Ten Ways Momma Knows Best

What would make our lives easier? On a practical note, our cell phones, laptops, dishwashers, and high capacity washers enable our busy worlds to turn round and round. But let’s dream a little bigger. How about cooks, drivers, personal shoppers and gardeners?

But how about if we went REALLY big picture with this list? You know what would make our lives truly blissful and carefree? If we never had to worry about our kids. Well that may be the impossible dream, but we could get close if they would just accept . . .

Ten Ways Momma Knows Best

1. Embrace “Hard work beats talent every time when talent hardly works.” If you’re blessed, good for you, but you can’t coast. It also holds true for those with a bigger hill to climb: Hard work wins the day. Always. Never stop moving forward. One step at a time.

2. Let us pick out their dates, boyfriends and girlfriends, and—heck, why not dream big—their future spouses. If we have to admit members into our happy clans, bouncer rights would be heavenly.

3. Absolutely listen to us when we tell them they are making mistakes. What is the point of crow’s feet if you can’t force feed share the wisdom that comes with them?

4. Get full scholarships to college. Then we all could enjoy vacation homes in Vail and Florida.

5. Never lie to us. Things would just be so much easier and safer. We would then know when to dispense our awesome wisdom. And we could stop checking their mind-numbing Facebook walls.

6. Learn that they are not invincible before anyone gets hurt. Face facts that despite their deepest, most profound wish, they are not superheroes made of steel. Bodies break, hearts hurt, and minds reel. If they can’t always proceed with the air of caution we would like, they should have a healthy dose of common sense. Then we won’t need to bubble-wrap them or have the local hospital on speed-dial.

7. Be their Best Selves. Each of our kids has an alter-ego that wants to bring them down. Whether it’s Miss Cool-io or Mister Jock-Jerk, these alter-egos are never welcome and usually highlight all the aspects of their personalities we are hoping to nurture right out of them. If they would just always let their true, best selves be the one they showed to the world, our jobs would be done.

8. Honor their siblings. It’s not a commandment, but it should be.  They are darn lucky we chose to give them accomplices, er friends, on their life’s journey. They can show us some gratitude with a little brotherly (and sisterly) love. Erin’s boys are on notice here: Backyard games are not Olympic events—take it down a notch, boys!

9. Remember that we are on their team.  We don’t have t-shirts, yet, but we are not above promoting the fabulousness of our offspring. That being said, if they have stepped in a mess, the sooner we know about it, the sooner we can help clean it up. There is no use spinning wheels in mud when Momma has the chain. Reach out and fess up. Quick.

10. Be brave, bold, honorable, kind, thoughtful, intelligent, loving, funny additions to the world and share that with someone every day. Then they can make eveyone’s lives better, not just ours.

But you know what the thing is about easy? It’s not only unattainable, it’s boring. And if our kids are anything, they are not boring. We’re going to have to buckle up, let them go their own ways, pray the mistakes are not insurmountable, and enjoy the ride.

someecards.com - There is one solution to every problem. Listen to Your Mother!


-Ellen and Erin




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35 thoughts on “Ten Ways Momma Knows Best

  1. sara

    I LOVE your list! It’s funny, it takes being an adult to realize our parents weren’t totally clueless….and that they weren’t out to make our lives miserable….and it will take the same for our kiddos I guess…but like you said, if it was easy it wouldn’t be nearly as fun 🙂
    sara recently posted..Making Life EasierMy Profile

  2. ava

    I so love your take on the listicle prompt this week Erin and Ellen! Your number 8 made me smile the most. Between my twin sister and me, we have 6 girls! 🙂 So I can just imagine the ruckus boys create.
    ava recently posted..The Good Life. 🙂My Profile

  3. Jamie

    I just found out at spin class who my son had asked to Prom. He hadn’t even mentioned it to us. So my husband was the brilliant one and suggested we look up her Facebook page. She looks cute.

  4. Susan

    I strongly, strongly believe you should make t-shirts (I’m a big proponent of t-shirt making). Then you could take pictures and post them on their Facebook walls!

    In all seriousness, this is a great, great list. Making me a little teary yet again – thanks, y’all. -s
    Susan recently posted..Upside-Down Funking and Other Musings.My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Well, if we did make t-shirts, and I am not saying we will, Ellen will have to take the lead. Our friend Mary and I tried to make the ones for our big summer camping adventure and, well, it’s a story that might make it on the blog (if I can muster the courage to write about it). Glad you enjoyed the list, Erin

  5. Recovering Supermom

    Amen, sisters, amen. I laughed at the part of being bouncers about who enters the family. My parents got really lucky when I married my husband. And I scared the crap out of them with the guy I dated before him! 🙂

  6. Katie E

    Wonderful list! I could definitely go for all of these happening. I especially liked #2 – my kids have a couple really annoying friends who I’d like to get rid of 🙂 And #4 – I can’t imagine how we’re supposed to pay for college for 3 kids.
    Katie E recently posted..The Wonderful Smell of GasolineMy Profile

  7. Janice

    #3 and #8 are so true. I wish those for my kids too – especially my girls right now. My oldest daughter always has some sort of comeback as if she is never wrong and know better than me. And she and her sister always argue about everything. i don’t see what’s the big deal of sharing. It’s not THAT hard to do. Is it? I mean, I’d share my coffee if I needed to….maybe…
    Janice recently posted..Monday Listicles: Easy LifeMy Profile

  8. Anna

    I so love the angle you took with this one. If only kids knew we were on their side, would listen to our wisdom & advice and just tell us the truth at all times. Awesome, awesome list!
    Anna recently posted..Red SweatshirtMy Profile


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