Tag Archives: Pinterest

Catcrap Crazy Pintershizz

What is it about cats that makes them synonymous with crazy? Is it their aloofness or their murderous tendencies? Is it merely because of the alliteration? The term “Crazy Cat Lady” rolls off the tongue while “Crazy Dog Woman” or “Crazy Gerbil Guy” aren’t even things. Well, the gerbil guy may be a thing, but we’re too afraid to Google it.

We’ve had our own run-ins with cat craziness. Heck, Erin can’t even keep the cats in her house straight. She had an imposter living with her for a while. Wait, does that qualify her as a Crazy Cat Lady or just crazy?

Either way, that story is not as crazy as some of the cat inspired items you can find on our pal Pinterest.

Catcrap Crazy Pintershizz - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

1.  Let’s start with the cat crap.

We know people live in small spaces and want to hide the litter box, but this is how we see this one playing out . . .

Imagine a Norman Rockwell perfect holiday. Everyone has feasted and now the family has settled down to play Scrabble, but wait, there is a dispute over the word “scurrilities.” You, the host, jauntily proclaim, ” I cry foul! Spellcheck doesn’t even recognize . . . FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, AUNT LINDA, THERE IS NO DICTIONARY IN THAT CABINET! Put on your glasses!”



2. You need a sharp pencil to keep score.

After almost grabbing a handful of litter box party favors, imagine the hoot Aunt Linda will get when you send her to sharpen her pencil in this gem.

Source: fab.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest



3. Tastefulness is key when decorating.

No one likes potty humor? Tell that to the whoopie cushion industry, but we can’t guarantee Aunt Linda will understand.



4. Continuing with the “Steal Your Soul” sub-theme.

Any ol’ (crazy) person can decorate in a cat theme, but it is the true genius who weaves a subtle sub-theme, drawing you in with its complexity. What would go better with the above demonic cat toilet seat than a Stepford Cat toilet brush holder?


5. Taking it to the next level.

Anybody with money to burn can buy cat themed items, but those dedicated to their decorating make their own accessories USING CAT HAIR. Imagine the chuckles “Allergic to Cats Aunt Linda” will enjoy when you tell her, “Sure I have Benadryl. It must be hard to see with your eyes swelling up like that, but it’s in the little box on the back of the toilet.” Wink, wink.

Source: etsy.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest


(If you need a laugh today, please click on this pin to see the Etsy store for this!)


6. Maybe you should issue a warning.

If you had this doormat,  maybe everyone wouldn’t be buggin’ that Aunt Linda’s trip to the ER was all your fault. Were you really to blame that she forgot her EpiPen?

we decorate with cats


7. Take your show on the road.

Maybe the problem is you’ve been hiding your light under a bushel basket. Let the world know you love cats and tell the haters to stop their wheezin’. This accessory would pump up the “Meow Factor” of any outfit.


Source: pbase.com via Sisterhood on Pinterest


8. Hold the phone!

The secret  is it’s fake! But imagine the conversations you could start with this purse! You might even get your very own personal phone call from Sarah McLachlan.


9. When subtle isn’t enough.

May we suggest the Crazy Cat Lady uniform?


10. We feel like that outfit is missing something.

Fill in your own jokes, but don’t write them in the comments. Our kids read this blog.


Finally, Aunt Linda’s Revenge . . .

This is the only gift she’ll be giving you next year.

Dead cat


-Ellen and Erin


Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.

Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.




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Facebook Follow-Up Friday #9

Because Facebook doesn’t show all of our followers all of the awesomeness all of the time we have . . .

 The “Spring Shiver” Edition

Here’s a laugh and a cringe:


Okay, here’s one to take away the cringe:

haunted house

Maybe the haunted house talk still gave you a shiver?

Ok, this one is JUST about Spring minus the shiver. Well, on second thought, spring cleaning does make us cringe.

spring cleaning


Let’s give you one more cringe:

Can you believe these nails? Exactly how does bathroom time work for this woman? And more importantly HOW could we have missed this one for our Pintershit: The Nail Polish Edition? If you haven’t read this post you really should because you’re like one of two people on the internet who hasn’t.


