Hallo-Awkward-Ween Costumes

It’s Monday Listicle time and we had a hand in choosing the topic: Ten Halloween Costumes! You know the saying “Birds of a feather tweet together”? Just go with it. Well, we’re naming this feather “Fabulous” because we weren’t the only ones to suggest this. Robbie from Fractured Family Tales seconded our motion.

Then somewhere in the Twittersphere the same suggestion was made by Bridget from Twinisms and backed up by Brandee from One Crazy Kid.

Okay, so we acknowledge that this might not be the most creatively earth-shaking topic, but it’s Halloween and it’s fun and we can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.

For us, we decided to go with the awkward side of Halloween because, quite frankly, we are of the age that many of our cutest Halloween pictures are not electronically saved because they were, gasp, captured on film. Erin’s scanner is not hooked up and Ellen’s scanner is on a lower shelf in her office and she is in no condition to get down on the floor for that. So to Pinterest we go!


Ten Tremendously Awkward Halloween Costumes

Our original thought was to list these from least awkward to most, but dang, they are just all awful. We are going to start with the innocents who could not say no and who had no one of any sense to stand up for them.

1. You Can Dress a Pig Up

If a 9 year old girl did not stage this photo, then the awkward sadness oozing from this cannot be adequately expressed in words.

pig costume


2. Doubt His Farts Smell Like Rainbows

We find it a little sad to see animals dressed up, but the sorrow in this pooch’s eyes haunts us. But maybe this pug had it coming. That’ll teach him to pee on Aunt Gertrude’s heirloom Persian rug. And really, he could have run away; not to mention he has a little thing called fangs.


3. Little Giblets

Now this poor baby had no defenses. What new mom or dad has enough sleep or fortitude to construct anything like this? And this definitely screams custom-made. Not a big market for transforming your offspring into entrees. Are you feeling the fear in his eyes?


4. Emu Contortionist

The little Butterball above didn’t have a chance, but this capon chose this ridiculousness. Are you grasping that the person’s head is at the base of the fowl’s neck? And, oh yeah, the head is a shoe. But the kicker (pun intended)? This was found on Sexy Costume Club. We need to go hit up the dictionary because we didn’t know that sexy was a synonym for awkward. What we do know is this is the worst manifestation of party animal ever.


5. Couple of Boobs

This costume requires more commitment than a diamond ring and a mortgage. For it to make any sense, you are walking with your arms around each other. ALL. NIGHT. LONG. And you’re getting groped.


6. Creepier Than Chuckie

We cannot even imagine what went into the decision making process for this get-up. We do know what was NOT involved in the planning: Testosterone.

raggedy ann


7. Chainmail Can’t Protect You From Awkward

The one problem with this? Lack of commitment. Where is the chainmail diaper? But we are just pulling your leg, there’s a moat-load wrong here.


We know we said it was impossible to rate these from least awkward to most, but really, these last three are the grand finale . . .

8. Precocious Prophylactic

So much wrong in such a skinny wrapper. Can you feel the awkwardness of the neighbors having to pass candy out to this? Bright side? He’s been offered an after-school job at the local health center.



9. Bakery Fail

If the previous costume was screaming for a call to Child Protective Services, this one begs for a Health Department write-up. Why exactly does her belly have to be naked?

bun in the oven

10.Words Fail Us


We love you, so we won’t leave you with that last image. Here’s Stasha’s button. Go check to see if the other bloggers had less disturbing takes on this topic.

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32 thoughts on “Hallo-Awkward-Ween Costumes

  1. Stasha

    Love it. I mean eeeeewwwww, but totally cracked up with each one. Except the last one. That I need a shower.
    I was going to do ten costumes I would NEVER wear but I realized it would be basically adult store catalog…
    Stasha recently posted..Monday ListiclesMy Profile

  2. Marie

    Wow–these are truly awful! Just when I think I’ve seen the worst (baby turkey), it gets even worse (pair of boobs, child in a Trojan wrapper)!!

  3. Mary

    Loved the bun in the oven!! That was clever! The 2 boobs wasn’t bad either and made me laugh. And the last one – well I think if you and Frank showed up with that costume for Kanjarpalooza – it would be hysterical!!


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