Pintershit: Holiday Edition

Erin: Who’s ready for Christmas??

Ellen: Seriously? Aren’t your Christmas cards sitting on your dining room table mocking you? The ones you so efficiently ordered the day after Thanksgiving?

Erin: I blame it all on you since I handed you a card when you were at my house — you know, to lighten my load — and you had the audacity to lay it down and leave it. Now it’s all too much.

Ellen: Okay, my gift to you is my acceptance of your blame, but only because I feel sorry for you since you don’t have a really good excuse like an appendectomy to fall back on. I feel I’m entitled to milk that llama until 2013. Or at least until the Mayan calendar thingy ends.

Erin: Wait, I haven’t gotten a card from you either.

Ellen: That’s because mine are sitting on MY dining room table. But those are my small potatoes because I have been staring into the eyes of the Christmas Beast: SHIPPING DEADLINES! I thought squeaking in under the Shutterfly cutoff was going to be the end of me and today is the last day to order on most other sites.  I always feel carefree about shopping when the internet is my safety net . . .

Erin: Until BAM! That safety net is ripped away because those deadlines creep up on you like a reindeer wearing Uggs.

Ellen: It’s now the point where no amount of money in the world can get the gift to you because you just can’t bend the time space continuum. And going into actual stores at this stage of the game just makes me shudder.

Erin: So in case you’re in the last minute shopping cart with us, we are going to help you out with what NOT to get us.

Ellen: Because where would the sport be if we told you EXACTLY what to get us? Gift giving is supposed to come from the heart, People.

Erin: So read between the lines of the second edition of Pintershit.

Ten Things Pintershit That Better Not Be Under Our Trees

Erin’s List

1. Godfather Gone Wrong

I love the classic movie “The Godfather”, but this pillowcase is taking fandom a bit too far and a little over the top  when I am at my most vulnerable. Plus it would be hard to explain to the five year old.

Horse head



2. Handbag From Hades

I like a great bag as much as the next girl. This bag looks like what you might pack for your next party down by the River Styx. I feel like I would need to pack some extra biscuits in it for Cerberus, but it hardly seems big enough for the reed pipe I’d need to lull him to sleep. Therefore, save this little beauty for another day or another girl. Preferably someone you don’t like.

hades handbag

Source: via Sisterhood on Pinterest



3. Sucker With a Side of Venomous Stinger

My 13 year old’s classmate brought these to class for a birthday treat. Look closely at the packaging. That’s right—there are scorpions imbedded in these bad boys. Supposedly, some of the kids LOVED them. I can’t get over that the brilliant minds behind these suckers added a venomous creature and then named them Hotlix. I just shuddered. I repeat, “DO NOT buy this for me.” Unless you want an Erin-sized hole in your front door.




4. Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

This camera/glasses combo is cool in theory. That is all. You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, but it’s Christmas and I like to share.

ski googles

Ellen: You know that those are for skiing, right? Not just tooling around Wal-Mart.

Erin: Oh . . .<long pause> That makes more sense now.

Ellen: Look, you can even see the reflection of the mountains in the goggles. Much more picturesque than the twin peaks of the chick in front of you in the check out line.


 5. Sweater With a Side of Surgical Mask

There’s almost nothing I love more than turtlenecks and sweaters during the cold winter months, so I would normally welcome a gift like this. There is just something clinical about the weird way you are supposed to wear it over your face. It says, “I take my fashion with a side of Ebola virus which makes traveling to all the corners of the Mid-Atlantic region with my 6 family members even more awkward.”



Ellen’s List

6. Wonky Wookie

I like Stars Wars as much as the next person, but this is a little much. Dressing like Chewbacca would just make me feel like I forgot to wax.  Don’t tell me it’s for Halloween because I already have a bevy of Hallo-Awkward-Ween choices lined up for next year.

But on second thought, if I wore this, could I get away with just wookie roaring at everyone? Hmmmm . . . or rather Arrrarroowwrrerr.



By the way, special thanks to infolinks for taking my query — “How to write Chewbacca sounds?” — as seriously as I take my writing. I got THE right information for THE right decision, yo. Integrity.