Thank you Alison of Writing, Wishing for pointing this out to us. In turn, we would like to point out that if you have never visited her blog, you are missing a lot. She is versatile, funny, tender, smart, and just a darn good writer.

Our Posts:

9 Mom Superpowers Plus Our Kryptonite

Hmmm, maybe we shouldn’t have revealed our kryptonite. Regrets.

9 Mom Superpowers Plus Our Kryptonite

The Sensible Sisterhood Summer Camp

You cannot miss this post. We even cracked ourselves up.

The Sensible Sisterhood Summer Camp

Where we were on the web:

Kelley of Kelley’s Breakroom spilled Erin’s purse for the internet to see. It’s only fair since Ellen exposed her soul, we mean purse, the other week. I think we can all agree that Erin has superb hygiene.


Seriously, Kelley’s Break Room is hilarious:

Check out her post. Ellen likes to call it justification for keeping every textbook she has ever owned.

This post is for all of those people out there who throw stuff away left and right, which sometimes includes, like, really important stuff belonging to someone else. Flowchart included.

We’ll leave you with this recipe:

You may not think crockpot when you think spring, but aren’t you busier than ever? This recipe is healthy, fast, and warm weather easy. Just think, no heating up the oven.

Healthy French Country Crockpot Chicken


A Big Ol’ Sisterhood Shout-Out To Our Facebook Fans!

3300 fans

 Not yet a Fan? One click will fix that!


In fact, you can follow us in all of these places.

Our Pinterest Boards are SUPER cool. We promise!

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Ellen and Erin



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Pintershit: The Nail Polish Edition

Today’s Pinterest rant is targeting nails. Full disclosure–I’m not a big fan of painting my nails. It’s not because I’m not girly or I don’t think it’s pretty. It’s just I’m a perfectionist and I can’t stand smudges or chips and my life is a smudge and chip inducing maelstrom.

Let’s talk about those smudges. The moment I become incapacitated in any way– say, my butt hits a toilet seat, my hair drips with shampoo, or my nails are freshly lacquered–a tremor in the biosphere occurs triggering an explosion of “MOM!!!!” Can’t let wet nails prevent me from saving the day.

But I’m a resourceful gal, let’s say I sneak under the radar and manage to vamp up my nails. What’s the point of all of that effort when my maelstrom of a  life hasn’t changed? A manicure doesn’t stand a chance against my to-do list of mulching the flower beds and scraping the black gunk from around the kitchen faucet. Contrary to urban legends, I use my hands for more than clicking the remote and popping bon bons.

Soooooo, just don’t paint my nails and the frustration is gone, right? WRONG! I have daughters. Daughters who are 12 and 14. Every time I call to them for assistance there is some kind of nail polishing going on. Hmm, maybe I’m THEIR tremor in the biosphere.

Me: I need these clothes folded.

Jellybean: I’m finishing the topcoat on my nails.

Me: The dishwasher needs to be unloaded.

Coco: Oooo, sorry, I just started painting my nails.

Me: The trash needs to be taken out.

Jellybean: I’m painting Coco’s nails. With stencils!

Me: Seriously, you need to clean the toilets.

Them: We’re simultaneously painting each other’s nails.

Me: I give up. I’m going to Target.

Them: Can you pick us up some base coat?

So what’s the problem? Nails dry and they can carry on. Well, the problem is Pinterest. Once again Pinterest has upped the ante.


You can’t just slap on a coat of polish and call it a day. Oh no! There must be designs and glitter and themes. Painting nails takes eleventy forevers plus two hours. My girls get to their tasks eventually, but not on my time schedule. You know that an unloaded dryer or dishwasher is the equivalent of a jackknifed tractor trailer on the chore highway. Nothing is moving along or getting done until they are cleared.

Now my heart is not made of acrylic. They do have some pretty cute results.

Free hand zebra stripes--the Sistine Chapel of nails . . . except they take longer.

Free hand zebra stripes–the Sistine Chapel of nails . . . except they take longer.


But Pinterest won’t just stop at time consuming. As always, it crosses from “Wow!” to “What the Heck?” to Pintershit in the blink of an eye.

Pintershit The Nail Polish Edition


1. Ok, THESE are the Sistine Chapel of Nails.

Who has time for this? The intricacy makes my head spin.


