Getting to Know Us: The Awards Edition

We know we were nominated months ago and we are just getting around to responding, but we do declare that we are honored.

We are like the worst debutantes ever: ready to party, but sorely lacking in the finer skills of RSVP’ing and thank you note writing. We must have been sleeping off hangovers on the mornings they were covered. (Farrah at The Three Under can explain all about it: the manners and procrastination, not the hangovers.)

Anyway, three of our favorite bloggers thought enough of us to nominate us for the bloggy awards floating around in our cotillion circuit of the blogosphere. And we are just pleased as punch that they did. (We apparently did not miss the class on charming southern colloquial phrases.)

Now, the dazzle of our tiaras does not blind us to the fact that these awards might have a touch o’ the chain letter shine about them. But that is okay because we thought it would be fun to play along. What we did NOT do is worry about whether or not the people we are nominating had been nominated before or if they are too big time for this sort of thing. We just picked whom we liked. Life’s too short and there are too many mint  juleps to be sipped.

So with that in mind, nominees, play along if you wish, or not, but know that we think you are the bee’s knees. (We may have just muddled our debutante analogy with a line from The Andy Griffith Show, but don’t worry your pretty little heads about it.)

The First Award

This one was presented to us by Zannah at Write, Rinse, Repeat. This is why we love this gal: the “K” and lack of “e” in “Kreativ” makes her twitchy, too. But besides admiring her exuberance for proper grammar and spelling, we admire her writing because she has depth and range. She can take you to the mountaintop and back down to the Port-a-Pot. In a phrase, her writing is worth your time. Go check this funny lady out.

So here is the drill:

1.  Thank and link back to the awarding blog.
2.  Answer seven questions.
3.  Provide 10 random factoids about yourself.
4.  Hand the award on to 7 deserving others.

We are going to take the team approach to this one. Answers represent an Ellen and Erin consensus. (And yes, that might have taken some haggling on a few of these. Shut up.)

#1. What is your favorite song?

Troublemaker by Weezer is the anthem for our combined family camping trips known as Big Love. Curious? Just click the link. It’ll make you feel good.

#2. What’s your favorite dessert?

Anything that Ellen makes or Erin’s Chocolate Chip Cookies.

#3. What do you do when you are upset?

Call each other and then blog about it. Duh.

#4. Which is your favorite pet?

Ellen’s cat, Sparkle. Erin doesn’t even realize when her cat has been replaced by an imposter.

#5. Which do you prefer, White or Whole Wheat?

Whole Wheat because Ellen is giving up Cheez-its.  Wait, this was supposed to be a consensus. Ellen wants it known that there are Whole Grain Cheez-its. So back off.

#6. What is your biggest fear?

Erin: Breaking the blog.

Ellen: You should be afraid because it would make it a little awkward for our friends.

#7. What is your attitude mostly?

Erin is a Pollyana and Ellen is a Realist. Trust us, it works.

10 Random Factoids

We are going to split these. You’re welcome.


Must be the Stache

1.  About 90% of the time, when I meet someone new, they say that they already know me or that I remind them of someone they know. I have no idea what this says about me, but it really does happen a ridiculous amount of the time.

2.  I am extremely competitive in games (I broke my leg in seventh grade playing TV tag. I jumped over a bush to get away from the boy who almost tagged me),but not in life. Keeping up with the Joneses does not matter to me a lick.

3.  I once signed a note to my husband, Steve, “Love, E” and he has called me Elvis as a term of endearment ever since.

4. My two childhood best friends Katie and Mary and I used to climb out of my bedroom window, run across the roof, and jump on to the top of our Winnebago—on a regular basis. It makes me happy to think that Mary’s brother Larry now lives in that house and that we might someday be able to do it once again for old times’ sake.

5. I convinced my dad to write “Happy Birthday, Ernestine Green Bean” on my 13th birthday cake. As a parent now, I can only admire his resolve to not utter one word about it.


6. I never flew on a plane until I was an adult, albeit barely. My first flight was 9 hours long to Rome when I was 18 years old.

7. I have ziplined in three different countries. And before you ask, they are Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.

8. Two years ago, I lost my passport and my husband’s. In our house. I put them “away” while I had 102°F fever. I was supposed to be putting them away in the safe. I found them a year later in the birthday candle box. (What is the most disturbing part here? That I was cleaning while deathly ill or that we have a birthday candle box?)

