Pintershizz: Buyer Be Dumb

Shopping can be fun, boring, necessary . . . or it can be frivolous. Let’s face it; it’s really the buying that gets us into trouble. Most of the time we are Sensible, but every once in awhile, there is that purchase that just makes us shake our heads and say,”What in the name of all that is rational were we thinking?”

Erin: We’re not talking about an impractical splurge like this:



Ellen: Yeah, these are ridiculously pricey, don’t really rock out with yoga pants, and would inflame my plantar fasciitis, but at least they can be hidden in a closet.

Erin: These shoes are so expensive I would probably have to display them on my mantle for the next decade and call them art to justify delving into the college funds for them. On second thought, my youngest is five,  and they probably won’t even be using books by the time he goes. 

Ellen: It’s really cute we’re talking about these shoes as a hypothetical bad purchase when I have THIS actually in my house:


We like to call it The Monster Bed: Where blankets and stuffed animals come to party.


Erin: That is one big, fabulous bed. I’m not seeing the problem.

Ellen: I feel like I should size the picture so that it spills over into the margins. You know, so that you get a visceral feel for how massive The Monster Bed really feels in my daughter Jellybean’s (12) room. This is as much of the bed as I could get in the frame because, as it was, my back was pressed against the wall.

Erin: But she LOVES that bed.

Ellen: But at some point she is going to move out and then we are stuck. It can’t be a guest bed, because getting into that thing as an adult is AWKWARD. The way the steps are arranged  makes you have to hunch over and crawl up there like a hobbit. Grandma could never make it up there.

And it weighs a gazillion pounds. She wants her room repainted, but this bed can’t be moved. We are actually just going to paint around it. That makes me shudder.

Erin: If you squint your eyes, that idea might actually pass for Sensible. It would be easier just to deal with the wonky paint job when you finally get that thing outta there by taking a sledgehammer to it and throwing it out the window. Remind me again why you bought it?

Ellen: Well, mainly because Jellybean needed a bed since we had whisked her daybed down to the newly finished basement, but really because she fell in LOVE with it. I justified the purchase because of the storage possibilities.

Erin: Jellybean is a good girl, she deserved it.  Those drawers are fabulous.

Ellen: It can’t be justified. This is what we use them for:

Where candy goes to rot. She doesn’t so much like to EAT the candy as to HAVE the candy.


Erin: You know what would make you feel better? A good ol’ round of Pintershizz. There are much dumber things to buy for the home than Monster Beds that bring your children joy.

Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.

Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.


9 Things Pintershizz That Put Your Insensibility On Display

(Working Title in Japan: How to Have Fun With Grandma)

1. Actually Have Your Children Swinging From the Ceiling

Ellen: Really!?! That’s my basement.

Erin: I just thought it would be helpful to point out The Monster Bed was not alone in your house.

Ellen: Weird. Helpful is not the word that came to mind.




2. Chairs That Look Like Something the Cat Coughed Up

Erin: Okay, all poking at you aside, how about this one?

Ellen: Now that is Pintershizz! I wonder if you need a distemper shot to sit in it.




3. Chairs That Force You to Use the Words “Phallic Symbol”

Erin: Here, Grandma, we saved a special seat just for you!

Ellen: Gives a new dimension to awkward family moments.


4. Fridge of the Future

Erin: You just place your food in the gel to keep it cold. How could this not be a fabulous addition to a household with kids?

Ellen: I’m going to start working on the baby proofing for this now! We’ll be rich!

The Blob Refrigerator

Source: via Mary on Pinterest


5. The Bathmat That’s Bringing The Feel of Outdoor Plumbing Back

Ellen: A bathmat for those of us who don’t have enough dirt, mold, and mildew in our bathrooms already.

Erin: Super duper shiny bright side? It can double as a litter box.

Moss Matt



6. Because It’s Easiest to Find Pintershizz in the Bathroom

Erin: Yep, this toilet seat  scale weighs you “Before” and “After.”

Ellen: Gives scientific quantification to the term “Dropping a load.”  Yet another thing for Grandma to enjoy at your house.

Toilet Seat

Source: via Sara on Pinterest



7.  When You Want Agility to Be the Gauge for Who Can Use Your Facilities

Ellen: Grandma would be s*** out of luck with this rodeo toilet.

Erin: Waa waa.

Rodeo Toilet

Source: via Sisterhood on Pinterest


8. For the Animal Lover/Contagion Fan

Ellen: Have you ever wanted to pretend you worked in a Biohazard lab while washing your dog? Want no more!

Erin: I’m sure you could use it with kids too. Nothing wrong with wrapping your kids in plastic while lovingly bathing them.

Ellen: Plus picture this curtain WITHOUT someone’s arms in it. Opens up the opportunity to explain to Grandma why your shower curtain looks like a giant tandem prophylactic.

Contagion Shower Curtain

Source: via RaVae on Pinterest



9. One of These Pins is Not Like the Other

Ellen: We’ve had a good time presenting home products, but sometimes you have to twist the theme to accomplish a goal: like poking fun at your blogging buddy. We began this post at my expense, but we’re ending it at Erin’s.

Erin: You do know I’m right here? What are you talking about?

Ellen: I’m referring to when you asked me where to get a laser pointer, aka “Blinding Device”.

Erin: Well, it is for Science Olympiad for my middle boys—refraction and mirrors and all that. It’s so cool . . .

