Skeletons In Our Closets

This week’s Monday Listicle is 10 Things In Your Closets. We don’t know about you, but we might be a little bit behind in our closet cleaning . . . cleaning out the skeletons that is.

What kind of secrets were you expecting, sicko? Isn’t Ellen’s 80s hair scandalous enough?

Now wait! We see you getting all excited, grabbing the popcorn, and pulling up a chair. We’re not going to reveal that Ellen was a Bolivian black market KitchenAid mixer dealer or that Erin leads a double life as a Kool-Aid pusher (unless that Kool-Aid is Downton Abbey).

We’re talking more along the lines of closets harboring the skeletons of hobbies and projects past, the ghosts of times gone by, and the detritus from portions of our personalities that we try to keep under wraps. While it may not be in the same league as Lance Armstrong airing his dope-dripping laundry on Oprah, we’re throwing open the doors anyway.


10 Skeletons In Our Closets


1. Imelda Marcos, much?

Don’t be fooled by my yoga pants. I have A LOT of shoes and some of them are even pretty hot. They should all be contained in that cubby of shelves, but since I gave my husband the one shelf for his, mine have had to invade other regions of the closet. Yes, I am blaming him. End of story.

The sign reads “There is always room for one more pair!” But that sign is a liar. A hoarding, dirty liar.


2. Sentimental streak.

You see my foyer coat closet? It is sized for a family of one and only if that one person lived in Florida and really had no need for anything beyond a rain jacket. It is packed to bursting with coats spilling over to a hall tree, yet I can’t get rid of this puffy pink snowsuit. Both of my girls wore that adorable thing and they are 12 and 14.  I have even gone so far as to put it in a donation box not once, but twice. Each time I have rescued it at the last second. It is a bow that plucks at my heartstrings. Don’t roll your eyes. I chucked the high chair, binkies, and Candyland without blinking. Just ignore that box marked “Toddler Halloween Costumes.” I’m going to use them to dry my tears when they leave for college.

Ovary aching sweetness or Hoarders cry for help?

3. Jewelry making is a virtue. Or does it bring out my flaws?

I used to make jewelry all of the time. I went to beads shows, I subscribed to jewelry-making magazines, and I would hate to tally up the cost of the findings, beads, and tools that I have amassed. But I haven’t made a piece of jewelry in over three years. I could blame motherhood, but I took up the hobby when my girls were toddlers. I could blame blogging, but that has only been going on for a year. What’s really to blame? It’s that little flaw/virtue of my personality known as perfectionism. I loved my creations, but the creating made me want to throat punch a troll, or I guess more aptly, a troll bead.

So what do you do with a hobby that feels like work, but has too much worth to chuck? Shove it into your closet.

It’s cheaper to just buy jewelry when you factor in the cost of a nervous breakdown.

4. Ellen is SEW crafty.

Boy, do I have the supplies! But I really don’t want to over-sell myself, I’m really just Master of the Straight Seam. There was a Toto costume back in the Spring of ’05, but my therapist says it’s best just to tamp that memory down and never speak of it again. But what is really highlighted here is my reign as Queen of Unfinished Projects. See those brackets above those lovely cafe curtains in my bathroom that I finished a mere three years ago? They should hold a swag. Heh, heh, Swag. I’m just going to holler, “YOLO!” and move on.

Why yes, that is a dead plant in the foreground

5. The harbinger of a new era! An era of finished projects!

This is where it all changes: the laundry closet project! It was ever so wisely embarked upon the week before Christmas when it’s progress was halted by my flu-slide-into-the-most-killer-sinus-infection-ever sickness. But as Tide is my witness, I WILL see this through to the end. Watch for the next installment of Pintershit to read all about it. (But you shouldn’t hold your breath. Just sayin’.)



6. Treasure Trove of Trucks

Hess Trucks are super-fun toys. For me, they are also part of a family Christmas Tradition lasting almost 40 years. I love that my dad is continuing this tradition with my kids. We treat these presents about 1000% better than every other toy that comes through the door, especially any that light up. I am a true fan, but should they really be taking up so much valuable real estate? This collection doesn’t just span 15 plus years, it spans the entire width and breadth of the boys’ closet.

Note to Readers: Lack of wide angle lens makes collection appear smaller than actual size.

