Angela Shelton Brings Tilda Pinkerton To Life For Children Of All Ages

In paperback and on Kindle

Our wonderfully talented friend Angela Shelton has written a fantastical book, The Adventures of Tilda Pinkerton: Book 1: Crash-landing on Ooleeoo. Read the review below then click on over to Amazon to grab a copy for yourself.

Curious about the woman behind the book? To learn more about the beautiful author and her inspiring life head on over to Sperk* to read our post about her on Kimberly Speranza‘s empowering weekly feature, Wednesday’ s Woman.

Tilda Pinkerton

In the place where intelligence and imagination meet, Tilda Pinkerton thrives. That place, Ooleeoo, is an utterly delightful place complete with chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla fields, creative characters, full-on magic, and a deep well-spring of whimsy. Tilda’s universe is populated with love and language and a deep love FOR language. Any child who dreams of his or her own Oxford English dictionary will be charmed (and yes, those kids do exist). Every chapter has footnotes for new words learned therein, and the book nearly glows with its big heart. For the right child, the precocious and language-curious, this book will be a treasure.

Tilda herself is a delight with her ability to craft hats that illuminate the special talents in each person who wears them. Who doesn’t wish for someone to not just see their hidden magic but find a way to celebrate and proclaim it to the world? Tilda is just the girl we all need. Kids will bond with her over her deep love for her pets too. She is loyal and brave, a heroine with some wicked smarts and a heart of gold.

In the end, this creative imaginative world that Angela Shelton has created is not a bad place to hang out in on a cozy afternoon, particularly if you are a kid who loves fantasy and imaginative leaps of fancy. There is so much going on here for a fertile young mind to enjoy and appreciate. The Adventures of Tilda Pinkerton is a unique addition to the world of children’s literature and loyal readers will wait for Book 2 to see Tilda continue her escapades. Thoroughly Enjoyable Read!


Angela Shelton: Beautiful Inside and Out


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4 thoughts on “Angela Shelton Brings Tilda Pinkerton To Life For Children Of All Ages

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Upper Elementary and Middle Schoolers. Would probably appeal to girls more than boys and definitely would appeal to kids who liked fantasy, science fiction, and the like. Lots of great vocabulary in the book, so stronger readers would really appreciate it, although it would appeal to any reader who likes the genres I mentioned above. Hope this helps, Erin

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