Hold your applause. An Italian woman climbed beside me in heels.

9. I have never mountain climbed, but I love to climb to the top of things: lighthouses, monuments, cathedrals. Six months after I healed from ankle surgery, we specifically traveled to Mexico so I could climb the Coba pyramid.

10.  My husband and I took our girls on a cruise soon after the Italian Costa Concordia cruise ship sank and one week before the 100th year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Apparently, we are not superstitious.

Ellen: I just realized these were all travel related. Weird.

Erin: You do like things tidied up by a theme.

We’re passing the scepter!

Here are 7 well-heeled bloggers we would invite to our ball anytime! (Yes, Ellen is bringing it back to the debutante theme. See above.)

1. Honest Mom

2. Scribblesaurus Me

3. Shiftless Mommie

4. The Journey

5. Actual Times May Vary

6. The Reedster Speaks

7. Werdyab

Hollow Tree Ventures gets honorable mention because ERMAHGERD, we procrastinated so long that others filled her dance card and she already wrote her acceptance post.


The Second (and Final) Award

This bit of internet wunderbar was bestowed upon us by not one, but TWO of our favorite bloggers: Angela Shelton and Mama Mzungu.

  • Angela Shelton is a phenomenal person and writer. She is such a great writer that she really describes herself best:

“I am a screenwriter, actor, author, public speaker, superhero for little kids aka Safe Side Superchick – and children’s book author. My mission is to inspire you to live a joyful life no matter what you’ve been through (and we all have a story).”

See what we mean? This funny lady will make your heart and soul feel good.

  • Kim at Mama Mazungu is a fascinating woman and writer. She is an expat living  in Western Kenya with her husband and children. They work for an organization that does research on development interventions – those programs that intend to make peoples lives better – to see how well they are doing that.  She is insightful, entertaining, and a pleasure to read.


Rules for Accepting the Very Inspirational Blogger Award

I. Share seven things about myself.

II. Pass the award on to 15 other bloggers

Since there are two of us, We (read Ellen) decided to have a theme to each thing revealed.

WHO is this for?

1. Home Improvement

Erin: I have a raised three inch scar on my left hand from installing a toilet in Mexico—something a little outside of my skill set.

Ellen: My husband once gave me a sapphire bracelet and a miter saw for Christmas. I brim with delight when repair technicians and contractors walk past me to go talk to my husband, only to be sent back to me.

Not a love letter

2. B.S. (Before SAHM-hood)

Erin: I became a special ed teacher, because a boy I loved used to write me the sweetest love letters with terrible spelling and grammar. Until then, I had never realized what a gift it was that reading and writing came easily to me.

Ellen: I became a doctor because I was good at science, hated working in a lab, and wanted a secure future.

Not as freaky as the Mayan calendar running out in December

3. Freaky Date Coincidences

Erin: My husband’s dad and my dad went to the same college, graduated the same year, were both in ROTC, and their pictures are beside each other in their college yearbook—spooky!

Ellen: My husband and I were born two days apart (I’m the older woman) and both of our mothers are named Nancy and they are both born in May.

Not them

4. Swimming

Erin: I was a synchronized swimmer with my sister.

Ellen: We’re ALL waiting to see actual photos of the synchronized swimming. In contrast, I was not put into swim lessons until I was 10 years old. Mildly humiliating being in there with the 5 year olds. Remember the Cartman swim lesson episode from South Park? Yeah, like that.

5. Brushes with Fame

Not Photoshopped

Erin:I have a girl-crush on Tina Fey, and a boy-crush on Paul Rudd. When I went to the New Yorker Festival a couple of years ago, I sat beside Paul Rudd’s wife during his event. She was so nice and normal and so much like me that I am even further convinced that if he had met me first, he would have picked me.

Ellen: 1) Ben Stein was seated at the table next to us at the Roof Terrace Restaurant in the Kennedy Center. 2) Last year, my daughters and I were inadvertently swept into the middle of the Transformers premiere in Times Square. We were spitting distance from Shia LaBeouf. We did not spit. 3) I met the Cake Boss.

Can also be used as a booster seat

6. Reading Lists

Erin: I once convinced five people to read Tolstoy’s War and Peace, and then didn’t read it. Sorry, guys!! It’s on my list to do this year.

Ellen: I was not one of those people. Don’t get me wrong, Erin has snookered me, but this would be far too horizon expanding and beneficial for me to fall for it.