7. Do Your Best

Neckerchiefs, Hats, and a Bag of Badges on Master Bedroom top shelf

. . . to refrain from mocking or finger-pointing after this confession. . .

I am a full-on, sleeves-rolled-up, hiking, biking, camping, smores-making Cub Scout leader. In my Behind-the-Music (Don’t mock! We can all dream. I still have 40 years to check this one off my bucket list!), there would be a fair amount of time (10 years and counting!) dedicated to my time in Scouting. With 3 of my boys (the littlest has yet to join the pack), I have led Tigers, Wolves, and Bears (oh, my!) and served every position there is in a Cub Scout pack. I don my brown shirt with pride (although I bought it post-baby sized for a nursing décolletage I no longer possess).  My garage is also full of two storage shelves full of scout stuff and I used to have two push-carts in our shed out back, but those are posts for another day. I am all in!!

Check out all the cool things I have done with the boys! Oh, and my uber-hawtness! Nothing better than a girl in uniform. Just sayin.

8. Shutterbug

Me loves some, me precious!! The way Ellen joneses for shoes, imagine me and photography stuff.  The ONLY good thing that came from losing my camera bag was that my dear photographer friends introduced me to the two great photography websites, Adorama and B &H . It will make securing that wide angle lens my heart is now set on so much easier to obtain.

My little stash. Room for SOOOOOO Much More.

9. It’s Not What’s Inside That Counts

My kids have the grace of a herd of stampeding elephants. When they were little, closet doors succumbed to their indelicate touch on a daily basis.  So I did what any self-respecting Momma would do: I ripped those suckers off their hinges. It has worked out great, and I never thought about it again until Biddie’s 14th birthday this year. When asked what she would like to celebrate this special milestone, did she ask for a laptop, an iPhone, or a Visa card? Hellz, no. “Well, some closet doors might be nice.” Parenting fail.

All A Girl Wants Is Some Closet Doors!


10. Oh, No She Didn’t!

. . .Want a Wedding, that is. Absolutely not. Well, I wanted a wedding—I was a girl in love after all—but  I was none too sure about all the rest of it. If Pinterest had been around back then, it probably would have sent me into cardiac arrest or straight to a psychiatrist’s couch. After Steve talked me into letting him buy me an engagement ring, he then talked me into a wedding, and you know what? I loved it all! I thought my wedding was beautiful and meaningful. I thought my reception was a blast.  But, in the end, the things I was head over heels for (besides Steve, of course!) were my dress and my veil. Perhaps that is why my veil box is taking up a full corner of the smallest master closet known to man. Who knows? But check out these pictures!! That is one happy girl then! And now!

Silly Wabbit, veils are for girls!!


Thanks again to Stasha for giving us the time and space for some much-needed catharsis! Make sure you take a moment to check out all the great bloggers linked up to Monday Listicles this week. They are always good fun! Erin and Ellen

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52 thoughts on “Skeletons In Our Closets

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      I have actually cleared out some shoes, but now I hold off because it seems like every other month my daughter needs “period pieces” for some costume. So I’m doing it for the children. Not hoarder-ish at all. Ellen

  1. Marie

    Oh, how fun! I can’t believe you actually have an old photo of a skeleton in your closet. Who knew that you would actually be blogging about such a topic someday?

    I can so relate to being the queen of unfinished projects. I actually did some beading during my surgery recovery (yes, I know…). I made several bracelets and earrings for my mom, sister, and friends for Christmas. And what did I do then? Buy more beads!
    Marie recently posted..Ten new things in our closetsMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Ellen has all kinds of interesting back story, but I LOVe that she had that picture. Perfect. My Christmas was so busy that I am over the top impressed that you made the presents too. You totally deserve more beads. Erin

  2. Rorybore

    I have to confess…I just keep scrolling back up to all the shoes.
    the glorious, glorious shoes.
    But I am with you on the closet doors – I ripped all those suckers out too. I’ll bribe them with a car later on if I have to – just to avoid putting them back on.
    Rorybore recently posted..Monday Listicles: Spy in Da ClosetMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Her shoe collection is pretty awesome! I’l have to remember the bribe thing. I am dragging my heels about putting them back on. Project I just don’t want to do. Erin

  3. Kim@Co-Pilot Mom

    Your jewelry is lovely! But I completely relate to the perfectionism issue with it. I am sure that were I to attempt it, I would inevitably take it apart because I couldn’t recreate the vision in my mind. This is the reality with me and anything crafty.
    Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted..Mr. IndependentMy Profile