2. And these are the Van Gogh of Nails.

Get this woman an easel and some pastels. Talent like this should not be wasted on an art medium that is going to get wrecked the moment she has to do something major . . . like actually participate in life. Doors don’t open themselves, People. Well, unless they are automatic . . . or revolving.


3. WTF are up with these?

At least the above two examples are attractive. An utter waste of time, but attractive. These are just weird. I’m torn between two interpretations–the abstract representation of my dreams swirling out of my grasp as time marches on and choices become narrowed OR bird poop sliding down a window.


4. I think I wasted a WTF on number 3.

These are fuzzy. FUZ-ZY. I guess they would come in handy for a chronic nose picker during hay fever season. You know, because they’re extra absorbent.


5. Paying homage to my Savior on your nails?

Okay, that might be okay, but WHAT is that creature next to the baby (alien) Jesus? Is it a sheep? A pig? Chupacabra?


6. “I know what we’re gonna do today.”

Waste some time on some cartoon nails! Maybe these Phineas and Ferb nails should go a little deeper undercover; although I have to admit Perry is looking kind of sharp.


7. Let the games begin!

Oh I’m not talking about Tetris. The only game she’ll be playing is “Find the piece of mommy’s bizarre nail in the macaroni and cheese.”


8. Nails, lips, and a meme!

Extra bonus points for the nails matching the lips. That paint doesn’t look toxic. at. all. Speaking of toxic, have I been sniffing too much polish remover or does her bottom lip look like Grumpy Cat?



9. Art?

I’m assuming this is art, but I’m wishing it wasn’t. I’d be pretty careful wiping if you know what I mean.


10. I am not alone.

Robyn from Hollow Tree Ventures writes for the hilarious site Craft Fail. She shared an attempt that our friend Anna of Random Handprints made at copying a Matzoh Manicure. She eventually nailed it, but this try might be more mange than matzoh.



Oh Pinterest, you know we love you, but sometimes you lead us astray.



Pintershit Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms



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March Through the Pintershit of Ugly Sweaters

Oh, how we are ready for the heart of Spring because March is a two-faced mean girl who tricks you into wearing a Wookiee costume to prom. You begin your Saturday at the soccer field in your Under Armour fighting the 30 degree chill, only to be stripping down in the minivan by 3 PM because the 65 degree sun is simmering you in your own juices. This would be a very appropriate time to pray that the tinted windows are really all that and a bag of chips.

release-the-kraken-template-500js031710We’re more than ready to put away the woolies for another year. Packing for a day out looks like a time warp trip between the ski lodge and the Caribbean. The bonus? The added wardrobe changes feed the laundry beast to Kraken-sized insanity.

But truly,  you can only get so down because the REAL Spring is right around the corner. To pass the time before we can pack our winter garb away in our cedar chests for another season, we found some sweaters on Pinterest that deserve to be packed away forever . . . at the bottom of the landfill.

9 Pintershit Sweaters and a Bonus

1. Because an ugly sweater post should start by paying homage to the King of Ugly Sweaters.

Remember Bill Cosby as Dr. Huxtable? If not, do not speak of it. Just click the link and educate yourself – NOW! The CLIFF notes version? He wore sweaters that prompted viewers everywhere to wonder if there was something wrong with their televisions.



Cats really deserve their own genre of ugly sweaters.

2. There’s the sweet kitties swirling in a galaxy of rainbow roses.

You do remember this trend? It was right before the rainbow sweaters and ribbon barrettes and right after everyone lost their ever-lovin’ minds.




3. Nothing says “rawrrrr” like a cat dressed like a Catholic school girl.

So many levels of wrong.



4. When you really want to convey you’re crazy about cats.

WARNING: Side effects will include riding the elevator alone and hearing “Crazy Cat Lady” whispered in your wake. May also induce vomiting.


5. Be the cat toy.

When your love for cats is so strong you want to show your adoration to them and the world, dress yourself as a giant cat toy. Just remember to wear that Kevlar bra. Cat Scratch Fever is no joke.


6. When you need a hug, this sweater is there for you.

This will get you the attention you crave. It’s like walking around with your own personal motorboatin’ kitty.


