m totally with you Christine. It seems to be the popular/cool thing, to celebrate “back to school” but it’s the WORST time of year, to me and my 7 year old son.

  2. Kathy Radigan

    I have to say I really straddle the fence here. I love the unstructured time with my kids and not rushing to pack lunches, backpacks and most importantly homework. But I also miss the structure that comes with school, the routine and patterns. And, the few hours to myself! Here’s to a great school year for everyone!!
    Kathy Radigan recently posted..Parting Is Such Sweet SorrowMy Profile

  3. newbuffalomom

    As your kids get older, back to school gets better. I haven’t carpooled in ages. Kids pack lunch or not. I look forward to the structure. And yes the quiet at home.


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