Top 9 Reasons Not To Clean Out That Minivan

Don’t catch that back-to-school cleaning bug just yet! Here are 9 reasons NOT to clean out that minivan.

Top 9 Reasons To Clean Out That Minivan Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

1) Theft deterrent.

Nothing stops a thief faster than the stench of fermenting cleats. Effective and no danger of accidentally blaring in the middle of the night like your average car alarm. However, there is a slight danger you may faint away every time you open the door.

2) Filing system.

You never know when you’re going to have to prove you paid for those fundraiser funnel cakes. So keep those school forms and canceled checks at your fingertips, or at least shoved between the seats and in the glove box . . . because it would be crazy to drive around with a filing cabinet.

3) Nothing solves cranky better than a snack.

In our experience, the farther you are from a place that sells anything food-like is in direct proportion to the volume of your child whining that he is “STARVING.” So because it’s frowned upon to duct-tape your kids’ mouths shut, those extra peanut butter crackers are a much better solution.

The Sour Patch Kids were chosen for their silencing power, not their nutritional value. Obviously. The apples and edamame are out of frame.

The Sour Patch Kids were chosen for their silencing power, not their nutritional value. Obviously. The apples and edamame are out of frame.

4) It’s electrifying.

Is it worth the risk of sucking a charger up to vacuum those crumbs? Not on a back road with the Friday the 13th theme song playing it’s not.

5) Body fluids happen.

It’s a Parenting Law of Physics: if it goes in, it’s coming out. . .at the least convenient time in the most epic way. You are gonna need that extra dinosaur t-shirt one day or another, so leave that extra laundry wedged between, under, and behind the seats.

Erin has 5 kids. There are LOTS of wardrobe catastrophes.

Erin has 5 kids. There are LOTS of wardrobe catastrophes.

6) Hydration DOESN’T just happen.

Would you rather: tote your gaggle of kids into Quik-y Mart for a $3 bottle of water OR select one from the stash rolling around in the back? Exactly.

Hydration is key

Is it hydration or is it art?

7) You’ve gotta have friends.

Who’s gonna keep you company in carpool line if you get rid of all the action figures and Barbie dolls?

8) Media library-mobile.

You’ve got a magazine, DVD, CD, and book for every occasion. And yes, an iPad could fill all of those roles, but you like kickin’ it old school. Bonus: you have materials for a bonfire if you breakdown on the side of the road.

And along those delusional lines . . .

9) If a tsunami delivers you to the crest of the Andes, you could live for a week on what’s in there.


-Ellen and Erin



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17 thoughts on “Top 9 Reasons Not To Clean Out That Minivan

  1. Southern Angel

    Now let me give you one reason to clean it out.. projectile weapons. In the event of a crash anything in the vehicle not enclosed or well contained in netting or whatever has the ability to become an airborne projectile. In a wreck as slow as 10 miles an hour can produce flying dangers that seemed harmless when you put them there. Tell me how horrible would you feel if you did all the right things on safety and seat belts and the like to have a can of soda fly out from the back and cause severe physical damage, even breaking bones because their speed is completely contigent on their size, weight and angle of direction..
    Southern Angel recently posted..Finish the Sentence Friday… If I had a magic wand…My Profile


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