But we can’t let cats have all of the fun. . .

7.  Pigs!

We’re bringing sexy back! This sweater features pigs rooting around in filth and feces! You can almost smell the seduction! As if that weren’t enough, there are little piggy tails to highlight your jowls! On second thought, forget sexy, this is birth control.




8. Let me hear you scream!

If like any reasonable adult, you feed off of the screams and terror of little children, then this sweater should be put in your quick rotation now.



9. Sometimes you feel like chicken.

When you want KFC and you know it, don’t be afraid to show it!



10. What would an edition of Pintershit be without that final WTF?



There’s More Where This Came From!

Pintershit Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

Click to read more in the Pintershit series!

  – Ellen and Erin


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March Finding the Funny

We are co-hosting that wonderful monthly link-up, Finding the Funny, with a whole slew of talented bloggers. To put it simply, we are pleased as a couple of leprechauns riding unicorns towards a rainbow leading to a pot of gold and Sour Patch Kids. Maybe we need to work on simple.

To get you in the funny mood, we’ll warm you up before you link up with:

10 Reasons Being A Kid with A Mom Who Blogs Rocks


someecards.com - My mother used to bake cookies with me...but now she blogs and I pretty much raise myself.


Two (Direct quote from Jellybean)

someecards.com - So, Mom. Is this how this blogging thing is going to go? You just stealing my genius?



someecards.com - Nows that she blogs, my mom talks to me in Twitter slang.



someecards.com - I'm not sure my mother remembers my real name anymore, so I've learned to respond to my blog alias.



someecards.com - My mom used to actually make arts and crafts with me. Now she just pins them to her Pinterest



someecards.com - Love having to wait for my mom to edit her blog one more time before I can use the computer for my book report.



someecards.com - My mom use to make me pancakes, but now I get all of the cold cereal I can forage for because she is busy making someecards.



someecards.com - Once upon a time, my mother read bedtime stories to me. Now she just reads her blogger friends' status updates.



someecards.com - I haven't had a hot meal since my mom started artfully plating and photographing every dinner for Pinterest.



someecards.com - I miss the days before the blog. You know. When I could talk to my mom without her writing down everything I say.


Is your funny bone all warmed up? Go forth and link!


Welcome to March’s

Finding the Funny!

Meet the Hosts

Anna @ My Life and Kids

Kelley @ Kelley’s Break Room

Robyn @ Hollow Tree Ventures

Kerry @ HouseTalkN

Keesha @ Mom’s New Stage

Meredith @ The Mom of the Year

Anna @ Random Handprints

Toulouse @ Toulouse and Tonic

And welcome to our new hosts!

Julie @ I Like Beer and Babies

Ellen and Erin @ Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

The Rules

Link up an old or new funny post. Link up as many times as you want (we’re serious.)

The party is open until Friday at midnight. The earlier you link up, the more clicks you’ll get.

Click around and meet the other funny bloggers that are linking up.

Follow the Finding the Funny Pinterest board. We’ll all be pinning our favorites throughout the month.

We don’t ask you to link back to us or include a button on your blog, but we do ask you to send out a tweet or post about the party on your Facebook page. Be sure to use #findingthefunny.

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Sisterhood Party Pride

We have said it before and we have to say it again: We love to party! And not just for birthdays, anniversaries, and such. Heck, if it’s a day that ends in “Y”, somebody bring the beach balls and the booze and let’s crank up the jams. Anyway, here are. . .

10 Parties That Make Us Proud


1. Irish Girls Do It in Bright Green

I just love that this Irish girl married into a Polish family with a fun-loving real-life Irish Grandmom. We love our GiGi, and all of the fabulous parties that happen on her favorite day each year!

st.patrick's day collage

2. Inside This Box is a Fabulous . . .

Road Trip. With five kids and birthdays that come in bunches, we don’t always go the traditional party route. Often times, we hit the road to celebrate. In fact, Biddie and I are still basking in the glow of our great Northeastern Adventure to celebrate her 13th birthday this past summer.

