
Write on Edge‘ s prompt this week was:

“We’d like you to explore friendship. You can talk about a current friendship or one from your past, a friend you met over kindergarten snacks or happy hour at your first job. Examine your emotional interest in the friendship and the role it plays, or played, in your life.

The word limit for this prompt is 400 words. While that may not seem like many words to devote to a friend you’ve known for thirty years, try to provide us with a snapshot that encompasses your feelings about the friendship.”


We are including two prompt responses under one post because, well, there are two of us. We blog with a shared voice and focus as Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms. It can be challenging, but what might be even more challenging, is explaining to people how we do it without killing each other. We decided to take this prompt as a blind challenge to explore this question. Ellen is going to write about Erin and vice versa. Erin’s husband is going to load both essays and then we are going to see where the chips fall. Does anyone have Judge Judy’s phone number?

Erin: One Analogy Is Not Enough

Erin is the self-described Labrador Retriever of Women. With her being the wordsmith that she is, I’m going to take the easy road and continue with this analogy. She has all the very best qualities of a Lab – loyal, fun, outgoing, intelligent, and adorable – without the shedding, slobber, and muddy paws. Well, occasionally she has muddy paws, but she does always clean up after herself.

But a woman this fabulous cannot be pegged by just one analogy. She is also THE safe harbor of friendship. She draws friends of all personalities and shelters them with her compassionate and accepting nature. I am prone to bitterness, because I tend to tamp down my feelings so as not to offend anyone. This is never an issue with Erin, because while she will hold you accountable, she will never turn you away for sharing who you are. She just has this supernatural ability to reflect and magnify all that is good in you.

She is also like a poorly maintained roller coaster: if you are not buckled in and paying attention, she will have you off on a tangent in the blink of an eye. While this can make planning a trip with her challenging, it is in these tangents where the heartstrings of friendship are woven tighter.

If I just made you throw up a little in your mouth with the word “heartstrings,” let me redeem myself. She can also get on your nerves like a stonewalling teenager. If she goes “radio-silent” on me one more time, immediately after blog-posting, texting, emailing, Facebooking,  or tweeting, I’m going to pee in her Pollyanna Kool-Aid. Love you.

XOXOX – Ellen


“You can write me, but you will never capture me.” Thus speaketh Ellen, and like she has so many other times, reveals the absolute truth of the matter. Ellen defies the pigeonholing that sums most people up. She is just so Ellen.

A force of nature, she is so the chick you want in your get-away car. Ellen is a do-it-yourselfer extraordinaire harboring Macgyver-esque fantasies. She can also help you find what ails you, bake a cake that makes you want to live in her kitchen, and guide some pretty great kids through life.  She manages all this with a flair and fashion sense that I admire.

Over the years, Ellen has blown me away with the many shades and depths of her character, but the thing that binds us, the thing that makes US work is our ability to make each other laugh. Even if nobody else agrees, we think we are funny as hell.

I am grateful to Ellen on many levels, but I owe her truly for being the one who kicked me out of my Erinness and made me do what I have always wanted to do—write.  She wrote me an email once in response to a piece I had written that said “I can go in and do some editing like an overachieving 4th grade mom who wants her kid to get the A.” She can, and she has, more times than I can count. She pushes, I pull. She demands, I rise to the challenge. She laughs, I dissolve in giggles. She is the right partner for me in this blog, because she sees me and what we are trying to do so clearly.

“You can thank me later for your first sentence.” Yes, Ellen, and then some.



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18 thoughts on “Friendship

  1. Mary

    You guys are sooooo cute!! This would be a fun exercise to do with your friends – minus the writing part:)

    And I have missed doing the math problem again!! But since I love both you guys I have rewritten my post (hint – move math problem above submit comment button for your illiterate blogging friend:)

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Thank you. We are not really Yin and Yang because we are on the same page for a lot of things, but our personalities do compliment and compensate for each other nicely.

      And as you know, I really enjoyed your “The Apple Has Fallen” piece. -Ellen

  2. Jessie Powell

    That’s such a priceless bond. You do sound extremely well matched. I also love finding out about others who are hard to pigeonhole. Because dear GOD I’m sick of people trying to fit me in compartments!

  3. Jennifer

    You guys have a really “special” relationship. That sounds cheesy and I want to erase it but it’s true. You should incorporate this somehow into your “About” if you haven’t already. Having you guys write about each other fits perfectly. Love reading your stuff.
    Jennifer recently posted..Baby Bites: Eggs, Toilets and MutantsMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      Well, I don’t know about wonderful, But we are a lot of fun. Anyway, I will let Ellen know that she has a partner in crime should the occasion arise. Erin

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