9 Mom Superpowers Plus Our Kryptonite

Being a mom is like being a superhero. We’re the secret do-gooders who save the world, or at least our little corners of it. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s a whirling dervish of a phenom who can get mess done! But unlike Superman and his silly glasses, our disguises are foolproof —we wrap ourselves in the invisibility cloaks of the mundane. We are so good at flying under the radar that we NEVER get credit for our awesomeness.

Well, that changes today! We are giving credit where credit is due. Are we blowing our covers by revealing our secrets? Don’t insult us. We also emit a mysterious aura that wipes the minds around us as clean as slates. No matter how many times we perform a superpower, they can never remember how we did it. Our jobs are safe, whether we like it or not.

9 Mom Superpowers Plus Our Kryptonite


1. Finding All Things Missing

We think there must be a locator sensor that activates on the X chromosome once women have kids. What else could explain how we are the only ones who can see the “lost” notebooks that are three inches from our kids’ noses? Of course there might be one or two times that our  superpowers slip. Seems that locator sensor is fighting a daily battle with Mom Brain. Every good super hero needs a nemesis and Mom Brain is ours.

*Our Kryptonite*

We’re just going to be upfront with this. In addition to a nemesis, every superhero needs a weakness, every Achilles needs a heel. Missing Socks is ours. Our locator beacons are rendered powerless against them.

What's the big deal you say? Just you wait.

Damn you missing socks! We’ll defeat you one day!

2. Speaking in Frequencies Only Dolphins Can Hear

What else could explain that despite us nagging our kids to pick up towels one million times plus four, they STILL leave them on the floor giving mildew a place to party?

Dolphins listen to Ellen. Why can't her kids?

Dolphins listen to Ellen. Why can’t her kids?

3. Super Sonic Hearing

Yes we can hear a jar of paint being opened on the new carpet in the basement while we’re upstairs folding clothes and talking on the phone. Save yourselves some time, Kids, and stop trying to foil us. You’re no Missing Socks. You’ll never achieve that level of craftiness.

4. Multi-Tasking Marvels

You think Flash Gordon is a blur? Pfft. Watch a mom cook dinner, fold clothes, apply bandages, break up fights, and create zombies in a single swoosh. She’ll even manage to keep the Hello Kitty Band-Aids out of the chicken soup.

5. Chow Time Champions

Speaking of chicken soup . . . Ok, we hear you saying, “Wait, not all moms bake or cook.” Ah ha, those are are the women who were brilliant enough to keep their superpowers completely hidden. We can assure you those women are take-out ninjas or slick enough to have partners who can wield spatulas like maestros.  But if they ever want to let their invisibility cloaks slip to reveal those cooking powers, here are a couple of super easy recipes that will make it worth their whiles.

 Some Kind Of Awesome Creamy Chicken Salsa Soup

Yum. Soup. It's What's For Dinner.

Yum. Soup. It’s What’s For Dinner.

Healthy French Country Crockpot Chicken


6. School Project Warriors

We would never do our kids’ homework because we’re superheroes, not super-dummies. But papier-mâché and Rube Goldbergs just don’t happen without some guidance. And some superhero patience.

Clucking Adorable

Clucking Adorable

7. Travel Triumphants

We wish we could teleport, but our theory is that in evolutionary terms, teleportation  and locator powers could not exist in the same person. Our ancestors melted from the awesomeness and only the locator sensor survived. While we weep ourselves to sleep at night because teleportation was a victim to natural selection, we can rustle up one hell of a car pool.

How To Rustle Up a Mom Posse Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Source: sisterhoodofthesensiblemoms.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest

Mom superpowers are not generic. Think of each mother as part of a Justice League of Estrogen where every woman has her own special skill set. For example . . .


8. Erin Deploys Diplomacy Like a Diva

No one can smooth ruffled feathers better than Erin . . . except when she doesn’t. Uh oh, there’s another kryptonite for Erin—Andy Griffith. Don’t tell Mom Brain or she might collaborate with him to set up a trap.

9. Ellen Calms the Savage Beasts with Cakes

When we say savage beasts we mean hopped-up kids at birthday parties, but it’s really the same thing. Potato, puh-ta-toe. Tomato, little heathens smashing your ceiling fan like a pinata. It’s just a matter of pronunciation.