This picture is one of my favorites though. When Biddie was 10, she was obsessed with the First Ladies. Sorry, 1D! Martha Washington was her first real pin-up! Her birthday was the weekend of the Obama inauguration that year. All she wanted was to get to Washington, DC. Here she is scanning the White House windows looking for a glimpse of one of the Obama girls. Still one of my favorite birthdays ever!

White House

But other times we play it straight and we get. . .

3. The Party That Proved Just How Smart I Am!!

Eddie LOVED all things Star Wars the summer he turned four. We had a pool party and these lightsaber pool noodles were the party favor. Cheap, easy to make, and 10,000 times better than a bag of Dollar Store junk. Every mom and kid loved them! And some still have them!

But there is always a fly in the punch. Check out Eddie’s face behind his cool cupcakes. Darn kid’s ruining my boast! I swear no exorcism was required.



4. True Fans Party on Opening Day

Who parties on the opening day of the Liverpool soccer season? Maybe the family that left their North Caroline beach vacation early to see them play on American soil last summer. This might be taking the term Soccer Mom to a whole new level, but I don’t care. I’m hoping these crazy family traditions are gonna be the things that get these kids home for a visit every once in a while after the big, wide world scatters them to the winds.



5. 40 IS Fabulous!

Especially when you do it Sisterhood Style. We always treat our buddies well on their special day, but this party for our friend Lauri was the best! We went kayaking on the river near her house. Her family even had it planned for us to paddle up to a dock for some beverages and snacks along the way. Kind of like a Kayak Crawl.




Erin’s proud party moments turned out just like her: all over the place and fabulous. I’m going to stick to the traditional  birthday party genre. We take the mantra “Go big or go home” to heart around here when it comes to celebrating those special days.

1. Pandamonium

I love to have my house stuffed with happy girls.  I also love our family tradition where the birthday girl gets her very own personalized cake to dive into with abandon. The theme for Jellybean’s 12th birthday was pandas, so with 13 girls sleeping over, it was pandamonium. Get it??

Panda Collage Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

2. Monkey Business

In fact, this is the party where the personal birthday cake tradition was born by chance. So take that Pinterest. I was able to develop fun family rituals long before you rolled up on the scene.

Monkey Cake Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

3.  Letting the Cat Out of The Bag

Jellybean got our cat Sparkle for her 6th birthday. Imagine my delight when she came downstairs ready for her indoor bounce house party dressed in her kitty cat Halloween costume. Melt.

The Kitty Cat Collage Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms


4. Ginormous Water Slide For The Win

I LOVE throwing little kid birthday parties. Coed teenager parties make my palms clammy. For our first one, I got this huge water slide as a distraction. I should have thought about the bathing suit factor.

Water Slide Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

5. Back to the Good Ol’ Days

Alright, let’s forget the teen years, I’m starting to break out in hives. Let’s go back to when all I had to do was transform our basement into the American Idol sound stage. And upon review, I apparently also transformed our backyard into a superstar themed obstacle course for about a bazillion little girls. Did I mention “Go big or go home”?

Superstar Birthday Collage


In case all of this party pride is making you a little nauseous, don’t forget the New Year’s Eve when Ellen made everyone actually gag with this little gem of a Pintershit drink.

Taste Testers


Also, don’t forget to check out the other bloggers over at Monday Listicles who responded to Stasha’s prompt 10 THINGS YOU ARE PROUD OF. Feel free to join in on the fun.


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Facebook Follow-Up Friday #3

  Because Facebook doesn’t show all of our followers all of the awesomeness all of the time we have . . .


And Then What Happened:

When you ask a question, be prepared for a million answers. It was just a simple question, really. Well, the responses came flooding in like a commode that’s been crammed with toilet paper, Legos, and Matchbox cars by a wayward potty training toddler. To see all of the responses just click the picture.

Recipe We Shared:

Black Bean Soup

Let us all have a moment of silence for another one of Erin’s blenders. She wore it out making yet another pot of this awesome soup. Perfect for this time of year.

Ecard People Loved:

knowledge vs, wisdom


Posts to Catch Up On:

A break from our usual fare but definitely worth a read. Erin writes about two little boys and how they helped each other through a fire that destroyed a home in her neighborhood.
The next edition in our Pintershit series. Crazy things people will buy, including these two Sensible Moms.
You may think you are almost past Mom Brain when you get that baby to sleep through the night, but we have news for you: It. Never. Ends. The upside? The radius of destruction starts to stretch farther than the waistband of those maternity jeans you dumped off at Goodwill. Oh wait, that’s not good either.


