Awkward Halloween Costume Pintershizz

‘Twas the night before Halloween, And all through Ellen’s house, Not a costume was decided on, And folks were starting to grouse. On Ninja Turtles, on Minions, on Wonder Woman too. All of these were rejected, even ghosts that go “Boo!” So with nary a slim second to shave, That red and white wonder, Pinterest, […]

Catcrap Crazy Pintershizz on Pinterest

What is it about cats that makes them synonymous with crazy? Is it their aloofness or their murderous tendencies? Is it merely because of the alliteration? The term “Crazy Cat Lady” rolls off the tongue while “Crazy Dog Woman” or “Crazy Gerbil Guy” aren’t even things. Well, the gerbil guy may be a thing, but […]

Christmas Pintershizz: The Final Countdown

Sing it with us! “It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . .”  Hmmm, let’s not. How about we up the reality on this bad boy season and all download The Final Countdown? Ellen: Is it crazy that I’m stewing in jealousy because my Jewish friends checked off their holidays in one epic […]

Yarn Pintershizz is the Bomb

You know what’s popular now? Knitting and crocheting. Know how we know? Well, the internet. Duh. When memes like this start popping up in your feed, it’s time to take notice or at least write another installment of Pintershizz. Ellen: I fully acknowledge we could have gone in and made our own meme to correct […]

Oops, Ellen Pintershizzed Again: Beverage Edition 2.0

Pinterest, how we really do love thee! You make us laugh with funny little ecards like this: You send traffic to our blog from our pins like this: And you inspire Ellen to complete projects like this: Unfortunately, you also dupe Ellen into abusing her friends on New Year’s Eve with swill like this: Erin: […]

Pintershizz Mother’s Day Anti Gift Guide

We have a love hate relationship with Mother’s Day. We are both blessed to have our mothers and we adore our kids, but May is just so overwhelming. With the dances and the plays and the banquets and the tournaments and the weddings and the graduations, we feel like we could meet ourselves coming and […]

Catcrap Crazy Pintershizz

What is it about cats that makes them synonymous with crazy? Is it their aloofness or their murderous tendencies? Is it merely because of the alliteration? The term “Crazy Cat Lady” rolls off the tongue while “Crazy Dog Woman” or “Crazy Gerbil Guy” aren’t even things. Well, the gerbil guy may be a thing, but […]

Pintershizz: Buyer Be Dumb

Shopping can be fun, boring, necessary . . . or it can be frivolous. Let’s face it; it’s really the buying that gets us into trouble. Most of the time we are Sensible, but every once in awhile, there is that purchase that just makes us shake our heads and say,”What in the name of […]

Ain’t Nobody Got Time For Valentine’s Day Pintershizz

Here’s the deal. Between January 31st and February 11th, both of us have birthdays and so do our husbands, so by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around this is pretty much how we feel: Now don’t go calling us the Grinches of Valentine’s Day. We’re just tired of spending and doing by the time the […]