  4. Kate Hall

    The shoes! How do you keep track of them all? You need a spreadsheet. They are beautiful. I love the snowsuit. I have a number of outfits of my kids that I can’t part with. I have a small box of clothes from when I was a kid, so does my husband – including a pair of lederhosen. My son wore my Wahington Bullets and Redkins shirts a few times, but then he realized he was a Chicago Bears/Bulls fan and wouldn’t touch them anymore, thanks to my husband.
    Kate Hall recently posted..A Chinese Fiesta In My ClosetMy Profile

    1. Kate Hall

      Oh, and the perfectionist thing – I quit the crafts because of it, and the time consumption. I think I re-read each of my blog posts 25+ times because I’m a perfectionist. Then I usually re-read it after I publish and find an “error” and have to fix it.
      Kate Hall recently posted..A Chinese Fiesta In My ClosetMy Profile

  5. Terri Sonoda

    Yes, i am guilty of the ‘way too many’ shoes…only none of mine are hot. LOL I also have all my old sketching books, pencils and pads stacked in the bottom of my closet. I gave sketching up due to complete lack of talent. And believe me I tried. However, I just cannot throw that stuff away.

    Fun list!
    Terri Sonoda recently posted..How can I make you smile today?My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Project un-finishers unite! I am so surprised by all the “No closet door” confessionals. We have closet doors. We just choose not to close them. Free will and all that. Ellen

  6. Sarah

    Erin, you must have the same closet doors that we had in the house that burned down. Because the kids totally knocked them off in the two weeks that we actually lived there. And that would be why we picked a different kind when we rebuilt!

    Also, we had a Hess Truck Collection from Sarah-the-Great that started on Gary’s first Christmas. And I still had my veil and it looked very similar to yours!

    But, though I miss all these closet things that we lost, I realize that our kids have already filled the closets with new memory’s and we didn’t loss what was really important.

    And….we are starting our own little (soon to be big) Boy Scout Collection:)

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Sarah, I have to admit my heart caught a little when I read your response. You have all moved on so beautifully from the fire and you have such a beautiful new home that I forget sometimes all that you have lost. You are such a great example of grace under pressure, and while I agree that you didn’t lose what was really important, you can mourn these other losses. As your friend, I want you to know that I will give you room to miss them or remember them. Whatever you need. Here’s to having our cups (and closets) runneth-ing over with badges and sashes and hats! Erin

  7. Diane

    I wouldn’t get rid of that puffy pink snowsuit either!

    Not exactly a crafty person myself…my book club, however, has attempted many crafty things over the years. Jewelry making, wine charms, etching, mosaic, embossing….yup…got a whole lot of leftovers hanging around. 😀
    Diane recently posted..Liebster…"The Sequel"My Profile

  8. Stacey

    These are awesome! And my laundry room looks much like yours only with laundry all over the floor. In my closet, I have the feather pen that we used at our wedding reception. Nobody ever talks about what the crap to do with stuff like that!
    Stacey recently posted..Cleaning tips for PinterestMy Profile

  9. Chris Carter

    Okay, first: What does detritus mean? I wanna be sophisticated and use that word in one of my posts!!

    Second: You totally need to shove that adorable snowsuit in some kind of treasure box for the girls to have as a cherished memory. (I use tubs for stuff I want to save for my kids- and shove the tubs in their closet!)

    Third: As always, you entertain me and always make me laugh…and who can’t relate to it all???
    Chris Carter recently posted..“My Awesome World”My Profile

  10. Ducky

    Your laundry closet project had me secretly sighing with relief. In reflecting on all the things you would currently find in our laundry closet, I can confident proclaim that there is a project idea brewing as reason for the hodge podge. No clue what said project would be but I could totally get away with that claim. Thanks!!!!
    Ducky recently posted..Finders WeepersMy Profile

  11. Lance

    we have clothes, christmas decorations, shoes, toys, and jimmy hoffa in our closet

    You have no idea how shocked I am no one “came out of the closet” in these 50 comments. I mean, it is Ellen’s birthday.

    nice Erin pictures
    Lance recently posted..Jane SaysMy Profile

  12. Pingback: Well The Coyote is Outta The Bag | Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

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