Ellen: What did your homeschooling neighbor say when you asked her if she had one?

Erin: I believe her exact words were, “Are you crazy!?!”

Ellen: Well I found the pointer for you. If you’re going to go that way, you might as well go full on Pintershizz.

Laser scissors

Source: via Carmen on Pinterest


Erin: Wow.

Ellen: Just tell the boys not to run with them. I’m sure it’ll be fine.


 -Ellen and Erin

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45 thoughts on “Pintershizz: Buyer Be Dumb

  1. Vicky

    Those of us who can’t cut a straight line to her their life (I don’t know of these people, but I’ve heard they exist. It’s a friend. I swear.) might appreciate these scissors. In fact, my 9 year old won’t let me cut things out for him because I’m that terrible at it. Of course if he crticizes me one more time I’m going to let the giant fuzzy chair eat him;)
    Vicky recently posted..And to think I was worried about not having anything to write about today…My Profile

    1. Tracy

      I failed cutting in kindergarten too! I too am banished from cutting by my children and co-workers! I too can’t ever be a secret Santa unless I have a bag because everyone notices my wobbly cutting job! You’ll have to introduce me to your friend. It feels good to not be alone anymore. 🙂
      Tracy recently posted..The One Where I’m On Time With LoveMy Profile

  2. Farrah

    I can’t believe it but I can actually tell my father that he was so far ahead of the times in the 80s by putting swings in the family room!!!! He will not know what I’m talking about when I say ‘Pinterest’ but whatever.

    And that fridge is.. um.. interesting?

  3. The Dose of Reality

    HA! Oh, I love so many of these….the toilet seat scales!! Who would even THINK of something like that?!

    I think my favorite is the weird blue chair, though. Ashley and I once showed up to a business meeting and all they had around the conference table was those balance balls. THAT was weird. (we do not enjoy getting a core work out whilst pitching the blog) but I think those blue chairs are even worse.

    And yes…great minds do think alike!! 🙂
    The Dose of Reality recently posted..Oh, Honey…No! (aka The 10 Dumbest Purchases Ever Found On Pinterest)My Profile

  4. Kelly

    It kind of concerns me that I would be able to store raw fish, skim milk, hamburger meat, and cherry cobbler leftovers all in the same place on that fridge. It’s bad enough when the fish smell is in the air in the fridge, if that gel holds it? Ewwww.
    Kelly recently posted..What was I thinking????My Profile

  5. Yona

    lol @ what the drawer is really used for…I don’t see anything wrong with that…just kidding…(but not really).

    I cannot believe there is a toilet that weighs you before and after…wow – the things people think of.

    I couldn’t even imagine stepping on a ‘live’ bathmat like that…it gives me the shivers.

    Very entertaining post!
    Yona recently posted..10 Dumbest PurchasesMy Profile

  6. Stephanie @ Mommy, for real.

    I just kept going and exclaiming NO! (well, in my own head. Don’t want to wake the sleeping toddler by shouting while reading blogs…) at every new picture! The ceiling…the dog/shower… oh, and for some reason I started out getting the giggles about those shoes “inflaming your plantar fascitis.” Which is NOT funny. My mom had it. So did the husband. 🙁 Hilarious post!
    Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. recently posted..Izzy’s First Blog Post: 10 Things I Bought With My Own MoneyMy Profile

  7. Marie

    You sisters find the most amazing things on Pintershit! I love the monster bed. My dad built a loft bed (with a dresser and desk underneath) for me when I was in junior high…my bedroom was incredibly small, so it was perfect. Now the bed’s used for storage…because of course, it’s permanent.
    Marie recently posted..10 dumbest purchasesMy Profile

  8. Kate

    OMG, this is an awesome list! How do you guys find this stuff??? That fur ball of a chair freaked me out, but then I kept going down the list and everything was so batty. I love the comment about the mat doubling as a littler box. Awesome list! Loved it!
    Kate recently posted..My Dad Lied To MeMy Profile

  9. Lucy

    There is a certain family member that would definitely get a kick out of the toilet seat scale! This has been confirmed by several other family members. I’ll refrain from naming names!

  10. Stasha

    That bed must be a pain in the neck to make!!! I would probably have to eat candy to recover. And if there was ben and jerrys floating in that fridge I could replace my TV with it for good!
    Stasha recently posted..Monday ListiclesMy Profile

  11. Michelle

    How high is the monster bed? Because when I come to visit I’m totally sleeping in it.
    Please never let my husband know about the toilet seat that weighs you. No lie, he often weighs himself after he’s been on the crapper for awhile and likes to exclaim loudly and proudly, “I lost a pound!!” Yeah. Almost 20 years. *shaking head slowly back and forth*
    Michelle recently posted..I Just Want To Pee AloneMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      You’re spry. You could totally high jump into it; it’s at boob level.

      Our husbands can never talk. It would turn into a shouting match of who lost the most weight before and after. (I may or may not be thinking about this toilet seat as a Father’s Day gift for him.) We’ll be married 20 years in June. 🙂 Ellen

  12. Tracy @ Momaical

    Whoa. That’s a whole lot of weird stuff to spend money on. Although, I think I might like that bat house that doubles as a swinging tent thingy. I’d love to hide in there and read. Although I’d probably be stuck at that fridge poking the gel over and over and over….
    Tracy @ Momaical recently posted..Tooth Fairy TaleMy Profile

  13. Pingback: Facebook Follow-Up Friday #3 | Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

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