Funny Photo:

‘Cause squirrels are funny, yo.

handling it

Just Because . . .

Erin loves Downton Abbey. And this is so, so funny.
send in pledge
Any of this look good to you? Head on over to our Facebook Page and see what’s going on right now!


And this may be crossing the streams, but guess who has been tapped as being Pinteresting?

Is it really taking you that long to guess?

It’s us!

Click the badge to be whisked away to a Pinterest board filled with some on the best, most entertaining writing on the Internet.

Click it like you mean it!

Be whisked! 

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Pintershizz: Buyer Be Dumb

Shopping can be fun, boring, necessary . . . or it can be frivolous. Let’s face it; it’s really the buying that gets us into trouble. Most of the time we are Sensible, but every once in awhile, there is that purchase that just makes us shake our heads and say,”What in the name of all that is rational were we thinking?”

Erin: We’re not talking about an impractical splurge like this:



Ellen: Yeah, these are ridiculously pricey, don’t really rock out with yoga pants, and would inflame my plantar fasciitis, but at least they can be hidden in a closet.

Erin: These shoes are so expensive I would probably have to display them on my mantle for the next decade and call them art to justify delving into the college funds for them. On second thought, my youngest is five,  and they probably won’t even be using books by the time he goes. 

Ellen: It’s really cute we’re talking about these shoes as a hypothetical bad purchase when I have THIS actually in my house:


We like to call it The Monster Bed: Where blankets and stuffed animals come to party.


Erin: That is one big, fabulous bed. I’m not seeing the problem.

Ellen: I feel like I should size the picture so that it spills over into the margins. You know, so that you get a visceral feel for how massive The Monster Bed really feels in my daughter Jellybean’s (12) room. This is as much of the bed as I could get in the frame because, as it was, my back was pressed against the wall.

Erin: But she LOVES that bed.

Ellen: But at some point she is going to move out and then we are stuck. It can’t be a guest bed, because getting into that thing as an adult is AWKWARD. The way the steps are arranged  makes you have to hunch over and crawl up there like a hobbit. Grandma could never make it up there.

And it weighs a gazillion pounds. She wants her room repainted, but this bed can’t be moved. We are actually just going to paint around it. That makes me shudder.

Erin: If you squint your eyes, that idea might actually pass for Sensible. It would be easier just to deal with the wonky paint job when you finally get that thing outta there by taking a sledgehammer to it and throwing it out the window. Remind me again why you bought it?

Ellen: Well, mainly because Jellybean needed a bed since we had whisked her daybed down to the newly finished basement, but really because she fell in LOVE with it. I justified the purchase because of the storage possibilities.

Erin: Jellybean is a good girl, she deserved it.  Those drawers are fabulous.

Ellen: It can’t be justified. This is what we use them for:

Where candy goes to rot. She doesn’t so much like to EAT the candy as to HAVE the candy.


Erin: You know what would make you feel better? A good ol’ round of Pintershizz. There are much dumber things to buy for the home than Monster Beds that bring your children joy.

Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.

Laugh at the whole Pintershizz series here.


9 Things Pintershizz That Put Your Insensibility On Display

(Working Title in Japan: How to Have Fun With Grandma)

1. Actually Have Your Children Swinging From the Ceiling

Ellen: Really!?! That’s my basement.

Erin: I just thought it would be helpful to point out The Monster Bed was not alone in your house.

Ellen: Weird. Helpful is not the word that came to mind.




2. Chairs That Look Like Something the Cat Coughed Up

Erin: Okay, all poking at you aside, how about this one?

Ellen: Now that is Pintershizz! I wonder if you need a distemper shot to sit in it.




3. Chairs That Force You to Use the Words “Phallic Symbol”

Erin: Here, Grandma, we saved a special seat just for you!

Ellen: Gives a new dimension to awkward family moments.


4. Fridge of the Future

Erin: You just place your food in the gel to keep it cold. How could this not be a fabulous addition to a household with kids?

