10 Christmas Ornament Memories

We could not resist the Monday Listicle topic for this week — ten ornaments and the stories behind them — suggested by Kelly Duran from Writing Down The Bones. Our trees might be rejected as centerfolds for Southern Living, but they take center stage in our hearts because they are  chock full of memories. In fact, it was hard for us to each choose just five.


1. Caorach—That’s Gaelic for sheep if you were curious. When Steve and I were traveling through Ireland on our honeymoon, I was impressed by the beautiful countryside, the friendly people, and . . . the sheep. I bought a couple of sheep related mementos including this little fella. He has been part of our flock for 16 years now and I love seeing his simple unfinished wood wrapped in wool every Christmas. It always takes me back to that special time when we were just starting out.

2. Whatever, Martha! Oh, sisters are the absolute best, and I have been particularly blessed to have a great one. But in addition to being a long distance swimmer and full-time university professor, my sister is crafty. I did not get this gene, but it doesn’t usually smack me in the face until Christmas arrives and we receive my sister’s beautiful gifts handmade with love. They contrast nicely with my gifts which usually look like my five year old wrapped them. I love everything she has made us, but these were last year’s addition. She made these for everyone (and I have a big family!) customized with hair color, eye color, glasses, and colors of their favorite sports team. Aren’t they adorable?? Don’t you all want to hate her just a little bit?

3. Angelface — When I was a little girl, my dad went to a Christmas party and one of his friends gave him 2 angels to give to us on Christmas day. My sister’s had blond hair and hung side by side with my angel at the top of our tree under our star until I married Steve and took my angel with me. This humble little angel is probably one of my oldest possessions and I love seeing her on our tree every year and remembering all of her Christmases past.

4. Sisters Are Special—The Series— Remember what I said about sisters?? This is just one of a series of ornaments we gave each other. They are all pretty cute and extol the virtues of sisterhood, but this is the only photo one.

5. Family — Steve and I moved away from Maryland to mid-coast Maine a month after we were married. When we moved back home, we had two kids and I was 8 months pregnant with the 3rd. We moved into a small apartment right before Christmas, and I couldn’t get to any of our Christmas decorations. I shoved a small artificial tree that someone was throwing away into a Nordstrom’s box and bought a strand of lights (the tree was so small it only needed one). Then I took the box of extra photos (you know, the ones you didn’t use for albums or gifts before everything went digital) and started making ornaments. I showed you one of Ace as a baby here, but we still hang all of those crappy ornaments from our first Christmas in Maryland on our tree. It makes me happy to see how young we were and remember myself as a young mom determined to have a tree no matter what.



6. Bermuda Moon Gate — My husband, Frank, and I got this on our honeymoon in, wait for it, Bermuda. Newlyweds who pass through them are said to have good luck. We were married nineteen years ago, so I guess it worked.


7. You Can Find A Gift Shop Anywhere — After I graduated from medical school, Frank and I went to Italy. Not to be too profoundly original, but newsflash, one of the most breathtaking sights was St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. The views of Rome from the roof and the cupola were equally spectacular. Imagine our surprise  when we turned from the panoramic vistas to find a gift shop on the roof (I hear they also have a coffee bar now, too). We purchased this mosaic cross and it has had a place of honor at the top of tree ever since.



8. Sharing Family History — My grandparents and their families were from Chincoteague Island, Virginia. While growing up, I spent every summer visiting down there.This ornament is from when we took my first born daughter there when she was one year old. She never got to meet my grandparents, but she did get to meet my Great-Aunt Ruth and enjoyed herself immensely on her first beach trip.

9. Talking Easter on Christmas — In 2007, we were lucky enough to go to the White House Easter Egg Roll. And yes, it was fabulous. Thank you Aunt Allaire for the tickets. There were children’s authors, the Easter Bunny, Hannah Montana, and the Jonas Brothers. It really was like a festive old timey country fair. Well, except for the Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers concerts that I mentioned before.

10. New York Whirlwind — This ornament commemorates the awesome two day tour of New York I took with my daughters in 2011. In just over 48 hours, we visited my sorority sister in Princeton, NJ, caught the train to Penn Station, rode a taxi to our swanky Times Square hotel – The Sanctuary, took the subway to the Staten Island Ferry (free!), rode the ferry round-trip to see the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline, lunched at Mars 2021, rode the Ferris wheel at Toys R Us, dropped a fortune at the M&M store, got swept up into The Transformers: Dark of the Moon premier, ate at the Shake Shack with Aunt Donna, got caught up in a Year of the Rabbit party in our hotel lobby, ate breakfast at a diner, went to the Top of the Rock, took a carriage ride through Central Park, sat five rows back at Wicked, dined at Ellen’s Stardust Diner, took the subway to Penn Station, and got our fannies home. I can DO tourist.


Jellybean (12) wanted me to include her favorite ornament. It makes her happy year after year because it never loses its scent. And because she makes my heart happy, I’m including it. Plus maybe this will make her like the blog better. She’s not a huge fan.


From The Sisterhood to you, we wish you a Merry Christmas filled with love and happiness.

Ellen and Erin



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13 thoughts on “10 Christmas Ornament Memories

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      I remember when the bottom of the tree was undecorated and then the middle of the tree was filled with cheap plastic balls from Walmart. Way up at the tippy top was a few treasured ornaments. You know what, though? Those are some of my most cherished Christmas years. 🙂 Ellen

  1. Kate Hall

    I LOVED reading about your ornaments! I love Chincoteague. We spent a week there in the mid-80s when I was a kid. I remembered being shocked that there was no McDonalds on the island. There’s a ferris wheel in Toys R Us? I need to take a trip to NYC! There’s so much to do there. Love the sister pic too. Beautiful!
    Kate Hall recently posted..THE Scariest Christmas OrnamentMy Profile

  2. Ally

    I love how many of Erin’s ornaments are old but still faithfully make the tree. And how Ellen’s cross always goes at the top of the tree. I have a little blown glass angel and she ALWAYS hangs at the top of the tree!
    Ally recently posted..THAT GiftMy Profile

  3. Marcy

    I like how the ornaments you chose represent the places you’ve been or the memories behind them. I love the sheep from Ireland. The White House Easter egg is really cool too–that must have been amazing.
    Marcy recently posted..Year in Review: 2012My Profile

  4. Stacey

    Merry Christmas! I LOVE the ornaments. I have decided that we need two trees. The pretty one my husband decorates and one for me to collect ornaments on. I hope you both had a wonderful day!
    Stacey recently posted..Christmas Eve…My Profile


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