The mud is actually delicious fudge. In case you were worried.

The mud is actually delicious fudge. In case you were worried.



What is your unique Superpower? Tell us in the comments.

-Ellen and Erin


Bonbon Break
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34 thoughts on “9 Mom Superpowers Plus Our Kryptonite

  1. Southern Angel

    Oh good grief a super power?? Calming my fussy grandson.. I tell my son it is because I have boobs. I can curl his little tummy around them, pat his butt, and hold his hand all at the same time. Yeah I am awesome like that, have him out in like 2.3 seconds. Of course my kids forget I could put them to sleep with a simple poem I made up ON THE SPOT cause I am that good one night when bedtime was being pushed to the limit. monotone voice and visualization and they were GONE…
    Southern Angel recently posted..Write from the heart, that’s my nicheMy Profile

  2. Marie

    Multi-tasking…as the one female in a house of five, I can definitely say that I have that superpower more than anyone else. If you don’t count my 16-year-old doing homework while listening to music and watching a TV show at the same time, that is. As for my husband, he has such good powers of concentration that he can handle only one thing at a time!
    Marie recently posted..10 things I’ve done that made me feel like a superheroMy Profile

  3. Stacey

    Socks are my kryptonite too! I hate them. Right now, they reside in a giant pile which must be sorted through in order to wear them. I’m going for the “if they fit my feet, they match” look. Great superpower list! Moms are awesome!
    Stacey recently posted..SuperMy Profile

    1. The Sisterhood Post author

      It’s so good. It is one of the first recipes Ellen shared with me, and it made me realize I had to move her from cool acquaintance to lifelong friend. Erin

  4. Mom Rants and Comfy Pants

    I threatened my son that I would make a wreath out of all the single socks and that it would be prominently displayed on the front door of his bedroom for all his friends (as well as Grandma and Grandpa) to see. Of course he called my bluff and I panicked because crafty I ain’t. But when he saw me attempting to wield a needle, thread, and a round Styrofoam thingamabob, he caved. And by caved, I mean he moved the couch, my husband’s recliner, his bed and other assorted pieces of furniture. Seems that my son can’t just remove a sock, he has to fling it across the room with the might of Edward Cullen. If only all my parenting issues could be solved with needle, thread and a Styrofoam thingamabob.
    Mom Rants and Comfy Pants recently posted..I’ll Take My Cheese with a Side of Dirt Please!My Profile

  5. Vicky

    My super power? I was recently told that I can encourage people so well that they don’t even realize that I’ve cured them of a bad habit. Sounds weird? I know. I looked at a friend so confused that she had to explian. “You can encourage m to fix how I react to my husband’s behavior in a way that I don’t even realize that you are calliing me out for acting like a jerk. I just leave our coffee date with a new way to handle my husband.” I found that complimentary… I think it was a compliment?

    i once heard a speaker say that we are mere years away from scientists discovering that a mother’s uterus is actually a homing device. If you give birth the them, you can find all their missing stuff;)
    Vicky recently posted..I’m an excellent driverMy Profile

  6. Ninja Mom

    Mine is Last Minute Memory. I may be poorly organized, but I almost always get permission forms to school on time, even if I drive them there myself.

  7. Adrienn

    Oh, the damn socks. I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I’ve got the hearing, that’s for sure. That chicken IS clucking adorable, and that cake is effing awesome.
    Adrienn recently posted..Garbage WarsMy Profile

  8. Leya

    Okay, superpower extraordinaire…how’s this…. I can make my husband, daughter, and son smile in their extreme grumbles state.

    I know their tickle weakness and I can tickle them without even touching them. I just wiggle my finger, it even works over the phone!!
    Also, somewhere on my path of life I learned how to ‘realign your chakras’. *spoiler alert* It is simply taking your finger and slowly moving it up the front of a person without touching them from their belly button to their chin. Guaranteed smile (but it only works if you believe, kinda like Santa lol) this too works over the phone. It’s true!
    It’s a fun party trick and doesn’t make me really popular when they want to stay grumpy especially with me. But I can live with that!


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