Ten Things About Our Mom Cars

Oh Mom Taxis! How you are ridiculed, but are oh so needed. We like to joke that if a tsunami hit our vehicles and swept them to the top of the Andes, we could survive out of them for weeks. For mothers, our car/minivan/SUV is not just a people mover, it is so much more. But don’t get us wrong, we move a lot of people.

 10 Things About Our Mom Cars

1.Whhhhiiiiirrrsssht! Taxi!

Wish it doubled as a time machine since scouts AND soccer both start at 4pm.


2. Command Central

This pretty much captures it. Go ahead, click on it to really appreciate the accuracy.


3. Roadie Van

There is no time to go home between activities! You must move from swimming to band to volleyball. In between, you need to drop off the school project that is too big to go in on the bus and drop the cereal off at the food pantry (one box might be missing because you forgot it was your turn for team snacks). Food is in the cooler because there is no time to stop. The golf umbrella is there to keep you all dry when that rainstorm mercifully strikes and cuts practice short.


4. Happy Meal Toy Graveyard

Okay, sometimes there’s time to stop for food, but not without consequences.


5. Locker Room

Sometimes to make the schedule work, you gotta change in the car. With all of those cleats, it also smell like a locker room. Thanks for asking.


6. Hydration Station

This is typical, but not authentic. Ellen had to stage this photo because her husband recently cleaned the 19 water bottles out of her car. THAT is the truth.


7.  Mobile First Aid Unit

All the supplies from that little compartment in the the floor. For real. Except for the boogie board. But while we’re on the subject, never go out on the beach without a flotation device. Riptides are scary people.


8. Lay-A-Way Department

Erin drove around for weeks with those Christmas gifts in the back of her minivan without her kids being the wiser. Until now. Mental note, must find new hiding spot this year.


9. Entertainment Center

We’ve heard stories about road trips before on-board entertainment centers. Shudder.


10. Brings Home The Bacon

For Ellen, this is quite literal because it’s the family business.



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45 thoughts on “Ten Things About Our Mom Cars

  1. Stasha

    This is so cool. Love how versatile your cars are. Would Ellen agree about my neurotic car shopping? Am I her typical customer?
    Also the coupons and reusable bags. I never remember to bring them from the car to the shop. NEVER!

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      I forgot about the reusable bags! I ALWAYS leave them in the car too!

      I think you were a very informed customer, Stasha. My husband would have loved to have worked with you. 🙂 Ellen

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Swim team. They use flippers for leg conditioning and kick development. It is hard to kick incorrectly with the flippers on. They are used a lot for the butterfly stroke, too. It allows the kids to practice it longer without becoming so fatigued. I should have included the hand paddles and leg buoys in the photo. They would have definitely upped the mystery factor. 🙂 Ellen

  2. RoryBore

    Ah crap…I thought I was so prepared: water, food, change of clothes for everyone, paper towels, wipes, toys, crayons and colouring books, first aid kit, roadside emergency kit, shovel, blankets, pillows, candles, flashlights……but OMG No Flipping Flippers!!!
    it’s inevitable that disaster will now strike us down 😉
    RoryBore recently posted..Monday Listicles: "Rollin in the Mini"My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Ha! This is my summertime prepared, although we always have flippers because of winter swim team. But in winter, I also have my foldable shovel and kitty litter (great traction if stuck). Ellen

      P.S. – Watch your back for that tsunami, though.

  3. Brandee

    We also have a happy meal toy graveyard in the backseat of my car. Sometimes it scares me. I am also so glad to hear that I am not the only one who drove around with Christmas presents hiding in the car trunk. I thought I might be weird with that one. 😉
    Great list!
    Brandee recently posted..Cars, cars and more cars!My Profile

  4. Diane@BeStillaMinute

    I REALLY need to keep a legal pad in the car because I always get these brilliant post ideas while driving and then later sit staring at my blinking cursor asking myself “What was that great idea you had the other day on the way back from Target?” and I never, ever, remember!
    Diane@BeStillaMinute recently posted..Saturn with a SunroofMy Profile

  5. Ninja Mom

    I pinned command central, ladies. Hope you don’t mind. If you try to sue me I’ll just claim I thought it was a picture of my own car—and I’d win with that argument.

    High fives to us! We live in our cars. I’m only waiting for sports central to be a part of the in-car experience.
    Ninja Mom recently posted..Middletini and Max and RubyMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Ooo, you know I’m going over to Pinterest to see if anyone else has pinned it. It feels positively blissful to be relieved from shameless self-promotion.

      And you’re in for a treat when you start sports. It adds a delightful fragrant bouquet that marries beautifully with the aroma of decaying french fries. Ellen

  6. Anja

    These photos cracked me up – too hilarious! But I remember when my mom drove me to music lessons and stuff and always waited around. I guess kids tend to take that for granted. But at least you’ve got your own entertainment center while waiting! *g* xo Anja
    Anja recently posted..A stroll thorugh Würzburg, GermanyMy Profile

  7. Aunt Karo

    OMG—I could have never done half of what you girls do. I can’t even imagine the stress of running kids from place to place–take care of a house–a husband (the extra kid), and even have time to shower and go to bed. You girls must sleep in your clothes, so you are ready at a moments notice to do the next task!!! My hat is off to all of you. PLEASE take time to go to the spa once in awhile.

    Love to all, Aunt Karo

  8. Pingback: May Finding the Funny and a Tribute to Mom Taxis! | Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

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