7. Christmas No

Don’t think that just because this sweater embraces more of a yuletide theme that it is appropriate. Just to be clear, this does not give me the warm and fuzzies. It gives me visions of Labradors peeing on my feet. You, know, because  I would be a tree.

christmas sweater


8. Heck No

Wellllllllllll, I think there is something obviously and freudian-ly amiss with a monstrous, murderous shark emerging from a crotch. But really, I don’t care to hate on Ariel that much or cause little wanna-be princesses angst, let alone inflict my daughters with that much mortification. Who, aside from a Victoria Secret model, can stand that much groin gawking during a simple day at the beach? Although . . . this would be hilarious on a Disney cruise, right? Mwahahahaha.

shark vs mermaid


9. The Gift That Keeps On Drowning

Now that I have a complex about sharks eating mermaids, I would just consider this gift a blatant and aggressive threat on my well-being. Can you actually imagine swimming, I mean, not drowning in this??

But it does provide a nice set-up for the gift of laughter. What do you call a muffin top squeezed up by a mermaid tail? A tuna roll! I’m here all week, folks.



10. Just Take A Baseball Bat To My Knee

I have already done something horrible to my left knee that is MRI worthy. This would just seal the deal in a slow and tortuous way. But on the bright side, the spikes would make it hard for you to remove it when I shoved my foot up you arse for giving me such an awful gift.



However if you insist on giving me that shoe, you know, for my own fashion good, then you’d better gift it with this AT-AT walker. This is a Star Wars gift I can get behind. But now you’re confused, you say? I just dissed Chewbacca and now I’m embracing this? It’s really very simple. You just have to be discerning . . .  and read my mind.

AT-AT Walker


Here’s wishing that all of your shipping deadlines are soft, your cards get sent out before President’s Day, and no one dumps Pintershit under your tree!


Ellen and Erin



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25 thoughts on “Pintershit: Holiday Edition

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      The pillowcase is frightening, but I kinda want to get it for my brother-in-law now. The only problem is that the best way to give it would be to sneak into his house at night and put it in his bed while he slept. But that would just be awkward . . . orrrrrrrrrr totally awesome. I can’t decide. Ellen

  1. Mary

    I love that Christmas tree sweater!! Seriously, I would wear it to our next Christmas party! Look at me I’m a tree. I’m laughing already!! I want it!!

  2. Lena Cantera

    You can take your custom made tail to mermaid school with you. I think there is one in Florida. Saw it in the Today show. And the sweater. I may need that for the “damn ugly Christmas sweater party”.

  3. deborah l quinn

    This post is the gift that keeps giving; I’ve sent to all my friends so that they too can have the pleasure of spitting out their coffee in joy and disbelief at the crap that people will do/wear. Dear god that sweater…I mean, don’t people know that for tinsel to be truly flattering, it has to be a VERTICAL stripe? Vertical, people, vertical. That quasi-horizontal just makes a gal look much broader in the beam than necessary.
    deborah l quinn recently posted..Letter to Santa (twice)My Profile

  4. Kim at Mama Mzungu

    I love to hate everything on your list here! Well.. except for the glasses video camera. I really have been dreaming that up. I hate taking pictures. Hate taking videos, but fantasize about blinking my eyes and capturing a moment that I’d like to pull out when I’m feeling sad. So, those glasses do have that capacity, right?

    Secondly, where do you guys FIND this stuff. What do you enter into a pinterest search (is that a thing?) to get here? Crotch monster bathing suits? idiotic tree shirt? what??? I really do want to know since when I go on pinterest, an hour passes and I have no idea what I’ve done. At least you guys got some awesome blog fodder out of it! Merry x-mas you two!!
    Kim at Mama Mzungu recently posted..Actually, Guns DO Kill PeopleMy Profile

  5. Chris Carter

    SO funny!! All I kept thinking as I was scrolling down and reading and looking at these UN believable ‘gifts’ was “how did they ever EVER find this stuff???” So seriously, where did you find it all? I mean, you can’t just make this stuff up out of your heads, can you? “Oh I bet there is a pin for lollipops that have scorpions in them?” etc… if you are THAT creative, then I must bow down to you. 🙂
    Chris Carter recently posted..Dear Santa…My Profile

  6. Michelle

    Okay, my daughter’s best friend got a mermaid tail for her birthday in August and took it to the lake. I seriously feared for her life and gave her a visual demonstration of what I expected it to look like when she tried it out (complete with choking and drowning). Thankfully, her parents did NOT drop her in the deep part and she got to try it out up on the shore in about a foot of water. And no, it didn’t work and yeah, she’s still alive.
    Michelle recently posted..It’s the end of the world as we know it….and I feel fine.My Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      How old was this girl?? I can’t believe we actually know someone to tell the tale, the mermaid tail. Just blown away that it didn’t work. It looked so soundly engineered. 🙂 Ellen

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