Ellen: I’m going to start working on the baby proofing for this now! We’ll be rich!

The Blob Refrigerator

Source: yankodesign.com via Mary on Pinterest


5. The Bathmat That’s Bringing The Feel of Outdoor Plumbing Back

Ellen: A bathmat for those of us who don’t have enough dirt, mold, and mildew in our bathrooms already.

Erin: Super duper shiny bright side? It can double as a litter box.

Moss Matt



6. Because It’s Easiest to Find Pintershizz in the Bathroom

Erin: Yep, this toilet seat  scale weighs you “Before” and “After.”

Ellen: Gives scientific quantification to the term “Dropping a load.”  Yet another thing for Grandma to enjoy at your house.

Toilet Seat

Source: yankodesign.com via Sara on Pinterest



7.  When You Want Agility to Be the Gauge for Who Can Use Your Facilities

Ellen: Grandma would be s*** out of luck with this rodeo toilet.

Erin: Waa waa.

Rodeo Toilet

Source: jwz.org via Sisterhood on Pinterest


8. For the Animal Lover/Contagion Fan

Ellen: Have you ever wanted to pretend you worked in a Biohazard lab while washing your dog? Want no more!

Erin: I’m sure you could use it with kids too. Nothing wrong with wrapping your kids in plastic while lovingly bathing them.

Ellen: Plus picture this curtain WITHOUT someone’s arms in it. Opens up the opportunity to explain to Grandma why your shower curtain looks like a giant tandem prophylactic.

Contagion Shower Curtain

Source: solutions.com via RaVae on Pinterest



9. One of These Pins is Not Like the Other

Ellen: We’ve had a good time presenting home products, but sometimes you have to twist the theme to accomplish a goal: like poking fun at your blogging buddy. We began this post at my expense, but we’re ending it at Erin’s.

Erin: You do know I’m right here? What are you talking about?

Ellen: I’m referring to when you asked me where to get a laser pointer, aka “Blinding Device”.

Erin: Well, it is for Science Olympiad for my middle boys—refraction and mirrors and all that. It’s so cool . . .

Ellen: What did your homeschooling neighbor say when you asked her if she had one?

Erin: I believe her exact words were, “Are you crazy!?!”

Ellen: Well I found the pointer for you. If you’re going to go that way, you might as well go full on Pintershizz.

Laser scissors

Source: thinkgeek.com via Carmen on Pinterest


Erin: Wow.

Ellen: Just tell the boys not to run with them. I’m sure it’ll be fine.


 -Ellen and Erin

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Ain’t Nobody Got Time For Valentine’s Day Pintershizz

Here’s the deal. Between January 31st and February 11th, both of us have birthdays and so do our husbands, so by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around this is pretty much how we feel:

Now don’t go calling us the Grinches of Valentine’s Day. We’re just tired of spending and doing by the time the 14th rolls round. Seriously, it’s hard enough mustering enthusiasm for birthdays once you high-five forty, but birthdays lurking along less than 50 days after Christmas? Meh. And then Valentine’s Day about a week later? Well, Sweet Brown up there expressed it best. We’re turning to our old pal Pintershizz to find —

10 Things Pintershizz We Don’t Have Time For on Valentine’s Day

10 Things Pintershizz We Don't Have Time For on Valentine's Day - Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms

1. Going out to dinner.

Does this surprise you? In theory it sounds good and we do love date nights with our husbands. However, Valentine’s Day is like amateur night: the menus are often fixed, the prices are hiked, and the service is lousy because the poor wait staff is running ragged fluttering those rose petals over champagne toasts. Give us a random Friday night out instead and we’ll swoon. Plus, Ellen still hasn’t gotten over the memory of the V-Day about 21 years ago when she and her husband got the worst case of food poisoning they have ever endured. The restaurant was named Il Fiore, but will forever be known as The ILL Fiore to Ellen and Frank.

Pinterest source

You might consider al fresco dining as a way to beat the crowds, but it is February, People. A table for two outside can quickly turn into  gurneys for two in the Emergency Room. Because frostbite. Unless you’re in the tropics and then why are you reading this post? It’ gorgeous, get outside. Pinterest source.