More refined than our tastes in concerts

7. A Side of Cheese With That Concert?

Erin: My most embarrassing concert was Michael Bolton. It was a surprisingly good concert for such a cheeseball,

Ellen: Milli Vanilli. Wikipedia describes them as a pop and dance project. Nuff said. (This might be the first time I have ever referenced Wikipedia.)

15 Bloggers Receiving Our Custom Engraved and Monogrammed Invitations

This Weblog is Unique. Just Like They All Are

The Dose of Reality

Dude of the House

Kvetch Mom


Mannahatta Mamma

Joe of Kellie’s World

Fancy Feet

The Journey

Writing, Wishing

The Momalog

The Good Life

Chicken Noodle Gravy

Not Wifezilla

Writing in the Margins, Bursting at the Seams

So, we ran out of engraved invitations and there are so many more blogs we love. But we feel like we need to mention five more, because whether they know it or not, they have been our dance instructors for this Ball of Blogging: Ninja Mom, Let Me Start By Saying, Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva, The Bearded Iris, and Yeah Write Me.

 If you stuck this post out to the end, well bless your heart, you deserve a tiara. Better yet, here’s a drink on us. And it’s not one of those nasty mint juleps either. That’s how much we like you; we’re dropping the theme like a hound dog fetching a rattle snake. (We know, Ellen couldn’t let it go.)


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25 thoughts on “Getting to Know Us: The Awards Edition

  1. Write, Rinse, Repeat

    Well, I do declare. This was such a thought provoking and informative post. I loved every word, especially the nice ones about me and Paul Rudd. Most people don’t even pay these forward. Thanks for being awesome enough to do so!!!! Mad props unto thou.

  2. thedoseofreality

    Well, isn’t this the nicest thing to happen to me since I didn’t get to go to BlogHer. Why, yes, yes it is! Thank you for this incredible honor. I shall certainly pass along the award to others as that is truly how these things work, right? I will wear my (totally imaginary) sash and tiara proudly for the rest of the day while I order my royal subjects (my children) around and they keep not listening to me like always…even when I tell them I am an AWARD WINNING BLOGGER for God’s sake! 😉
    Y’all rock the free world! 🙂
    thedoseofreality recently posted..Washing the DishesMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      We’re not at BlogHer either, but we can’t complain too much, we’re on vacation. So thank you for acknowledging our desperate ploy for attention so graciously. 🙂 Ellen
      P.S.- Not that I’m telling you how to parent, but maybe you should get those children of yours working on a For-Real sash and tiara. Just sayin’.

  3. Farrah

    What a thrill to be mentioned in the post- albeit a shout out to my failure at saying thanks- haha!

    Glad to see I have good taste- I read more of the blogs you mentioned than not (so I am patting myself on the back). Good choices!!

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      We wish we were part of the party too, but we are both on vacation so don’t cry for us Argentina. Just think, last August, we didn’t even know we would be bloggers. 🙂 Ellen

  4. Werdyab

    Oops. I didn’t mean to end that Who’s Who sentence with a question mark. I wasn’t asking anything; I was stating a fact. This is an amazing group of writers. That sentence deserved an exclamation mark… in the very least, a period. Exclamation point would have been better! You can’t use an exclamation point too much times when you’re thankful!!!!! It’s a law, I think!!!!!!
    Werdyab recently posted..Oscar Pistorius Makes Olympic HistoryMy Profile

  5. tricia

    oh my goodness- this post looks like a lot of work. I consolidated a bunch of blog awards last year but I closed the loop and created my own badge called the “Kreative Liebster Versatile Blogger Sunshine Ad Infinitum Award” and then all of a sudden, people stopped nominating me for awards. I can’t imagine why. Feel free to steal the badge and close the loop- but I’ll warn you. It took another year to get one of those. haha!
    tricia recently posted..It’s Hard To Be A Domestic Heroine…My Profile

  6. hollow tree ventures

    Well kiss my grits! Wait, that’s the wrong kind of Southern, isn’t it? Well, that just makes me even more proud to be nominated by two super classy ladies like yourselves – a lesser duo wouldn’t be able to see through my unpolished, boorish exterior to my snarky, crass innards, which are woefully undereducated in the ways of the debutante. Thank you! And I loved reading your answers, by the way!
    hollow tree ventures recently posted..Orthodontia and Throwing Eye DartsMy Profile


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