Celebrate this, Sisterhood Style!

Nothing we love here in The Sisterhood more than a great party and some good eats.

One Drink!                        Two Drinks!!              Three Drinks!!!


Thank goodness that between the two of us, there are plenty of holidays and birthdays to go around. Ellen has a chance to show off her cake -making skills. . .

There’s a veritable barnyard of cute animals Ellen’s crafted out of fondant and sugar, but this one’s Erin’s favorite.


. . . and Erin’s husband Steve does too. Erin thanks her lucky stars every year that her in-laws owned a Carvel franchise for years and taught her husband how to handle a pastry bag.

He can freelance like nobody’s business too. He drew this one at the beach using a sandwich baggy and some homemade icing.


You wanna know what else they share besides some serious cake-making skills?? The same birthday.  February 9th. They were born ON. THE. SAME. DAY.  Yeah, we know, it’s freaky. Especially when Erin says that their voices sound the same in her head.

Oh, and our dear friend Mary’s son was born on February 9th too.  When Mary was on bed rest,  she gave Ellen and Frank her season tickets  to see “Chicago” at the Wilmington Opera House, so that they could have a date night out to celebrate Ellen’s birthday.   As Frank and Ellen were watching the curtain come up, Lil’ G was making his debut.

Do you hear what we are laying down?? Three special people in The Sisterhood share the same birthday! We might as well turn this into an official Sisterhood holiday. What, you say, this is barely a reason for a holiday?

Well, in addition to the crazy coinciding of the birthdays, this year February 9th has been attracting activities and events to it like a Kardashian to some media coverage. We would like to offer our calendars as Exhibits A, B, C, and D,  but the paper ones are unreadable and the electronic ones are groaning from the data we keep trying to input. Erin may not be the technology-whisperer, but she can hear her iPhone  saying, “Put me down, girl. I’ve had enough. I can’t take any more.”

Still not buying it? Well, February is a month for dubious holidays anyway.  Perhaps snow does not just make you blind, but deaf, dumb, and stark-raving mad as well.  These February holidays all started out honorably enough, but they have strayed far from their noble roots. Mardi Gras is now just an excuse to make bad decisions all day long.  And Presidents’ Day?  A ruse to spend one last day on the slopes (not that we’re complaining) or to buy a new mattress.

Yep. We think you’re awesome, Abe. Too bad they have you schlepping new Sertas!

Groundhog Day? Puh-leez!  Phil saw his shadow this year, so you know what that means?? Bupkis. NADA. Nothing. Dust off your 5th grade science book or steal your kid’s iPad: that’s not how weather works.  Sorry if this rains on your happy dance parade because you thought spring was right around the corner. It is. It’s called March.

And don’t even get us started on Valentine’s Day. There’s the Hallmark version: St. Valentine, hearts, love, letters, chocolates . . . well, you know. Then there’s the real story: Pope Gelasius got a little slaphappy bestowing sainthood on people and included Valentine in with a bunch of other saints, saints like St. George of “St. George and the Dragon” fame. We don’t have to tell you that this got a little awkward seeing as how dragons are a little hard to rustle up. Anyway, the pope validated his batch of questionable picks by saying that they were men “whose acts are known only to God”.  Nice umbrella there, Pope G, hope it shields you from the flurry of chocolates and greeting cards headed your way.

Not this type of unicorn

Anyway, we think February 9th has as much legitimate claim to a holiday status as, say, a groundhog who forecasts weather or a knight who slays dragons in the English countryside. If Pope Gelasius had kept going, we might be painting rainbows and hearts in homage to Saint Unicorn-Wrangler.

So, what’s wrong with lobbying for February 9th as a Sisterhood Siesta? It could be a a day to do nothing. Hang out, sleep in, eat cake, relax. Whatever. The Holiday of Meh. For two girls who have yet to find a blank spot on their calendars, this sounds like heaven.


Besides, Ellen could use some cheering up. Remember what we just said about Ellen and Mary’s little boy being birthday buddies? On his first birthday, Ellen gave him a tool box and has been filling it on his special day ever since. This year, Ellen was proactive, organized, and way ahead of the game. Because the universe has a twisted sense of humor, Ellen was bound to be drop-kicked on her little overachieving butt for this forethought and productivity. The supercool pair of light-up work goggles she found for Mary’s little boy and bought for him BEFORE Christmas? Well, they are gone. G-O-N-E.  Like no trail to follow, no stones to overturn, NOWHERE. We can wish for a happy day when Ellen unpacks them from her Christmas decorations in December, but it’s not likely. They seemed to have been swallowed up by the black hole that exists in our homes since the birth of our kids.

You know what would make her feel better? A day off to look for them. Or not. Whatever.

At the very least, we can all offer some sincere birthday wishes to these three special people without whom The Sisterhood would be a much less fun, funny, and sweet place! Happy birthday, Ellen, Steve (Happy Big 4-0!!) , and Lil’ G!

Oh, and just to keep it real, a bonus birthday anecdote from Erin’s birthday last week:

Ellen calls to check in on some blog stuff.

Erin: Oh, I don’t know if I’ll have time to finish that. The family is taking me out to dinner for my birthday.

Ellen: But I thought your birthday was January 31st.

Erin: Today IS January 31st.


 Don’t forget  to vote for us as one of the Circle of Moms Top 25 Funny Mom Blogs. Just click the little pink button below. It takes just a minute! Push us, push us real good into the Top 25!

Thanks! Erin and Ellen


You can vote once per 24 hours until February 13th. So click it, so we can quit begging!


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21 thoughts on “Celebrate this, Sisterhood Style!

  1. Mary

    Lil’ G loves being a part of of the sisterhood almost as much as he LOVES his toolbox!! However, if he wants to keep the sisterhood happy (which includes his mama) he will wait patiently like a good member until the black hole belches up the goggles! It is the thought that counts after all – right?! February 9 is one of my most special of days for at least 3 great reasons!!

  2. Southern Angel

    I have a set of twin sisters who are older than I am by 11 years. One year one of them called the other and wished her Happy Birthday. When she did the other twin said. “Happy birthday to you too.” The first twin was like huh?? Then was like oh yeah it is my birthday today.. yeah that is the gene pool I come from. I am so proud
    Southern Angel recently posted..Mama Kat I am the sunset..My Profile

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