2. Flowers

Okay, now maybe we ARE vying for the title of  “Grinches of Valentine’s Day,” but flowers on V-day just seem so trite, and well, easy. And oh my goodness, they are expensive. Just surprise us with daisies on a random day in June and use the rest of the flower fund to make us some spare keys for our vans so we have a 60% chance of getting out of the house on time.

Pinterest source

Get a bonus King Kong sized box of Claritin if you order right now with promo code: thismakesmethinkyouareguiltyaboutsomething. Pinterest source.

3. Torture devices passing as sexy

Okay, we like sexy just as much as the next girl, but if it is going to cause us the discomfort of a thousand cactus needles being shoved under our fingernails while simultaneously enduring Justin Beiber piped directly into our craniums, then you can just throw that mess onto the Pintershit pile, too.

Pinterest source

On second thought, maybe these will keep Pushy Peggy from running up on our junk in the Walmart checkout line. Pinterest source.

4. Lingerie

C’mon. Who’s the lingerie really for? Is it really a gift for us? See above if you’ve forgotten that quickly how we feel about sexy items passing for torture devices. Take Granny’s advice—nothing says sexy louder than a girl who is comfortable in her own skin panties—emphasis on the comfortable.

Bridget Jones

Is it underwear or washable birth control? Pinterest source.

5. Man Costumes

No!! Just because we said that lingerie was not exactly a gift for us, we didn’t mean our men had to dress up! This does not qualify as a gift either . . . although there is the gift of laughter to consider.

Pinterest source.

Want to see my toaster streudal? Pinterest source.

6. Geekery Fashion

We know we’ve just been yucking it up with the granny panties and with lederhosen, but Valentine’s Day really isn’t the time for gag gifts. If it makes you snicker in the store, just walk away or throw it on the Pintershizz bonfire.

Rubik's Cube Bag

It’s a puzzle, it’s a purse, no, it’s a bad idea. Pinterest source.

7. Things to Make Homemaking Easier

Get it together! No appliances are to be given on Valentine’s Day! Even a vacuum this cool can’t get you out of the doghouse . . . unless it comes with a FULL TIME housekeeper à la The Brady Bunch. So to clarify: any appliance without an “Alice” is Pintershizz.

Pinterest source.

The only thing that will be wanted if we receive appliances for Valentine’s Day is us . . . for murder. Pinterest source.

8. Sweets

We can hear you saying, “What is wrong with you two? What is so bad about candy on Valentine’s Day?” Well, let’s just say we’ve been working really hard trying to beat the post-40 bulge and we don’t actually want to fit into those granny panties.

Pinterest source.

Nope. No jewelry in here, only diabeetus. Pinterest source.

9. The Love Toilet

Do we really have to explain why this is Pintershizz? C’mon, you’re better than that!

Pinterest source.

What better way to spend $1400 than to pave your way to divorce court? Pinterest source.

10. The Wine Purse

What did we say about tacky gag gifts . . . wait a minute. This is pure genius! Write this one down.

Pinterest source.

Making friends at PTA meetings since 2014. Pinterest source.


So what will we accept on Valentine’s Day since we have just poo-pooed a ton of the classics and then some? Well,we’d never turn away jewelry.

Pinterest source.

Earrings always fit no matter how much Halloween/Christmas/Valentine’s Day candy you indulge in. Pinterest source.

Unless it looks like this! Get your head in the game!

Pinterest source.

Their dreams of us making supplemental income as voodoo priestesses are just gonna have to die. Maybe we could sell their baseball cards instead? Pinterest source.

The direct route to the romance-filled center of our hearts? A night away—No! A weekend away!—fully planned by our hubbies INCLUDING arrangements for the kids and pets. That last piece of planning is what makes this the true gift of romance. Can we get an “Amen”? But even the gazillion points they would earn by scheduling babysitting would be cancelled out if they took us here.

Pinterest source.

Nothing is more romantic than hanky-panky in a drainpipe. Pinterest source.


Happy Valentine’s Day from the oh-so-easy-to-please Sensible Sisterhood!


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Check out our books, “I Just Want to Be Alone” and “You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth.”

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