Ten Things You Might Not Know About Us

We are traveling fools. Just this month collectively we have visited Washington, DC, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Western Maryland. Our Samsonite is begging for some time off, but we are pressing on. Every time we load the ole minivan up and head out, fun things happen.

Our trip last week to Pennsylvania was no exception.  Not only did we meet two more of our online friends and co-authors Stephanie Giese of Binkies and Briefcases and Meredith Spidel of Mom of the Year, but we had the chance to hang out at Kismet Consignment.


Yeah, we travel for cupcakes. What of it?

Between the cupcakes, the cute clothes, the great furniture and accessories, the books and, of course, these wonderful ladies, it was a girl’s dream night out!


Complete with a fabulous LBD for Ellen, a great necklace, and, of course, our favorite book!

We especially appreciated meeting all the fans of I Just Want to Pee Alone and You Have Lipstick On Your Teeth who came out to have their books signed. And did we mention how much we LERV our co-authors?

better stphanie n merdeith

Aren’t they the cutest? Stephanie and Meredith are just as adorable in person as their dresses!

One thing became abundantly clear as we talked to everyone: they were curious to scratch the surface of our blogging duo. So we decided that now might be just the right time to give you all some dirt. On each other.

ethel kennedy

No, Erin is not one of the missing Kennedys, although she does channel Ethel from time to time. Our secrets aren’t really tabloid-worthy.  Yet.

While the following revelations might not make a Kardashian worry about her day job, they might help you get to know us a little better.

10 things you might not know about us

Erin Shares About Ellen:

1. Ellen travels with a capital “T”. I knew Ellen and Frank went places, but we all go places. They GO places. In the past few years, they have visited Costa Rica, Mexico, San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Washington, DC, taken a cruise to the Bahamas, and done Disney. This is just hitting the highlights. They also go to the beach, and we camp together TWICE every summer. But it’s not just that they go fabulous places, they do fabulous things once they’re there. They climb stuff and rappel off things and swim with sea creatures and find great hideaway restaurants and visit don’t-miss museums. Their photo albums look like travel brochures. In one of our conversations, Ellen said that she would rather spend money on experiences than things. She’s not just talk, this one.

2. Ellen still has mad medicine skills. If you didn’t know yet that Ellen is a doctor, you should probably know that. While she chose to gracefully exit the medical profession stage right to raise her kids full-time, she never really put away those skills. She is our resident medical go-to girl for all things that might bleed, blister, or keep you up at night with worry.  The way she explains technical medical things to us lay folk reminds me that she would be awesome in a practice or on TV as one of those medical correspondents. Move over Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Ellen still has game.

3. Ellen makes a cake so good that I actually tried and LOVE Nutella. The very notion of Nutella used to make me gag, but this cake made me a convert. If you make it, it will make you the Belle of the Ball, so if you are looking for a fairy godmother, Ellen just might be your girl.  Oh, and the cakes she makes her kids—fuggedaboutit. Forget fairy godmother. You’ll want to be adopted, so you can call her mom and eat these ridiculous confections. Really.

4. Ellen is willing to jump off that cliff–metaphorically and literally. Remember what I said about her awesome travel escapades? Ellen is always ready for fun. And challenges. I have yet to find anything that scares her or makes her say, “whoa, that ain’t gonna happen”. Ellen is the girl that gets things done. Period. Again, if she can think it up, it’s already halfway done.

ellen goofball

Ellen can find fun in a paper bag or, in this case, posing with a photograph!

5. Ellen is tech-y in a good way. It took me a while to find my footing in the more technical aspects of blogging, but Ellen took to it like a duck to water. She is always two steps ahead of me on that front which I appreciate, because she is an extremely generous friend when it comes to knowledge and sharing it. I have learned a ton, mostly from her showing me the way.

 Ellen Shares About Erin:

1. Erin is a whiskey drinking girl. Erin will partake of a mellow merlot or a cold brew, but her first choice is a whiskey sour slushie. It’s her fun-loving Irish roots shining through, but it always surprises me and makes me smile. She is such a gentle soul and whiskey just seems like a bar brawl fire-starter.

2. Erin is the ring leader, CEO, and Grandmaster Flash of fun. When we go on our Big Love trips with sixteen children ranging in age from 5 to 18, Erin orchestrates getting us fed, corralling us out the door, and divving us up into canoes. But you know her super duper secret that you should tattoo on the bottom of your foot for future reference? She is FLEXIBLE. She is not a slave to her schedules. The masses revolt because they don’t want to get out the door by 8 am? No problem. We’re having a blast at the playground and don’t want to start on the hike? No problem. She should have the theme song, “Enjoy the fun you’re with” playing around her at all times.

3.  Erin is your role model for how NOT to hold a grudge. Erin is amazing. You can have a calm discussion with her, come to an agreement, and then she – wait for it – moves on. It is like watching a miracle unfold before your eyes. It is truly in the category of unicorns and leprechauns. There is a dark side though, but it is only for her. She assumes other people are also this generous and she has gotten burned. I’ve told her more than once that perhaps she didn’t get kicked enough as a kid. Hmmm, reading this over, I may need to work on my graciousness. I definitely have my cynicism down pat.

4. Erin loves fire. She really loves it. I’m a girl who has used her fireplace twice in 14 years. Her family’s most cherished times are spent around their fire pit. She is a girl who uses fire as an entertaining staple. Don’t forget she brought us the “Bonfire to Go“.

5. Erin is a master of organization, diplomacy, and calm . . . except when she is not. In the land of  calm, Erin is the cucumber when kids are breaking arms or scrabbling with each other like feral cats. For the love of the Brady Bunch, she keeps her five kids’ lives trucking along in the most fantastically enriched, grounded, and fun manner possible. And she does it without an Alice —  but on second thought she does it without the hindrance of a Cindy, so really it’s a wash. But she is only human as demonstrated by her sock sack of shame.

What’s the big deal you say? Just you wait.

She also takes a stand on the most unlikely issues. Discussing religion and politics? The United Nations should attend her charm school. Discussing Andy Griffith? Insert the sound of an explosion in your head.

We hope our little peek behind the curtain has made you curious enough to delve a little deeper.

Downingtown Book Signing

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Been dying to read  “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth”? Buy it here!

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  Welcome, Welcome, one and all!

-Ellen and Erin



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